Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 892: : The power of the camp

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! A cavalry from the Xiliang Army shoots to death, the shield soldier in front is not in his eyes, the speed at which the horse charges up , Enough to knock these shield soldiers into the air, even though the shields in these soldiers' hands were larger than usual.

What surprised the cavalry of the Xiliang Army was that after the horse smashed into the shield, they did not imagine that the horse was as powerful as a bamboo. On the contrary, the horse could not withstand the force of the collision. , The two spears came towards him and the war horse respectively.

The cavalrymen of the Xiliang Army even heard the sound of spears pierced into their flesh. The horses were in pain, and they looked crazy, just a few bumps, and they shook the cavalry off the horses.

This situation can be seen everywhere on the battlefield. The soldiers who resisted the first round of the cavalry charge did a good job, and the unexpected attack method of the trapped camp caused the Xiliang army cavalry to suffer a lot. The cavalry faced the infantry. At the time, it is inevitable that there will be a psychological advantage, and this psychological advantage will evolve into disdain and arrogance.

The soldiers in front are constantly resisting the attack of the cavalry. The archers in the camp are constantly shooting arrows in their hands. Their task is to give the enemy the greatest degree of shooting and killing with their bows and arrows.

Zhang Xiu no longer had the initial high confidence and the powerful infantry of the state army, which made him have the urge to turn around and leave. Only then did he have time to look at the camp in front of the state army, and was rushed away by the cavalry through the shield soldiers. , He could see that these pawns were all wrapped in armor, and even their faces were not exposed. As a result, the arrows shot by the cavalry when they charged would hardly cause damage to the soldiers in the camp. From the battle to the present , Zhang Xiu did not even see the death of a soldier who was trapped in the camp.

This result made Zhang Xiu dumbfounded. When could the pawns become so powerful, if the pawns of the Bingzhou Army were all like this, is there still a need for this battle to go on.

"The rest of the cavalry will be killed by the general!" Zhang Xiu ordered. He saw how powerful the camp was. Since he couldn't directly break through the Union State Army, if the same effect can be achieved from the horse riding side, the same is true. It's powerful, but it's just a pawn. As long as the cavalry retreats and wants to catch up with the horse with two legs, it is simply a dream. This is also the reason why Zhang Xiu dared to charge when the cavalry was at a disadvantage in the face of the trapped camp. The goal is to defeat this combined state army, and then burn the grain and grass. It does not necessarily have to fight the combined state army to life and death.

As long as the grain and grass can be ignited, the soldiers of the state army will be uncomfortable from beginning to end, causing panic.

Zhang Xiu’s calculations are very good, but he ignored Ji Ling’s abilities and has been planning how to eliminate this cavalry. How could Ji Ling not respond at all. What appeared in front of the Xiliang Army was a tightly formed spearman. Behind the pikemen are the archers who are waiting in battle.

"Disperse and charge!" Zhang Xiu shouted.

When the cavalry is charging, the formation becomes loose, which can greatly reduce the loss.

The rain of arrows rushed toward the cavalry eagerly, and the cavalry of the Xiliang Army was worthy of the name of elite. After avoiding the arrows of the archers, they set up their bows and began to counterattack. Their riding skills were not weak. The help of the stirrups is even more powerful.

Ji Ling watched the loss of his pikemen and archers, and was furious. Many of these soldiers were not his original subordinates, but they were soldiers of the Union State Army. They died under the arrow rain when the enemy cavalry charged. , Ji Ling felt angry, and the most powerful force in the state army was the cavalry. When did the enemy's cavalry be so rampant.

"All the cavalry are ready to go with this general." Ji Ling shouted angrily.

There are more than a hundred cavalrymen following the heavy convoy. Except for the scouts on the battlefield who are searching for intelligence at this time, there are fewer than a hundred cavalrymen left. However, those who can take on the role of scouts on the battlefield are undoubtedly the elite cavalry in the army. NS.

Holding a three-pointed knife, Ji Ling took the lead into the Xiliang Army. Wherever he went, flesh and blood flew, and nearly a hundred cavalry who fought with Ji Ling also exploded with powerful combat effectiveness.

Zhang Xiu saw Ji Ling who was raging among the cavalry, snorted coldly, and rode forward to kill. Nearly a hundred cavalry of the combined state army could not completely block the pace of the Xiliang army's offensive, but as long as these cavalry were completely eliminated, the state The army also lost its support. As for Gao Shun's trapped camp, Zhang Xiu automatically ignored it. In the face of an invulnerable army, even if the Xiliang army's cavalry is more powerful, it is in vain.

With a three-pointed sword overturned, a cavalryman died on the spot. Ji Ling cast his gaze on Zhang Xiu, who had killed him with a horse. He felt a sense of danger from Zhang Xiu's body.

However, Ji Ling was the first fierce general under Yuan Shu’s account in the past. How could he be afraid because Zhang Xiu led his army to capture Sun People borrowed from the horse, and the three-pointed knife in Ji Ling's hand slashed towards Zhang Xiu. Come, you can faintly hear the sound of the blade tearing the air.

Zhang Xiu let out a loud shout, stabbing the three-pointed knife with the spear in his hand.

With a "ding", the spear in Zhang Xiu's hand happened to pierce the surface of the three-pointed knife. Even if Ji Ling saw it, he was still a little shocked. Zhang Xiu's martial arts can have such an eye on such a chaotic battlefield. Absolutely powerful.

Ji Ling swung his sword towards Zhang Xiu’s chest, and changed his moves extremely fast. This is also Ji Ling’s years of experience in rushing and killing on the battlefield. If he wants to behead the enemy as quickly as possible, he must use his moves. Taking the lead, Zhang Xiu's cut was blocked just now. Who can gain the upper hand faster at this time has a great influence on the next battle.

But seeing the spear in Zhang Xiu's hand, the three-pointed knife, which was originally powerful, changed its direction.

Zhang Xiu was shocked by the strength that had just passed through the tip of the spear. He didn't expect Ji Ling to be so strong, so he didn't plan to confront Ji Ling head-on.

On the battlefield, the Xiliang Army cavalry was completely entangled with the Bingzhou Army, while the Liangcao convoy was unattended. The people in the convoy were trembling and watching the battlefield. They knew that if the enemy army won, they might be greeted. massacre.

It seems that they are aware of the power of the trapped camp. The cavalry of the Xiliang Army no longer chooses to collide with the trapped camp head-on. Instead, they cast their eyes on the infantry behind the trapped camp. The cavalry is very fast on the battlefield and bypasses the trapped camp. It's easy.

While gaining absolute defense, what is lost is speed. Once the cavalry of the Xiliang Army detours, it is difficult for the camp to catch up.

As the two sides struggled to separate, billowing dust and smoke appeared on the left and right sides of the team.

(End of this chapter)

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