Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 895: : Zhao Yun said Zhang Xiu

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The two guns intersected, and a little spark sputtered, but Zhang Xiu felt tremendous pressure through the strength of the spear. Zhao Yun's power was actually stronger than during the previous battle. It can be seen that Zhao Yun was useless in the previous battle. try best.

When the Xiliang cavalry was dead and wounded, the flying cavalry soldiers consciously retreated to the side, quietly watching the two fighting in the arena.

It is undeniable that Zhang Xiu's marksmanship is superb. When facing crisis several times, he relied on exquisite moves to resolve the crisis.

After thirty rounds, Zhao Yun had already found out Zhang Xiu’s strength and was even more sure that Zhang Xiu’s marksmanship was the same as his own, but his marksmanship had added some ideas. Besides, he joined the state army with fierce generals like clouds, Zhao Yun and them learned martial arts. Time is also able to find its own shortcomings.

The two horses separated, Zhang Xiu's complexion turned red, and the hands holding the spear were shaking slightly.

"Who are you?" Zhang Xiu's eyes were tight, Zhao Yun was able to detect his marksmanship, and he naturally felt familiar with Zhao Yun's moves.

The spear in Zhao Yun's hand was raised flat, and he smiled and said, "That's a disciple of Tongyuan."

"So that's the case." Zhang Xiu nodded suddenly, and there was a hint of admiration in Zhao Yun's eyes. Zhao Yun had such a high achievement in marksmanship at a young age, which was not much better than him and Zhang Renqiang.

"If it is not bad, general Zhang is Yun's senior brother, right?" Zhao Yun put away his spear, with a look of remembrance on his face. "Master is an old man and often mentions two senior brothers."

Zhang Xiu said, "Master is okay."

Zhao Yun nodded and said: "When the cloud went down the mountain, the master was still healthy and the senior brothers were superb martial arts, why did you follow Li Yu, Guo Bang and others? Don't you know that the Han emperor died in the hands of these troubled courtiers and thieves? Conquer the rebels, why don't the brothers join in and serve for the Jin Marquis."

Zhang Xiu shook his head. After he left the division, he went to Zhang Ji’s army to serve, but things changed so quickly that he felt a sense of unpreparedness. Zhang Ji was only considered ordinary under Dong Zhuo’s account before. Generals, on such a major event as the attack on Chang'an, Li Zhang and others will definitely not discuss with Zhang Ji. Besides, Zhang Ji is still his uncle.

After the army entered Chang'an, Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu got the news that the palace was burned down and the Emperor of Han died in the rebellion. It would be impossible to say that Zhang Ji had no regrets in his heart. After all, no one wanted to bear the name of a rebel.

"Is it necessary for the seniors to follow Guo Peng and Li Ao and other rebels as tigers? With the martial arts of the seniors, they will definitely be reused under the command of the Jin Marquis. Jin Marquis is a kind and righteous generation." Zhao Yun said.

Zhang Xiu sighed: "This general has already understood that no matter where it is, it is only for their own interests."

Zhao Yun has no way to refute this sentence. The princes conquered each other for profit. It was just that the lives of the people were different. The most important thing was that a military general or a literati could perform better under the rule of the princes. Great value, can be reused.

"The brother has never been to Jinyang. When the brother arrives in Jinyang, he will understand the good intentions of the Jin Marquis." Zhao Yun said.

"If you want this general to come to Jinyang, it's up to the junior brother to have that ability." Zhang Xiu raised the spear in his hand and said slowly.

Zhao Yun was overjoyed in his heart. He knew that his words must have worked. As long as he defeated Zhang Xiu in marksmanship, he would follow him to Jinyang. The skill of watching Zhang Xiu certainly had a lot of prestige in the Xiliang Army. , Being able to get the refuge of these characters is also a great blow to the army in Gaoling City.

"So, you're welcome here." Zhao Yun slammed forward, but the moves the two used to fight each other, instead of the murderous intent of the past, it is more of a sense of mutual understanding.

The reason why Zhang Xiu chose such a choice was that he didn’t want to continue to bear the name of rebellion. Being rebellious would not benefit him and Zhang Ji at all. Unsurprisingly, the cavalry who fought in the city would have been wiped out. At this time, Gaoling had come to an end. At this time, Guo Pan, Li Zhang and others dare not send troops to Gaoling at this time. They are afraid of joining the state army.

After taking refuge in Lu Bu, they got rid of the name of rebellion.

After dozens of closes, Zhang Xiu closed his arms and clasped his fists, saying: "The junior brothers are exquisite in martial arts, admire and admire them."

"So, brother is willing to go back to the army." Zhao Yun smiled.

Zhang Xiu hesitated for a while, nodded, and discussed martial arts with Zhao Yun, not only for his curiosity about Zhao Yun's martial arts, but also to show his martial arts. A military commander can best appreciate the martial arts.

"If there are seniors coming to vote, the Lord Lord will be overjoyed." Zhao Yun said.

The Xiliang Army cavalry on the battlefield panicked like mourning dogs. After dispersing, more cavalry fled in the direction of Gaoling.

When Zhao Yun led the cavalry to the Ji Ling army, the battlefield had been Zhao, wasn't this the rebel general who led the army before? "Ji Ling noticed Zhang Xiu next to Zhao Yun and said in surprise that Zhang Xiu's martial arts left a deep impression on him.

Zhao Yun introduced: "General Ji, Zhang Xiunai is the senior of this general and wants to take refuge in Jin Hou."

Ji Ling laughed and said, "This is how the army has to add another strong general."

Zhang Xiu asked: "Before there was an infantryman, which abruptly blocked our cavalry. I don't know which general is under?" Zhang Xiu has a strong curiosity about the commander of this team.

"It must be the camp of General Gaoshun that blocks the cavalry under the brother's command." Zhao Yun said, in the Bingzhou Army, the only soldiers who can be so powerful are in the camp.

"I don't want the camp to be so powerful." Zhang Xiu murmured. As a general of the Xiliang Army, he had naturally heard of the name of the camp. However, the camp at this time was even more powerful than the legend.

"This is General Gao Shun." Seeing Gao Shun coming, Ji Ling hurriedly introduced Zhang Xiu.

The jealous enemy who was still killed just now, in a blink of an eye, turned into a robe, which made Zhang Xiu a little uncomfortable, but Zhang Xiu was a bold man. After talking to the two, Zhao Yun persuaded him from the side. Let go of the grudge in my heart.

In the Bingzhou Army, I was overjoyed to learn that Zhao Yun had won a complete victory and brought back Zhang Xiu, the leader of the enemy army. In history, Zhang Xiu was also a celebrity. Zhang Xiu is Zhang Ji and his nephew. With Zhang Xiu's refuge, He Chou can't persuade Zhang Ji to open the city gate and obtain Gaoling without blood. This is the greatest shock for the rebels in Chang'an.

"Leave camp with Benhou to welcome Zilong's triumphant victory." Lu Bu smiled.

With horses galloping, Zhao Yunyao saw the dense silhouettes of people outside the camp, knowing that someone from the army came to greet him.

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