Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 896: : Zhang Xiu surrendered

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"Brother, the lord has sent someone to greet us."

As soon as Zhao Yun's voice fell, a cavalry slapped his horse and shouted: "General Zhao, the lieutenant general led by Jin Hou is waiting for the general outside the camp."

Zhao Yun's heart was shocked, and Lü Bu personally led the lieutenant general to greet him. What a privilege this is, and this kind of treatment has never been enjoyed by other generals.

"Send orders, speed up." Zhao Yun ordered.

With an arrow's distance from Lu Bu, Zhao Yun turned over and dismounted, handed the horse to the soldier aside, and walked up quickly with Zhang Xiu.

"The final general, He Dehe Neng, please trouble the lord to come out to greet him in person." Zhao Yun knelt down on one knee.

Lu Bu kindly helped Zhao Yun up and said, "Zilong's ability to defeat the enemy this time is a great accomplishment. Benhou is just walking out of the camp, it's not worth mentioning."

Having said that, the lieutenant general could feel Lu Bu's attention to Zhao Yun.

"Lord, this is Zhang Xiu, and he is also a fellow senior." Zhao Yun solemnly introduced, for fear that Zhang Xiu could not attract Lu Bu's attention.

"The defeated general Zhang Xiu has seen the Marquis of Jin." Zhang Xiu clasped his fist.

Lu Bu looked at Zhang Xiu with a smile and said, "General Zhang and Zilong are brothers in the same school, so there is no need to be so polite."

At this time, Zhang Xiu had time to look at Lu Bu, not mentioning anything else. Only the height of more than nine feet gave people a sense of looking up. From Lu Bu's body, he felt the aura of no anger and prestige. He also didn't see Li Yu and Guo Bang's body.

After entering the camp, Lu Bu turned his attention to Zhang Xiu.

Zhang Xiu, who is eight feet tall, stands out among the crowd. Through Zhang Xiu’s expression, Lu Bu feels a strong confidence. This is the confidence of a military commander in his own martial arts. Judging from the situation of the battle on the battlefield, Zhang Xiu is a resourceful person, but this kind of resourcefulness seems a little fragile in front of the flying eagle soldiers who are responsible for inquiring about the news. Otherwise, they might really let Zhang Xiu succeed. NS.

There cannot be too many soldiers escorting food and grass. These soldiers are mainly for deterring the younger generation along the way. With little negligence, even if there are such powerful existences as trapped camps in the convoy, they will suffer a big loss. Besides, Bingzhou was in absolute advantage at that time. Who would have thought that at this time the defenders in the city would dare to send cavalry to looting the food and grass of the Bingzhou army.

"General Zhang doesn't need to be polite. Benhou and Zilong are brothers. Since you go out of the same house with Zilong, you are not an outsider." Lu Bu laughed.

Zhang Xiu's heart moved. He didn't know about Zhao Yun and Lu Bu's worship before. From this, we can see how high Zhao Yun's status is in Lu Bu's heart.

"Jin Hou can be called Xia Youwei." Zhang Xiu clasped his fist.

Lu Bu frowned slightly. From Zhang Xiu's claim that he hadn't really made a decision, he immediately thought of Zhang Ji in the city and felt relieved.

Seeing Lv Bu's gaze, Jia Xu said: "General Zhang is also a famous warrior in the Xiliang Army. The Marquis of Jin has come here in good faith. If the defenders in the city are willing to open the city gate to take refuge, the state army will not be embarrassed. Otherwise, once the army breaks through Gaoling, the defenders in the city will suffer. General Zhang has been on the battlefield during this period, and may not know the situation of Gaoling very well. After several days of siege by the Bingzhou army, the moat outside Gaoling City It has been filled."

Zhang Xiu heard that his complexion changed greatly, Gaoling City was high and deep, and the state army was able to fill the moat in such a short period of time, which was extremely unfavorable for the defenders.

Without waiting for Zhang Xiu's answer, Jia Xu continued: "Does General Zhang know how long it took the Bingzhou Army to fill the moat? In less than five days, the Bingzhou Army only lost more than a hundred soldiers. In comparison, The situation of the defenders is not so good. General Zhang went to the outside of Gaoling City and knew it."

Zhang Xiu's expression is no longer calm. Lu Bu sees his intentions in person and only needs to think deeply. After many years in Zuo Fengyi, he is not only a fierce general who knows how to fight on the battlefield. He wants to let Zhang Ji open the city. If he joins the Bingzhou Army, Lv Bu must take advantage of it. Otherwise, even if he promises Lv Bu to enter the city, it will be difficult for him to succeed. However, the situation in the city at this time gave Zhang Xiu more thoughts. From Jia Xu's brief In his words, he could feel the crisis of Gaoling.

"General Zhang is also a rare talent. If you take refuge in your Majesty, in time, the Bingzhou Army will have a place for you." Lu Buyan looked at Zhang Xiu quietly.

Zhao Yun naturally felt dissatisfaction from Lu Bu's tone. Only then did he remember that Zhang Xiu had only promised to follow him to meet Lu Bu, and did not say anything about refuge.

"Zhang Xiu in a humble position, I have seen the Marquis of Jin." Zhang Xiu solemnly bowed.

After a while, Lu Bu stepped forward and helped Zhang Xiu up.

Zhang Xiu said: "Jin is willing to go to the city for a while and persuade Zhang Ji and Fan Chou to open the city gate."

Lü Bu nodded, "Safety is the most important thing to do. The little Gaoling prince didn’t care about it. If he didn’t want more soldiers and civilians to die in the war, Gaoling City must be his prince at this time.”

Zhang Xiu said yes, but he felt a little disapproving in his heart. He knew the strength of Gaoling. Even though the Bingzhou Army had such a weapon as the Thunderbolt, it would not be easy to break Gaoling in a short time, and there were thousands of defenders in the city, Zhang Ji He and Fan Chou are not even incompetent.

However, after seeing Gaoling City, Zhang Xiu was taken aback again. The originally slightly majestic city had become pits and pits at this time. Against the backdrop of the setting sun, Zhang Xiu felt broken.

Zhang Xiu cleared up his mood, and immediately said, "Listen, the guard in the city. I am Zhang Xiu. Open the city gate quickly."

The defender in the city had already noticed Zhang Xiu who was riding his horse. At this time, the situation of the defending army was not excessive to describe the situation of the defending army. After the car stopped, they were worried about the siege from the Union State Army, and the Jinglan in the State Army left a deep impression on the defenders. If the Perak car was a deterrent, then the existence of Jinglan was for the defenders. It was a massacre.

They were originally vulnerable under the Thunderbolt, but they seemed to have neglected to defend the city in a hurry, but the archers on Jinglan harvested their lives at this time. It can be said that they are invincible. Fortunately, Zhang Ji and Fan Chou are in the army. With high prestige, he did not fall into the city's successive siege by the Union State Army.

"General Zhang is back." After the guard saw that it was Zhang Xiu, he shouted excitedly. With his superb martial arts, Zhang Xiu has a high prestige in the army. Zhang Xiu's return is huge for the defending army. Uplifting.

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