Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 897: : Zhang Xiu persuades Zhang Ji

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"General, why did General Zhang come back alone?" a school lieutenant went up and wondered.

The guard also saw that something was wrong. Zhang Xiu had taken 90% of the cavalry out of the city, but now he returned to the city on his own. The whole thing seemed strange.

"General Zhang, wait a minute, and I will go to the army to inform the two generals." The guard winked at the school lieutenant, and ran down the city wall quickly.

Seeing this, Zhang Xiu was not angry and waited quietly at the city gate.

After half an hour, Zhang Ji and Fan Chou hurried to the city under the leadership of the guard.

"Quickly open the city gate and let Youwei enter the city." Zhang Ji hurriedly said, regardless of whether Zhang Xiu went out of the city a failure or victory, he was always his nephew, and Zhang Ji did not have a son, and always regarded Zhang Xiu as his own child. Look.

Fan Chou frowned slightly, but didn't say much. Zhang Xiu returned alone, which explained everything to a certain extent.

Zhang Ji and Fan Chou were very depressed during this period. They clearly occupied the advantage of the city wall, but they were weak under the offensive of the Union State Army. Thousands of defenders in the city were like decorations in front of the Union State Army. The walls were finally repaired. It seemed very fragile under the Perak car. According to this situation, Gaoling City was bound to be broken within a month. The soldiers who went to Chang'an for help had sent three groups of soldiers, but they still did not see the arrival of reinforcements.

After entering the city, Zhang Ji asked: "Youwei, how are you leading the cavalry in the battle?"

Zhang Xiu looked at Zhang Ji's expectant gaze, with a look of shame on his face. "General, the humble duty is unfavorable, for the Bingzhou Army to see through, and Jin Hou sent his general Zhao Yun to lead the cavalry to chase the Xiliang cavalry, leading to the defeat of the Xiliang cavalry. "

Fan Chou said in surprise: "I failed the first shot? How did Jinhou learn that there were Xiliang cavalry on the battlefield?"

Looking at the two people's puzzled eyes, Zhang Xiu talked about the situation on the battlefield, including being defeated by Zhao Yun.

"Since General Zhang was defeated by Zhao Yun, how can he return to the city calmly?" Fan Chou looked vigilant. There were some contradictions between him and Zhang Ji. It was only because of the arrival of the Union State Army that Gaoling was in danger, so the contradiction was temporarily put aside. , And he has always been vigilant towards Zhang Ji's nephew.

Zhang Xiu said: "Originally, the humble position was a belief in death. Who knows that Zhao Yun was recognized as the junior of the humble position, so he followed Zhao Yun to the Bingzhou Army. The humble position had already agreed to join the Marquis of Jin, but now it is going to the city. To persuade them."

Seeing Zhang Xiu directly stated his purpose, Fan Chou fell into silence. If Zhang Xiu had such words before the fight, he would definitely stand up. However, the situation at this time made him unable to stand up. The military situation is worrying. Once the city is broken for the Bingzhou Army, where will he go, and Chang’an’s reinforcements also feels he can’t count on him. At this time, how could Guo Ben and Li Wei risk their support? Bang and Li Hao also believed that they would not open the door to surrender, mainly because their identities were kept there. Who would dare to close the rebels who killed the Emperor of Han? This is also the confidence of Li Wei and Guo Ben.

"I don't know what are the benefits after taking refuge in Jinhou?" Fan Chou asked. If Lu Bu offered sufficient conditions, he would not refuse. Gao Ling was already at the end of the force. If there is no foreign aid, it will be broken by Lu Bu sooner or later.

Zhang Xiu said slowly: "The Marquis of Jin said that if he is willing to open the gate to welcome the army into the city, he will tell the saints about the matter, and will not hold the Xiliang army accountable, and the next two generals will also be under the command of the Marquis of Jin. general."

For Zhang Xiu’s answer, Mo said that Fan Chou was not satisfied, and even Zhang Ji frowned, because Lu Bu didn’t know what kind of position they would get. Becoming a general under Jin Hou did get rid of their rebel status. , However, after arriving at Bingzhou, the two did not want to lose the power in their hands so early, a general, once the military power in his hand was removed, it would become worthless.

As if seeing the two people’s misgivings, Zhang Ji explained the system of the Union State Army. It was when he heard about the Union State Army’s system that he still found it unbelievable. Under the State Army’s system, it was fair to ordinary soldiers. With enough ability, even ordinary soldiers have the opportunity to become high-ranking generals, but for generals of average ability, it is not so good.

If Fan Chou, who has been in a high position for a long time, has been rushed on the battlefield, he has lost all his skills.

"If that's the case, this general would rather die, rather than take refuge in Jinhou." Fan Chou snorted coldly.

Zhang Xiu said: "Does General Fan want to become a rebel of tens of thousands of people in the future? Even if he can defend Chang'an, General Fan has thought about future generations."

Fan Chou was silent when he heard this. Although Zuo Fengyi's life was very chic, but the price he had to bear was also huge, and the issue involving younger generations couldn't help but he didn't take it seriously.

"This matter is important, General Rong Ben will go back and think about it." Fan Chou said.

"I also hope that General Fan will make an early decision. Jin Hou is waiting for a reply from his humble position." Zhang Xiu said: "Jin Hou said that a real attack on Gaoling will be launched in one day."

After Fan Chou left, Zhang Ji turned his gaze to Zhang Xiu and asked, "The Marquis of Jin really said that?"

Zhang Xiu nodded. He also knew that such a promise would have great difficulties for Zhang Ji and Fan Chou to seek refuge in the Bingzhou Army. At the same time, he was also a little confused. It is said that Lu Bu wanted to let the two of them seek refuge, and he should offer sufficient conditions. Yes, after all, Fan Chou and Zhang Ji are also temporary figures. Just removing the hats of rebels from them seems a little weird, but Lu Bu did just that.

After a long time, Zhang Ji asked: "Youwei, in your opinion, what should I do?"

"The Marquis of Jin is an outstanding man. If he is his uncle, he will certainly not be embarrassed. My nephew has promised Jin Marquis to serve in the Bingzhou Army." Zhang Xiu said.

Zhang Ji's complexion slightly changed when he heard this. He still knows what Zhang Xiu is. Once he finds it, he won't change it easily, and Zhang Xi is more comprehensive in considering things. Zhang Ji agrees with this point.

"Well, this general promised to join Jinhou, just hope that as Jinhou promised, he won't embarrass the soldiers under this general." Zhang Ji said.

Zhang Xiu smiled with joy, "Uncle rest assured, Jin Marquis will not repent if he keeps his promises, but it is inevitable that there will be a very vicious generation of soldiers in the army. If Jin Marquis is found, it will definitely be punished."

Zhang Ji nodded, "This is what should be done."

"Uncle's ability is average, and Youwei's ability to follow his uncle's side is also buried in Youwei's ability. Youwei's arrival in the Bingzhou Army is also the time to make great achievements." Zhang Ji said.

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