Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 918: : Li Meng joins, the army enters Chang'an

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Li Meng has a smile on his face. He is in charge of a soldier and a soldier in the state army. There are three thousand soldiers, which is considered a man. It’s not that he doesn’t know anything about the Bingzhou Army, but he didn’t expect Jinhou to have such courage. He just took the position of a partial general to Fan Chou and Zhang Ji who had just taken refuge. Isn’t he afraid of their rebellion? .

"As long as the general returns to the army, it won't help even if Li Yu and Guo Bang send people to the army." Li Meng coldly snorted, how can he not have any means when he has been in charge of the army for many years.

"If you need help below, just make it clear." Shi A said nonchalantly.

Shi A's tone also stimulated Li Meng. If he needs help from others when he returns to his army, wouldn't it make people laugh out loud.

"No, if the general does not do this well, how can he welcome the Marquis of Jin's army into the city and prepare the Marquis of Jin? It will be clear tonight." Li Meng said.

After sending someone to protect Li Meng and returning to the army, Shi A followed Li Meng's side. If Li Meng behaved a little wrongly, Shi A would never be soft.

Let's say that after Li Meng returned to the army, he immediately summoned all the generals.

After Hu Qu, the general sent by Guo Bang, got the news, he hurriedly ordered people to inform Guo Bang, Li Zhao and others about the matter. Guo Bang and Li Zhao's plan was very clear to him. At this time, Li Meng definitely did not return to the army. In the possibility.

After Li Meng glanced at the generals in the field, he said coldly: "It is said that Li Yi and Guo Bang sent two people to the army to command the army against the Bingzhou army. Where are these two people?"

Hu Qu and Zhang Di, who had not had time to leave, were brought up by the soldiers.

"Today, the general went to the army and was condemned by Guo Bang, Li Zhang and others for no reason. The general was even imprisoned in prison. Fortunately, the general was rescued by the Bingzhou Army, and the general was spared. The general decided to open the city gate. , Welcoming Jin Marquis into the city, who has objections?" Li Meng said loudly.

Seeing that there was no answer, Li Meng nodded in satisfaction. There was a spy in the army. He was naturally unhappy, but seeing that the generals in the army still had no doubts about his orders, his expression was a little slow.

"Li Meng, you really took refuge in the Marquis of Jin, shameless person." Hu Qu cursed.

"Come here, pull these two out and beheaded to show the public." Li Meng shot the case.

Most of the soldiers stationed at the South Gate were under Li Meng's command, and reinforcements from Guo Bang and Li Zhao were quickly controlled by Li Meng's orders.

Outside the south gate, flying knights, trapped camps, and 30,000 soldiers waited in full battle. Scouts reported the situation at the south gate from time to time. Lu Bu did not expect that Jia Xu's plan would have played such a huge role, directly causing Li Meng to turn his head. Li Meng stationed at the south gate. Once Li Meng opened the city gate, it would be much easier to seize Chang'an.

This was also a siege for several days, which made the army in the city fluctuate. Li Yu and Guo Bang are no exceptions. Once they learn that Li Meng may fall to the Union State Army, one can imagine what they will be like. reaction.

The south gate that had been silent for many days slowly opened.

To show his sincerity, Li Meng personally led the general out of the city to welcome the Bingzhou army into the city.

"General Li was able to abandon the dark and turn to the light, Ben Hou was very pleased. In the future, General Li will be a general under Ben Hou." Lu Bu said, but the soldiers behind him did not hesitate at all and headed towards the city of Chang'an.

Li Meng's face was joyful when he heard this, and Lv Bu's public promises were enough to show that Lv Bu attached great importance to him. After arriving in the Bingzhou Army, his treatment must be much better than Zhang Ji and Fan Chou's. He even thought about how to show off when he saw the two in the future.

Li Meng went out to greet him personally, with a clear intention to take refuge in the city gate, which had been taken over by the entering stepmen, Lü Bu immediately ordered Feiqi to enter the city.

After Guo Bin returned to the army, he was always a little uneasy. Li Meng’s matter was not as simple as it seemed. Before Li Meng was in the area west of Chang'an, it was impossible to have too much intersection with Lu Bu. The Binzhou army has been attacking Chang'an, and the offensive at Nanmen is not weak at all.

"Could it be Jin Hou's conspiracy?" Guo Yan suddenly got up and murmured.

The more I think about it, the more I think it’s possible. Lu Bu’s military adviser is someone like Jia Xu, and if the letter is indeed Lu Bu’s approach to Li Meng, Li Meng will definitely not cover it up after reading it. When it comes to the table case, it seems that Li Meng has indeed been wronged.

Originally wanted to talk to Li Meng about this, he immediately thought of Hu Qu who was going to Li Meng’s army. He stopped. Hu Qu is a very capable general. He sent Hu Qu to Li Meng’s army for the purpose of Able to control the army in Li Meng's hands as soon as possible.

While Guo Bin was thinking about it, a guard rushed in and saw Guo Bin's deep expression. He hurriedly said: "General, the big thing is not good. Li Meng returned to the army and put Hu Qu and Zhang Dier. The general beheaded, ready to open the city gate to welcome the Union State Army into the city."

"What?" Guo Bang's expression changed dramatically. "Then Li Meng escaped into the army." This is the most incredible thing Guo Bang felt. The soldiers guarding the jail were all his and Li Zhang's cronies, and there would never be any. This kind of thing happened.

"Order the to inform Li Yi and Wang Fang." Guo Bang said eagerly. At present, the most important thing is how to defend the Union State Army. If Li Meng is determined to join the Union State Army, it is for them. It's a nightmare.

After Li Yu got the news, he was panicked, and hurriedly dispatched Yang Ding to lead the Fei Xiong army to the south gate, gritted his teeth and cursed: "Li Meng, a shameless villain, actually took refuge in the Bingzhou army. If he falls into the hands of this general in the future, You must be killed."

The city of Chang'an suddenly became chaotic, and groups of soldiers rushed in the direction of the south gate.

After replacing the soldiers guarding the city gate with the Bingzhou Army, Lu Bu turned his attention to Li Meng: "General Li, you have a better understanding of the situation in Chang'an City. If you don't, let you lead the way."

"Here." Li Meng clasped his fist, knowing in his heart that Lu Bu was worried about him and wanted to use this to deliberately consume the strength in his hands.

But things have reached the point where it is now, even if he repents, it is too late, so he can only obediently obey Lu Bu's orders.

Li Meng led five thousand soldiers to the city, and met Guo Bang's soldiers and horses on the way.

Through the flames, Guo Ben noticed Li Meng and yelled: "Li Meng, you shameless person, you actually took refuge in the Bingzhou Army."

Li Meng coldly snorted: "This general is not forced by you villains."

Guo Bang led the soldiers to rush for a while. After receiving the news that the Bingzhou Army was killing, he retired. Although he had not seen the strength of the Bingzhou Army, there were more than 50,000 people in the Bingzhou Army. Once he entered the city , The defenders in the city lost their greatest advantage. It was inevitable that Chang'an would be destroyed. He could not die in the city together with Li Zhang and others. As long as he returned to Anding County, relying on Li Ru and the soldiers and horses in his hands, he Can easily occupy the Anding and Northland counties.

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(End of this chapter)

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