Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 919: : Flying Cavalry vs. Flying Bear Army

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! With this idea, Guo Bang led the soldiers to the direction of Ximen, but Li Meng did not dare to chase excessively. But there is an elite flying bear army in Bang's army.

After Zhao Yun took the lead in Feiqi into the city, he did not delay, but thought of Guo Bang's direction to kill.

And Feiqi also encountered their first group of enemies after entering the city, Fei Xiong Army.

Looking at the banner of the Flying Bear Army under the firelight, Zhao Yun's expression was a little dignified, the bright silver spear in his hand flicked, and he rode his horse to kill him.

After the fight, Zhao Yun also saw the strength of the Flying Bear Army, but the flying knights were able to entangle with the Flying Bear Army, not to mention that now, the Flying Bear Army has not experienced much fighting with the cavalry in these years. It is inevitable that it will be a little strange, but Feiqi is constantly improving.

The scimitar is raging in the Flying Bear Army. The Flying Bear Army is the elite, and the Flying Cavalry is the most elite cavalry in the Union State Army. The two sides are entangled in one place, and they are inextricably fought. However, the situation on the battlefield is more and more for the Flying Bear Army. unfavorable.

Seeing this, Guo Bin did not hesitate to lead the rest of the soldiers away. At this time, Chang'an had fallen into chaos, and staying in the city was just a dead end. As for the safety of the Flying Bear Army, Guo Bin did not have time to consider. Now, the most elite of his army is the Flying Bear Army, and only the Flying Bear Army can hold the flying cavalry.

In the army, Lu Bu got Guo Bang led his troops and walked towards Ximen, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth. Guo Bang’s plan was obvious, but Guo Bang was gone, and the state army captured Chang’an and lost a strong enemy. After arriving in stability, Li Ru will go to clean him up.

Facing the mighty flying cavalry, the flying bear army began to retreat. They have always boasted that they were the most elite in the Xiliang army, admitting that they could not beat the flying cavalry, especially after Yang Ding stabbed Zhao Yun to death, the flying bear army appeared. After a brief panic, a small half of the generals in the Flying Bear Army disobeyed Yang Ding's command, but they knew Yang Ding's force.

After the Flying Bear Army retreated, Zhao Yun did not chase and kill, but led the Flying Cavaliers to move forward. The Flying Bear Army who fled will naturally have an army from the rear to clean up.

Li Zhang, the actual controller of Chang'an City, is more anxious than anyone at this time. Chang'an is his foundation. Once Chang'an is lost, his years of asceticism will be wiped out. This is something he cannot accept. Li Zhang hated nothing more than Li Meng. If it were not for Li Meng, Chang'an would not fall into such a passive situation.

Although the Bingzhou Army and Ma Teng possessed such sharp weapons as the Thunderbolt, Li Zhang was confident enough to hold Chang'an. The height of the Chang'an city wall was not comparable to that of an ordinary city. The eight-foot-high city wall was an insurmountable barrier. The Thunderbolt is impossible to use when the soldiers are attacking the city. This time is the beginning of the real contest.

However, the advantage disappeared after the Union State Army entered the city. If the Union State Army could not be driven out, he could only start a life of fleeing.

"General, it is the enemy's cavalry." The lieutenant's tone trembled, but he saw that the flying bear army had set off not long ago, and the appearance of the enemy's cavalry now means that the flying bear army in Guo Ben's hand has been defeated. , The Flying Bear Army has a total of 2,000 cavalry, and it is the most elite existence under Li Yu.

"Kill!" Li Yi gritted his teeth, he has no retreat.

When Feiqi entered Li Chang's camp, it inevitably caused a panic. Without the power to contain the cavalry, it was not easy to block the pace of Feiqi. After he penetrated the camp, Zhao Yun was anxious to leave. His task was Completely defeated Li Chang's army.

At this time, Li Yu had six thousand steppers in his hands. Facing Feiqi, he did not have the slightest advantage at all. He could only watch Feiqi continue to wreak havoc in his camp.

"Li Zhang, don't hesitate to dismount and suffer the surrender." Wei Xu led a five-thousand-step **** to kill.

The arrival of Wei Xu was the last straw for the collapse of Li Cheng's army. They were at a disadvantage in an instant when they were superior in numbers, and there were still such powerful cavalry in the enemy army, and many soldiers began to flee.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Li Zhang led his guards and fled. As for him, it is impossible to take refuge in Lu Bu. The fate after taking refuge in Lu Bu is very likely to be sent to Jingzhou to wait for Liu Biao's destiny.

After defeating Li Chang's army, Zhao Yun divided the Feiqi into four parts, and began to hunt down the deserters in the city, while Wei Xu led the soldiers to take over the city gate.

Huang Zhong led the Lieyang archer to target the Wang Fang's army.

After receiving the news from Guo Bang's people, Wang Fang rushed to the South Gate with all his troops. At this time, he didn't think about retreating, because at this time there was no place for them in the Sanfu area except Chang'an. .

There were only 5,000 soldiers under Wang Fang's command. Among them, there were 1,000 cavalrymen. These 1,000 cavalrymen were very precious at ordinary times, and he was reluctant to let them fight easily.

"General, there are a large number of enemy cavalry in front, and there are about thousands of them."

The news from the scouts made the king no longer so calm, and the cavalry of the Union State Army began to enter the city, which meant that more Union State troops would enter the city later.

"General, what should I do?" The lieutenant's tone was full of worry.

"Kill up." Wang Fang said without hesitation. As long as he can unite with Li Rao and Guo Bang, he may drive out the Union State Army. When the mountains and rivers are not exhausted, he cannot easily surrender, even if his strength is not as good as Li Rao's. He has a lot with Guo Bang, but he has the absolute right to speak in the army, and once he joins the Bingzhou army, it means that he will lose all of this.

"Get in the camp!" Gao Shun shouted loudly, responding to the neat shouts of the soldiers in the camp.

The lieutenant’s complexion was constantly changing. He had naturally heard of the name of the trapped camp. This is an infantry that can fight against the cavalry. When encountering so many cavalry and trapped camps, is there any way for him to survive? Posture, it is clear that he wants to fight.

Suddenly drew out the saber around his waist, the sword light flashed, and the deputy general beheaded the unprepared Wang Fang and shouted: "Wang Fang wants to let the generals come forward to die. This general has already beheaded him and is determined to seek refuge in Jin. Hou, hurry up and put down the weapons in your hands."

Wang Fang's death was a great shock to the army. Many soldiers directly lost the sword in their hands when they heard the words. It was the dark night, and they had to face countless enemies. It was difficult for them to rise up courage.

"Follow General Yang's orders." The two generals echoed.

The other generals saw what was going on and restrained their soldiers.

Leaving Gao Shun to gather the soldiers who surrendered, Huang Zhong also ordered the Lieyang archers to chase down the deserters in the city. These deserters have done great harm to the people in the city, especially some soldiers. After panicking, they will inevitably do something. Things that exterminate humanity.

(End of this chapter)

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