Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 923: : Li Ruduo's stability

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Li Ru nodded, it seems that Yang Qiu has also worked **** these two cities, and the most indispensable is the family No matter how chaotic Liangzhou is at present, it is still difficult to stop the family's pace, Gaoping City is an exception.

"Then we will break through towards that first, the soldiers are very fast, and General Yang led all the cavalry in the city to make a surprise attack towards that." Li Rudao.

Yang Qiu clasped his fist and said, when he learned that Li Ru was behind Lu Bu, he didn't think about fighting against Li Ru. This was also due to his identity. Yang Qiu wanted to do more. Following Lu Bu's words, it was obvious that he had a future. Brighter.

With Yang Qiu coming forward and quickly gathering the soldiers in the city, Yang Qiu's prestige in the army was not low.

All the cavalry gathered in one place, there were more than 600 men. Yang Qiu ordered five hundred cavalrymen and headed towards that direction. For the first time leading so many cavalrymen to battle, Yang Qiu was also very energetic and settled down there. These five hundred cavalry are enough.

When the defenders facing there discovered that Yang Qiu led the cavalry rushing, the gate of the city had not been closed before the cavalry broke in, and the city fell into panic for a while.

Cao Kun, the county magistrate of Chaona, saw that the general situation was gone, and directly chose to join Yang Qiu. Originally, Yang Qiu had a strong prestige in Anding County, and the defenders of the counties were also very wary of Yang Qiu.

After staying there for five days, Li Ru led a five-thousand army to arrive. Yang Qiu and Li Rubing united and killed Gaoping.

When more than 5,000 soldiers appeared outside Gaoping City, it caused a lot of panic in the city. In recent years, Hu Ju had beaten his house and gained a huge reputation, but this time he faced no ordinary soldiers and horses.

Hu Ju, in a uniform, looked at the skewed and disorganized army outside the city, with a sneer at the corners of his mouth. It seems that this so-called elite soldier is nothing more than that. He naturally heard about Yang Qiu in Linjing. Ready to look at the situation, see that Yang Qiu's soldiers are nothing but this, Hu Ju has more thoughts.

Yang Qiu is the largest force in Anding County. If Yang Qiu can be defeated, he can take advantage of the situation to occupy Anding County. From a bandit to a general in charge of a county, Hu Ju has gradually become ambitious. I also realized the benefits of having a turf. Not only did I not have to worry about the rice issue, but I could also have more troops. The most important thing was the feeling of power in hand, which made people love it.

Yang Qiu looked at Li Ru unexplainably, and the thousands of troops who followed him could be said to be elite, but Li Ru deliberately made the soldiers appear flustered when they were flaunting their might outside the city.

"My lord, there is something unclear about the humble position." Yang Qiu said.

Li Ru smiled and said: "General Yang is going to ask the officer why he ordered the soldiers to do this? Wait and see. At night, General Yang will know."

Seeing Li Ru deliberately didn't say anything, Yang Qiu had to frown and think deeply, but after thinking about it for a long time, he still didn't know why.

Late at night, the army outside the city fell into silence, and the soldiers patrolling in the camp were also a little lazy.

After Hu Ju received the news from the scouts, the smile on his face grew stronger. Yang Qiu wanted to take Gao Ping as his own, so he would let Yang Qiu’s wishful thinking come to nothing. Hu Ju was born as a bandit. There is naturally his way to inquire about the news.

The gate of Gaoping city slowly opened at the second clock, and a group of about two thousand soldiers took advantage of the darkness to head towards the direction of Li Ru's army.

After clearing the obstacles outside the camp, Hu Ju swiped the long knife in his hand, and the two thousand soldiers rushed towards the camp. Unlike Li Ru's soldiers, many of the soldiers didn't even have armor on their bodies, through the faint light of fire. You can even see the rust on the blades in their hands. It’s not that Hu Ju didn’t pay much attention to these, but that he didn’t have the ability. How many things could he get by merely robbing the house, even though Hu Ju gradually realized the importance of the people through his deeds over the years. Sex, but the armor of the blade is still a scarce thing in the army.

After Hu Ju led the soldiers into the camp, he looked a little puzzled. It is said that such a big move by his side could not be hidden from the enemy's eyeliner. However, at this time, the camp was quiet a bit surprisingly.

"Go in!" Hu Ju hesitated a little and ordered.

At this moment, the rumble of horse hooves covered the killing of Corporal Hu Ju's sergeant.

"It's a cavalry." A soldier panicked throwing away the blade in his hand and fled to the side. Although he became Hu Ju's subordinate, the infantry had a natural fear when facing the cavalry, especially when he thought of charging. In the cavalry time, the fear from the inside out was enough to make many soldiers escape.

Hu Ju's complexion also changed drastically. Today, there are cavalry in the army outside the city. Hu Ju was still envious at the time. After breaking the enemy tonight, it would be better to get a group of horses to form cavalry. The camp must endure the anger of the cavalry.

"Let the arrows!" Hu Juju shouted, but at this time there were very few soldiers who could still follow Hu Ju's order to shoot bows and arrows.

Niu Fu led five hundred cavalrymen rumbled, like a sharp blade piercing Hu Jujun, the first reaction of more infantrymen is to avoid.

However, they can avoid the horses, but it is difficult to avoid the blades of the cavalry.

Hu Ju's complexion changed drastically, and he commanded the soldiers to stop him in a hurry, but he ignored the courage of his soldiers under the cavalry charge.

The cavalry kept raging in the army. No one could stop wherever they went. The long knife in Niu Fu's hand flew up and down, taking away the life of a famous footman. After so many years, Niu Fu finally experienced the battlefield again. The joy of going up, hiding behind the scenes, is a huge torture for Niu Fu, he is a military commander, longing for the battlefield, and now finally has a chance.

Hu Ju also noticed Niu Fu, who was invincible on the battlefield, but he didn't have the courage to step forward. If this kind of thing were placed five years ago, he would not hesitate to rush forward, but once people reached a certain position , Will cherish his life even more, and Hu Ju is no exception.

"Retreat!" Hu Ju knew that this sneak attack on the camp was a trick of the enemy, and the longer he entangled with the enemy, the more disadvantaged it would be for him.

When Hu Ju led the soldiers to retreat in the direction they came, suddenly a rumbling drum sounded behind him, and a dense crowd of soldiers blocked the way.

Under the predicament, the blood in Hu ** was also aroused. He led his soldiers and desperately escaped the siege and headed towards Gaoping City. As long as they were in Gaoping City, they would be safe.

After entering the city, Hu Ju realized that something was wrong. The soldiers in the city surrounded them. What surprised Hu Ju was the weapons and armors in the hands of these soldiers. He suddenly realized that perhaps Gaoping City had been replaced. The master.

"Those who descend will not kill!" Yang Qiu shouted loudly.

Facing the dazzling swords and guns, many soldiers threw their swords on the ground. Hu Ju deliberately resisted. When he saw the soldiers around, he quietly extinguished the idea.

(End of this chapter)

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