Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 924: : Lee? Tom Shadow Catcher?/a>

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! So easy to seize Gaoping City, Yang Qiu admires Li Ru's five-body cast, it turns out that Li Ru deliberately showed weakness outside the city, that is In order to lure Hu Ju to lead the soldiers to attack the camp, when Hu Ju was at war with the enemy, Yang Qiu followed Li Ru’s instructions and led a thousand soldiers to the outside of Gaoping City in embarrassment, claiming to be a general under Hu Ju’s command. The night was dark, and the guard didn't take a closer look, and he opened the city gate directly. Only then did Hu Ju capture Yang Qiu's life after he entered the city.

"Hu Ju, this general thought that your subordinates were all men. Unexpectedly, they were such a weak generation. After this general entered the city, they haven't started very much. These people have taken refuge in this general. Thinking that you are a human being is a big mistake." Yang Qiu laughed arrogantly. In Anding County, he thought that the biggest threat to Hu Ju was because Hu Ju's methods were there. Before the day comes, Gao Ping will not seize it.

"Huh, what kind of conspiracy and calculation skills, have the ability to kill with real swords and guns." Hu Ju furiously said.

Yang Qiu coldly snorted: "Take this general's gun, and this general will convince you to lose tonight."

Hu Ju was overjoyed in his heart. The reason why he said this was to deliberately anger Yang Qiu. As long as he could kill Yang Qiu, he would be able to control Gaoping City again. However, after the army outside the city had no commander, it was not for him to say Calculate.

Yang Qiu’s marksmanship is not weak, and Hu Ju’s swordsmanship was summed up in the fight, and compared with Yang Qiu to make a sentence, but Yang Qiu did not intend to keep his hands. Most of Hu Ju’s men were some thieves. Liu, he was about to slay Hu Ju in front of these people.

After ten times, Yang Qiu stabs Hu Ju to death with a single shot, and after a cold glance at the people, he said: "If anyone dares to commit trouble, it is the same as Hu Ju."

The soldier who threw down the blade shrank once again when he heard the words. The reason why Hu Ju has a not weak prestige in Gaoping City is more because he has a not weak martial arts, but now he was killed by Yang Qiu, and more soldiers watched. Xiang Yang Qiu's eyes were full of awe.

So far, most of Anding County belonged to Li Ru.

Just when Li Ru returned to Linjing, he also got the news that the Bingzhou Army had broken through Chang'an.

Li Ru was secretly surprised. His speed in calming Anding County was supposedly very fast. He didn't expect that Lu Bu would attack Chang'an in such a short period of time. He knew about the situation in Chang'an. Although Guo Feng, Li Zhang and others were at odds, However, when the Union State Army attacked the city, they would definitely be united as never before.

"Yang Qiu, you led three thousand soldiers to Qixian County. You must stop the defeated generals of Li Wei and Guo Bang. Now the lord has already captured Chang'an." Li Rudao.

Yang Qiu clasped his fist and said, heeding Li Ru's orders gave Yang Qiu a very comfortable feeling. For example, if he seized Gao Ping this time, he would choose a strong offense.

Furthermore, after Guo Bang fled Chang'an, he came all the way towards Qixian. As long as he occupied Qixian and contacted Li Ru, he would have a place to stay. Knowing that Li Ru's identity was his greatest support.

At this time, Guo Bang had more than 5,000 soldiers and horses. As long as An Ding and Beidi were able to rely on them, he would have more chances of winning against the Bingzhou army. Unsurprisingly, Li Cheng would definitely think of Anding County or Beidi. Coming from the county, if the two are united in one place, of course it is up to him.

However, when Guo Bang led his army to Qixian, what he saw was the closed gate and the guards waiting in battle.

"Who is the defender of the city? This general is Guo Bang, so don't hesitate to open the city gate to welcome the army into the city." Guo Bang stepped forward and shouted, he was sure that Qixian must be in Li Ru's hands at this time.

Yang Qiu walked up to the top of the city and coldly glanced at the damaged flag outside the city, and the army with some tattered armor. He coldly shouted: "What Guo Bang is not Guo Bang? This general obeyed Master Lu's order. There is no Lu Your lord’s order, no one can even think about entering the city."

"Master Lu?" Guo Bang was surprised, when did Anding County come out with the surname Lu.

"Where are Li Ru and Niu Fu?" Guo Bang shouted angrily.

It's a pity that Yang Qiu didn't buy Guo Bang's account at all. He was ordered to station in Qixian County. No army was allowed in except the Bingzhou Army. At this time, there were 4,000 defenders in the city. If it were not for Li Ruqian's advice, I'm afraid he has led his troops out of the city.

Seeing this, Guo Bun had to lead his army to station not far from Qixian County, and then sent cavalry to contact Li Ru. He did not believe that Li Ru dared to take a risk and would not let him enter Anding County.

Half a day later, Li Hao led more than two thousand remnants of defeated generals and joined Guo Bin’s soldiers. After hearing Guo Bin’s experience, Li Hao’s surprise in his heart can be imagined. Since the attack on Chang’an, Li Ru and Niu Fu have been Disappeared, I did not expect to hide in the Beidi County secretly for so many years to accumulate strength, and at the same time have a deeper fear of Guo Bang.

However, Guo Bang and Li Yi were destined to be disappointed, and none of the cavalry sent out returned.

Knowing that the situation is urgent, Guo Bang and Li Cheng decided to attack The city of Qixian was only three feet high, and the walls were weak. As long as Qixian could be captured temporarily, the army would be relieved. They didn’t even carry dry food. If they continue like this, the military will inevitably be in chaos. As a result, it is very necessary to capture Qixian County.

Let’s say that after the city of Chang’an gradually returned to stability, Lu Bu did not forget the two of Li Wei and Guo Bin who had escaped from Chang’an, so he ordered Zhao Yun to lead a flying cavalry to pursue Li Wei and Guo Bin. In the past, the death of Emperor Han had to be held accountable. And Li Yu and Guo Bang, who organized the attack on Chang'an, will undoubtedly die.

Secretly accepting Li Ru and Niu Fu is a world away from accepting Li Zhao and Guo Bang openly. At this time, the princes’ eyes are fixed on the Chang’an generation. If Li and Guo are accepted, it means that he has not released the Han room. In the eyes.

At the same time, Ma Teng got the soldiers and horses from Northland County to capture Anding County, and the wrinkles between his eyebrows deepened. He didn't expect that Zhao Yang, who had been in Northland County, was suddenly led by him. The army calmed down Anding County with lightning speed.

Although the situation in Anding County is complex, Ma Teng is determined to win. Not only that, Ma Teng also regards Longyou as his pocket. If he can occupy the three counties, his strength will be even greater, even Lu Bu. If you want to capture Hanyang, you have to weigh one or two.

However, Zhao Yang led an army to seize Anding County and undermined his plan.

The next day, Ma Teng resigned to Lu Bu.

After Lv Bu talked with Ma Teng for a long time, Ma Teng led the army and left Chang'an with satisfaction. As for Longguan, it was not handed over to the Bingzhou Army.

Lü Bu didn’t care about Ma Teng’s departure. Ma Teng attacked Chang'an for profit, and Ma Teng did not exert much effort when attacking Chang’an, but Lu Bu’s promise was extremely tempting to Ma Teng. Human.

(End of this chapter)

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