Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 925: : Winning Han Sui

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Longyou, at this time, was a piece of fat in Liangzhou, so many people were staring at this place, but Han Sui deliberately wanted to take Longyou, but Ma Teng was in the middle.

"Lord, Han Sui begs to see you." Dian Wei whispered.

Lu Bu raised his head and said, "Let Han Sui come in."

Then Lu Bu nodded slightly to Jia Xu.

After Han Sui saluted, he stood respectfully in the camp, without any overstepping.

"Premier Han, please sit down. Prefect Han is a friend of Benhou who can come from afar to help Benhou break through Chang'an." Lu Bu laughed.

Han Sui hurriedly thanked him, his expression full of respect, and in front of Lu Bu, he didn't dare to have the slightest prestige.

"I don't know if Prefect Han came in a hurry, what's the so-called?" Lu Bu asked.

Han Sui arched his hands and said: "Now Jin Hou has calmed down Chang'an, and Jincheng's affairs are busy, and there are even Qiang people in the county as a disaster. If you want to resign from Jin Hou, if you want to be a humble servant."

Lu Bu understood what Han Sui meant, saying it was a farewell job, but actually wanted to get a promise from Lu Bu. After all, Lu Bu's identity was kept there. It was much more convenient for the author to have the support of the general.

And Han Sui was certain that Ma Teng got what he wanted from Lu Bu, most likely Longyou. According to the information obtained, and now Anding County has been occupied by Zhao Yang. This is what confuses Han Sui the most, Zhao Yang’s. The bottom line is that he once sent someone to investigate, before the rise of the Zhao family in Beidi County, Zhao Yang was just a child of the declining family.

Unexpectedly, in just a few years, Northland County was put down, and then Anding County was taken advantage of. These harsh methods made Han Sui more vigilant, but Jincheng was close to Anding County, and suddenly there was such a powerful force. The enemy is not a good thing.

"Han Taishou is the Jincheng prefect. Under the rule of Qiang people, there was chaos. Although the prince had extra heart and insufficient strength, he calmed Chang'an, and the state army was damaged. He needed to rest and rest. And the feud between Jizhou and Jizhou, presumably Han Taishou was also involved. What I heard." Lu Bu said.

The first half of the sentence was directly filtered by Han Sui. It was Lu Bu who gained the greatest benefit from attacking Chang'an, and Han Sui’s loss to the state army can be described as negligible. As for the relationship with Jizhou, Lu Bu did not lie. At the same time, Han Sui wondered why the Jizhou Army did not move when the Bingzhou Army attacked Chang'an. If Lv Bu occupied Chang'an, the situation would be even more unfavorable for Jizhou. However, these things are not something he can control. The strength may be ranked in Liangzhou, but in front of Lu Bu, it appears to be so fragile.

"Jin Hou, after returning from his humble position, he must do his best to make Liangzhou stable as soon as possible." Han Sui said, no matter whether he wants it or not, in the eyes of the princes of the world, he has an inexplicable relationship with the Bingzhou army. Now, instead of this, it might as well be a bit more straightforward and directly unite with Lu Bu. He believes that Lu Bu will not refuse.

Lu Bu nodded and said: "Premier Han, I heard that there are Qiang people in Wuwei County. Although you are the prefect of Jincheng, the people of Wuwei County are looking forward to the imperial army for a long time."

"The words of the Marquis of Jin are very true." Han Sui's heart moved, listening to Lu Bu's tone already secretly promised him to attack Wuwei County, but Han Sui's favorite is Longyou, which is more prosperous than Wuwei County, and Wuwei The Qiang people in the county are not a small disaster. In order to put down the Qiang people, they dragged the whole big man into the quagmire of war. It can be seen that the strength of the Qiang people has declined. He can control.

The strength of Han Sui and Ma Teng in Liangzhou cannot be ignored. Judging from Ma Teng’s performance, it is not as simple as it seems. After Ma Teng returns to the army, Ma Teng will definitely send his troops to Longyou once he gets Ma Teng. After the county, the strength can be greatly improved in a short time.

If Ma Teng grows, it will be a big threat to Chang'an at this time. Han Sui is a person who is unwilling to be lonely. If he can mobilize Han Sui's power, he can restrain Ma Teng in Liangzhou. strength.

"I heard that Taishou Han and General Ma are brothers?" Lu Bu asked.

Han Sui arched his hands and said: "Exactly." When he said this, he was carefully observing Lü Bu's demeanor. He and Ma Teng were all known to Liangzhou, and the reason why others did not dare to invade Jincheng and Hanyang, To a certain extent, I was afraid of two people uniting.

Lu Bu said: "The army under the commander is limited. Originally, in the original intention of the warlord, Han Taishou was allowed to take Longyou. Unexpectedly, Zhao Minshen had occupied the stability without knowing it, and General Ma was very eager to pacify the bandits in Longyou. "

Han Sui’s eyes were a little low, which was what he meant to Ma Teng before he sent troops. Han Sui also understood that it is not a simple matter to take Longyou away from Ma Teng’s hands, let alone Jincheng and Longyou merge. Not adjacent The reason why Han Sui is not willing to let Ma Teng get Longyou is selfish. After Ma Teng sits up, he will pose a big threat to Jincheng.

Unexpectedly, Ma Teng dared to act like this in the dark, and did not care about his feelings. With Han Sui’s resourcefulness, it was natural to see that this was Lü Bu deliberately instigating the relationship between the two. Even so, he still had an attitude towards Ma Teng. Complaints.

Although Han Sui and Ma Teng are brothers, they have accumulated their strength secretly for so many years. They disagree with each other, and both want to build a career. Ma Teng is more inclined to the Han Dynasty, and he wants more. We must support ourselves and become a prince of one party.

"Jin Hou, although the humble post is dedicated to smoothing the Qiang people in Wuwei County, but under the rule of the lack of weapon armor, I heard that the armor of the sword made by Jinyang Craftsman's Workshop is very sophisticated, and the humble job deliberately asks for each other." Han Sui said bitterly.

Lu Bu mused for a while and laughed: "Premier Han is able to lead his troops to assist Benhou in attacking the Chang'an rebels. This matter is of course not a problem. Prefect Han can send someone to Jinyang to discuss this matter with Gu Yong. The prefect, but there is a need, this Hou will be able to help."

Han Sui was overjoyed. Liangzhou's army is not weak in strength, but it is much worse in armor. Especially after seeing the Bingzhou army this time, the soldiers of the Liangzhou army always feel ashamed, especially when I heard that The generals above the captain of the Union State Army turned out to be using weapons made by Hundred Steelmaking, which caused a lot of waves in the army.

Don't say it is a hundred steel-making, it is a weapon made of ordinary fine iron. For some generals, it is extremely rare. For a hundred-steel-making, it should be treated as a treasure.

The most envied and jealous of Liangzhou soldiers are the flying cavalry, the Lieyang archer and the trapped camp. All the soldiers of these three teams use weapons made of 100 steel, which is a great excitement for them. .

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