Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 941: : Jinyang Chamber of Commerce makes another move

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "The concubine knows the worries of the husband, but it is difficult to solve the problems for the husband." Yan Lan seems to feel the depression of Lu Bu's mood, with a little tone Said choked.

"Lan'er don't have to think too much about it. Now Bingzhou is very good, and her husband is also very good. As long as the ladies can be safe, the rest are trivial things." Lu Bu smiled and said with relief.

"Although the husband did not expressly say, the concubine and the younger sisters have a bad premonition. The husband, no matter what the future, the concubine and the younger sisters will follow the husband's side. These years, the husband has a bad feeling. Every time we fought and fought in the west, we were terrified in the Hou Mansion, but the concubine knew that the husband was for the hundreds of thousands of people in the combined state, and only hated the concubine as a daughter, and could not fight for the husband."

Lu Bu was slightly stagnant when he heard the words, and patted Yan Lan's back lightly, saying, "Lan'er, everything will pass. With you supporting your husband behind your back, your husband will be able to overcome no matter how difficult it is."

In Jizhou and Yecheng, after half a month of negotiations, the four parties finally reached an agreement.

The attack on the merged state was dominated by the Han Dynasty. Jingzhou dispatched 60,000 soldiers and horses, Jizhou dispatched 60,000 troops, Yanzhou dispatched 60,000 troops, Jiangdong dispatched 40,000 troops, and all parties were responsible for the food and grass needed. Yuan Shao was the original prince. During the alliance, Yuan Shu was responsible for the unified dispatch of grain and grass. After the defeat of Lu Bu, Yuan Shao occupied Youzhou, Cao Cao occupied Bingzhou and Hanoi, Jingzhou occupied the land of Chang'an, Cao Cao ceded the land of Guangling and Xiapi. The methods of making wine, Jin paper, Shenli, and armored weapons in the craftsman's workshop are equally divided by the four sides.

The methods of building the Thunderbolt and the bed crossbow are interchangeable. All parties are scheduled to send troops to gather in Henan Yin in September this year.

Sun Ce originally didn't want to participate in this war, but he couldn't bear the great temptation brought by this war. If the number of troops sent by the four parties reaches 220,000, it is very likely that Binzhou will be broken, and the princes will be sent to the battlefield. He must be a good soldier and a strong general. Only Jia Xu is the only one who has a resourceful mind and a state, and among the princes, there are advisors like rain.

Under Zhou Yu’s persuasion, Sun Ce decided to send troops. If he could obtain Guangling and Xiapi, he would have the capital to further aspire to the Central Plains. As for the threat from the Cao army after occupying Guangling and Xiapi, the Jiangdong army was not afraid, Liu Beiwei The fact that Cao Jun's defeated falling flowers and flowing water did not mean that Jiangdong Army could not defeat Cao Jun.

In terms of military strength, the Union State Army is strong, but among the princes’ army, the cavalry has tigers and leopards, and there are first-time soldiers in foot combat. It is not weaker than the Union State. What's more, on such a huge battlefield, even the flying knights and the Lieyang bow No matter how strong the ride is, it is difficult to play a big role. As long as it can break through the pot, it will break the barrier that Bingzhou relies on.

How tyrannical was Dong Zhuo's strength in those days, it was not for the princes' coalition forces to break through, but now the princes united together more soldiers and horses than before, and the princes' military strength is stronger.

The content of the Dahan News once again focused the princes’ eyes on Bingzhou. Since Lu Bu sent troops, the Dahan News has repeatedly seen the news that the Youzhou Army has attacked the city and the Bingzhou Army has suppressed the rebels. However, this time, Bingzhou has organized again. The sale of Jinjiu, Shenli, Xianlian, Jinzhi and even Warhorse.

If the princes of Shenli, Jinjiu, etc. could be restrained, the temptation of war horses for them is hard to refuse. Although he knew that this was Lu Bu preparing for the next war, the princes still decided to secretly take action, cavalry. It is a crucial factor in determining victory or defeat on the battlefield, and this has not changed.

After occupying the grasslands, the number of war horses in Bingzhou is extremely large. If a sufficient number of war horses can be secretly obtained, it will be very necessary in future wars.

The reason why the Binzhou army is powerful is not because of the camp, nor is it because of the strong crossbowmen, but the powerful cavalry.

What attracts the most attention of businessmen is not just Jinyang’s re-launched 80% of the original price, but the so-called membership system. As long as you become a member of the Jinyang Chamber of Commerce, you will be able to enjoy 80% of the price when purchasing materials in Jinyang in the future. It is this time that consumption in Binzhou reaches a certain amount.

The price of rice grains given by the Jinyang Chamber of Commerce this time was a full half higher than the ordinary price. This is an incredible price. Even if it is an ordinary price, the merchants who secretly control the price of rice have earned a lot from it. And half the price is higher than the normal price, enough to make many businessmen crazy about it.

The princes also felt the extraordinary taste from this operation of Union State. They are sure that Lu Bu got what the princes wanted to unite, no matter how concealed the united thing was, and the state was among the princes. There are not a few meticulous works, as long as you inquire carefully, you can also find some information from some clues.

After the princes of the Quartet secretly united, they decided to suppress the strength of the Chamber of Commerce held in Jinyang. After all, it was in the critical period before the attack on the merged state. Once the merged state was breached, wouldn’t these things still belong to them? After Lu Bu got enough food and materials, it would be more difficult for the Union State Army to deal with it.

The families of the princes were warned, but there were some merchants who took risks. As long as they worked properly, they would not be afraid of being discovered.

Besides, the most indispensable thing for the princes to govern the land is the courageous family. The family is intricately intertwined. There are orders on the top. The people below still have their methods. Many businessmen secretly hoard food and grass and prepare to go to the state. What about the war between the princes They don't worry about it. It is not their food and grass that is consumed in wars, but what they care most about is sufficient benefits.

The families of the princes who ruled the land moved after hearing the wind. In the face of such a situation, the princes could only turn one eye and close one eye, leaving those families to toss, even secretly sending merchants to Bingzhou, preparing to buy war horses on a large scale. Through the crisis, the princes' demand for war horses will not decrease. If they do not take action and are preempted by other princes, it will be extremely detrimental to future development.

On the other hand, Lu Bu led his guards to Baibo Valley. He wanted to support a large-scale war. The demand for materials was huge. Weapon armor and defense equipment accounted for a large proportion, while Baibo Valley’s craftsman workshop , Is also where Lu Bu's confidence against the princes lies.

As long as the craftsmanship can be far ahead of the princes in terms of equipment, it can play a vital role in the next war.

In the craftsmanship workshop, since receiving orders from the prefecture and animal husbandry, the craftsmen in Baibo Valley have been building weapons such as armors and armors day and night.

When Lu Bu saw Ma Jun, Pu Yuan, and Cheng Tie's eyes flushed, his heart warmed. These people also contributed their strength to protect Bingzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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