Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 942: : Craftsman Workshop

A genius remembers the site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "How is the weapon made?" Lu Bu asked.

"My lord, even if the Bingzhou adds another 10,000 troops, the humble post will have the confidence to complete the task." Pu Yuan promised, patting his chest.

"Ningque not overrun," Lu Bu reminded.

Pu Yuan smiled and said: "Don't worry, when has the state craftsman's workshop ever built a shoddy weapon."

Lu Bu smiled slightly, and Pu Yuan's optimism also infected him.

After watching it for a while, Lu Bu went to the place where Ma Jun built the equipment. In a large-scale siege battle, it was necessary to gain an advantage over the equipment.

"Where is Zeng Di?" Lu Bu asked, he was always thinking about what Zeng Di called the Thunderbolt that could reach 500 steps in range.

Ma Jun said: "Zeng Di has been busy with the Thunderbolt since he entered the workshop."

When Zeng Di built the Thunderbolt car, he didn’t hide his personal secrets. After observing from the side, Ma Jun also realized that the Thunderbolt car can be built like this. After observing Zeng Di’s creation of the Thunderbolt car, he was able to build a range for Zeng Di. The Thunderbolt, which has reached five hundred steps, is no longer skeptical.

"Take Benhou." Lu Bu lifted his spirits.

Zeng Di was busy in front of a huge Thunderbolt car, and Lu Bu was secretly surprised when he saw such a Thunderbolt car. Given the size of the Thunderbolt car in front of him, the number of people who needed to operate was one more than that of an ordinary Thunderbolt car. Times, and the number of people is large, but with it is an increase in range.

Lü Bu coughed slightly and saw that Zeng Di still hadn’t recovered from building a Thunderbolt. He admired Zeng Di’s responsible attitude even more. No matter what he did, it’s actually hard to be mind-free. Ma Jun is building and researching equipment. Shang did this, so Ma Jun's achievements in equipment are enough to make many craftsmen envy.

Ma Jun gently pulled Zeng Di, and Zeng Di raised his head with an angry face. When he was building the Thunderbolt, he once explained that there was nothing that could not disturb him.

After it was clear that it was Lu Bu's arrival, Zeng Di hurriedly got up and saluted: "I don't know if it is Jin Hou coming here, and I am offended."

Lu Bu smiled and said, "You don't blame you for this, it's just how the Thunderbolt is built?"

When it comes to thunderbolt cars, Zeng Di’s face is proud of himself. Momen is unique in building equipment, which is unmatched by artisans under the rule of the princes. At the same time, the artisan workshop in Baibo Valley also makes Zeng Di found a place where he could use his strengths. First of all, the topography of the Baibo Valley was easy to defend and difficult to attack. In the Baibo Valley, his safety could be better guaranteed. Moreover, the state attaches great importance to the craftsman's workshop, and the facilities in the craftsman's workshop are complete.

"Fortunately, I will not humiliate my life and build the Thunderbolt car, but there are still some details that need to be dealt with." Zeng Di said.

"Good." Lu Bu laughed.

Zeng Di said: "I don't know how Jin Hou dealt with the Black Ice Platform?" This was where he cared most. Momen was brutally killed by the Black Ice Platform. It was not only Momen's sorrow, but also a shame by Momen. , Tangtang Momen has never had such an embarrassing situation.

"Black Ice Terrace, huh, it has been difficult for a long time. Now the owner of the Black Ice Terrace has been captured by Ben Hou." Lu Bu said.

Zeng Di was happy when he heard the words, "I wonder if I can see him next time."

Lu Bu nodded, "I'll talk about it after you build the Thunderbolt." It was a deal between him and Zeng Di. Zeng Di hated the black ice platform, and he needed the technology in Zeng Di's hands.

"Within the next day, the Thunderbolt car will definitely be transformed." Zeng Di arched his hands.

"So, Ben Hou will wait for you in the craftsman's workshop for one day." Lu Bu smiled.

After returning to the room, Lu Bu ordered all Pu Yuan and Cheng Tie to be summoned. He felt that the current situation in Binzhou should be discussed with a few people, so that the three of them felt the urgency of the situation, and the fate of the state and the craftsmanship was closely connected. Together, there is no Bingzhou, where the craftsman's workshop came from, this must be very clear to the craftsmen in the craftsman's workshop.

After glanced at the three of them, Lu Bu slowly said: "Benhou went to Baibo Valley for not only weapons and weapons, but also for one thing, you also need to know about it."

The three of them sat in jeopardy, staring directly at Lu Bu, for fear of missing every detail. For Lu Bu, they only have respect and gratitude. Without Lu Bu, there would be no them today. The status of craftsmen in this era is low, regardless of The princes paid much attention to the craftsman, and they did not dare to promise to give the craftsman official posts like Binzhou.

"After Benhou led his troops to put down Chang'an this year, he received bad news that the court, Yanzhou, Jizhou, and Jiangdong wanted to unite to attack Binzhou and Chang'an. Now there are 50,000 troops in Binzhou. However, it is a protracted war against the coalition forces of the princes, and the consumption of weapons and equipment is also huge."

Lü Bu's words set off stormy seas in the hearts of the three of Lü Bu had also been to the craftsman's workshop in the past, but this time it brought such news. At this moment, they felt the great responsibility of their bodies.

"The lord has instructions, and the humble duty must be completed." Ma Jun, who has always been silent among the three, took the lead: "The humble life is saved by the lord. In order to merge the state, even if the fate is hit, it will not let the princes. Succeeded."

In fact, before Lu Bu arrived, they received an order from the prefecture and animal husbandry to make all-out efforts to build armor and equipment. At that time, the three of them felt a little uneasy. Even when Lu Bu was planning to plan Chang'an, the production speed of the workshop was It can definitely be supplied.

"Jiguan is the barrier of Hedong and one of the barriers of Chang'an. However, there are only 50 Perak cars in the Jiguan. Such a number may be able to cope in normal times. However, after the arrival of the allied forces of the princes, it appears to be somewhat insufficient. In Bingzhou, there are Thunderbolt carts and bed crossbows, and the princes also have them. According to the news obtained by Benhou, Yanzhou’s bed crossbows have a longer range. This time, the princes are determined to break the Bingzhou and communicate with each other. Once the enemy is in the Thunderbolt carts If the Hebiao crossbow can suppress the Bingzhou army, the Bingzhou is in danger, and Changan is in danger." Lu Bu said: "We make the best effort to build weapons and armor. "

Originally, Yuan Shu's bed crossbow had a range of 300 steps, and Cao Cao might have obtained Yuan Shu's craftsman to create a bed crossbow with a range of 300 steps.

"The lord can rest assured that the humble duty must complete the task. The craftsman's workshop has also made great progress for the Liannu mission that the lord handed over at the beginning." Ma Jun said firmly.

Lv Bu laughed at the words: "With Deheng and you help me, why can't you hold on to Bingzhou, let the princes' coalition forces taste the power of Bingzhou craftsmanship at that time."

(End of this chapter)

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