Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 952: :Zhuge Liang counts to win over Wen County (Part 1)

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "If the general left like this, wouldn't it be too wasteful? We and the state army have never suffered such a dark loss."

Seeing that the generals in the army persuaded them, Xu Huang was silent for a long time: "Okay, send all soldiers to prepare carefully, and teach Liu Bei a lesson."

Upon hearing this, the generals beamed with joy. Although Xu Huang didn't say that there would be any battle, they knew that Xu Huang's character would be familiar.

Xu Huang was unwilling to leave Hanoi in this way. For many years in Hanoi, he had deep feelings for Hanoi. From the initial distrust of the people and the control of chaos, to the stability and prosperity now, he has paid a lot, and now The princes' coalition forces wanted to destroy all of this.

Late at night, in the Jingzhou army, Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang did not stay in the army's tent, but in an ordinary tent.

"Kong Ming, do the Bingzhou army really dare to attack the camp?" Liu Bei asked.

Zhuge Liang smiled and nodded.

"How did Kong Ming see it?" Liu Bei discovered that since Zhuge Liang came to his side, he had become a curious baby.

Zhuge Liang is young after all, and he can be questioned by his lord repeatedly. This is something to be proud of. "Lord, judging from the news from the scouts, the Union State Army did not retreat. In a head-on fight, the only option is to sneak an attack. If the state army is strong, how can it be easily defeated."

Liu Bei showed a sudden look, and he was even more convinced by Zhuge Liang.

At three shifts, Xu Huang personally led two thousand soldiers toward the camp of Jingzhou Army. The secret sentry outside the camp had already been removed by the scouts of the Bingzhou Army.

In terms of the strength of scouts, Liu Beijun’s scouts are much worse than the Bianzhou Army. As a famous general in the Bianzhou Army, Xu Huang has also worked **** the training of scouts. When he was in Hanoi, he However, he had been in contact with Li Yan, the deputy commander of Feiqi, for a period of time.

In the training of scouts, Feiqi is extremely powerful, and Li Yan did not hide his clumsiness in Xu Huang's inquiry.

Looking at the quiet Jingzhou military camp, Xu Huang whispered an order: "Clear the obstacles outside the camp, and then follow this general to kill!"

Until the scouts cleared the obstacles outside the camp, the soldiers above the camp still did not find a trace of the Union State Army. Xu Huang secretly despised it, and such an army dared to serve as the vanguard.

Xu Huang entered the camp of the Jingzhou Army, looked at the large tent of the Chinese Army with faint lights not far away, and even saw the shadowy figures in the tent, the doubt in his heart dissipated a lot.

Ordinarily, although the movement of the Union State Army into the camp was very light, there were 2,000 soldiers entering the Jingzhou Military Camp. It was impossible to be completely foolproof. However, until now, they have not been discovered by the Jingzhou Army. The three soldiers above the camp who are responsible for guarding the camp have already been Shot.

At this moment, there were bursts of screams from all around.

Xu Huangce stepped forward, and the axe in his hand slashed, and the situation in the Chinese army's big tent suddenly came into view. There is no figure of Liu Bei, obviously two grass men.

"No, I was caught by Liu Bei's tricks." Xu Huang secretly said something bad, and hurriedly ordered the soldiers to be on guard.

Zhang Fei led a hundred cavalry soldiers to kill, and laughed: "The Bingzhou Army is incompetent. After the plan of our military division, I will dismount it quickly and suffer the surrender."

Xu Huang yelled coldly: "I'm not a coward, I can only use conspiracy and tricks.

Originally, Xu Huang was planning to fight Zhang Fei. He thought that there were two thousand Bianzhou troops in the camp. He personally led the soldiers to resist Zhang Fei's attack, and ordered the deputy general to lead the army to Wen County.

Xu Huang's martial arts are strong, Zhang Fei is not bad, with Zhang Fei's lead in the fight, and the state army is in the middle of the situation, the cavalry under his command is even more crazy, and the outbreak of combat power is not comparable in ordinary times.

Leading the soldiers to break through Liu Beijun's camp, Xu Huang heaved a sigh of relief. He didn't expect Liu Bei to see through what he wanted to attack the camp in advance, otherwise the Bingzhou army would surely be able to teach Liu Bei a severe lesson.

The combat effectiveness of the Union State Army is beyond doubt. Under normal circumstances, two thousand soldiers from the Union State Army are enough to defeat Liu Bei. However, when suddenly encountering changes during a sneak attack, it would be a different matter. This is why one The reason why Liang will play a huge role on the battlefield.

There is a gap in the combat effectiveness of the two sides, and if it is a general who is good at strategy, there is also a chance to win.

On the way, Guan Yu, who was hiding in ambush by the side, suddenly led someone out.

Just after breaking out of the camp of the Jingzhou Army, I didn't expect to encounter another five hundred elites led by Guan Yu.

"The plan of our military division in the Bingzhou Army is in line, and it is not too soon to be surrendered." Guan Yu shouted.

It was originally in the dark, and the Bingzhou Army was exhausted all the way for a surprise attack. After fighting in Liu Bei's army, his mind inevitably became a little relaxed. Facing the sudden attack of Guan Yu, he would inevitably panic.

After breaking Guan Yu's obstruction, Xu Huang was a lot more careful, and at the same time, he was very confused about the military division mentioned by Zhang Fei and Guan Yu. When did Liu Bei have such a powerful figure under his, Li Fu was anxiously awaiting the triumph of the army in the city. He was originally a commander of the Hanoi army. After the state army entered Hanoi, he entered the army through his own efforts. He was born in the ordinary people and had a great deal of the state army. With a strong sense of belonging, when the people of Hanoi moved to Hadong, his family also followed.

Most of the soldiers in the Bingzhou Army have their families moved to Hedong, mainly because they have confidence in the Bingzhou Army.

"Quickly open the city gate, our army attacked the Jingzhou barracks. I didn't expect that the Jingzhou army was prepared, and the army suffered heavy casualties."

Li Fu said, "Dare to ask where is General Xu?"

"General Xu is blocking the enemy behind him." The voice in the dark said anxiously: "The enemy is about to catch up."

In the darkness, Li Fu could only observe the army outside the city through the faint light of fire, but seeing that these soldiers were in the uniform of the Union State Army, but his expression was a bit miserable, and the faces of some soldiers were covered with black marks.

"Open the city gate and let the army enter the city." Li Fu was silent for a moment and ordered.

Watching the city gate slowly open, Cao Bao's expression showed a complacency, and it was definitely a great achievement to be able to capture Wen County.

The "Bingzhou Army" went into trouble immediately after entering the city, and the soldiers guarding the city gate did not expect that these robes would suddenly attack, causing heavy casualties for a while.

After Li Fu received the news from the city gate, he was shocked and hurriedly led the soldiers to drive down the city wall. However, at this time, the Jingzhou Army had already entered the city, and there were less than a thousand soldiers remaining in the city. Li Fu could only persevere.

As Zhang Fei led the cavalry, the situation in the city became even more unfavorable for the Bingzhou Army. Seeing this, Li Fu had to lead his soldiers to withdraw from the city.

At the request of everyone, Monkey has updated another chapter, and I hope you can support it!

(End of this chapter)

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