Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 953: :Zhuge Liang calculates the Duowen County (Part 2)

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! When Xu Huang rushed to Wenxian, it was already twilight, watching the flag of the Union State Army still on the top of the city, Xu Akira secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He did not expect that the Bingzhou Army had suffered two losses in Liu Bei's hands in succession, and the soldiers under his command also suffered losses in this confrontation. As long as Wen County was still there, he There is the foundation to compete with Liu Bei.

Taking a look at the soldiers in the army, Xu Huang felt a little guilty, and he immediately said, "Where is Li Fu? Open the city gate soon."

However, no one responded to Xu Huang's words, but the city gate slowly opened.

Suddenly, Xu Huang realized that something was wrong. Based on his knowledge of Li Fu, he would definitely wait for the army to come back on the front of the city. At this time, Li Fu hadn't appeared, indicating that something was wrong with Wen County.

At this moment, Xu Huang noticed the faint blood stains on the city gate and shouted: "No entry into the city!"

Zhang Fei appeared on the city and laughed: "Wen County is already occupied by our army, Xu Huang will dismount it soon."

After that, the banner on the city was replaced by the banner of Liu Beijun.

Although Xu Huang didn't understand why Liu Bei's army would appear, he knew that he couldn't delay in Wen County.

"Child Zhang Fei, he will kill you in the future." Xu Huang led his soldiers towards the direction of Huguan.

After these two incidents, Zhang Fei admired Zhuge Liang even more. He was able to make the elite Bingzhou Army suffer a big loss twice in succession, and Zhuge Liang's strategy played a key role in it.

Moreover, Xu Huang met Li Fu not far from Wenxian County. The two soldiers united in one place. The original army of three thousand elites actually damaged nearly a thousand people, and morale was also somewhat low.

After hearing what Li Fu said, Xu Huang did not blame Li Fu, but took the responsibility for this time. If he were more cautious, the state army would not have suffered such a big loss. After this battle, After that, Xu Huang realized the power of the princes' coalition forces.

The Jingzhou Army was not too strong in the eyes of the princes, and Liu Bei was even Cao Cao's defeated general. However, Liu Bei captured Wen County with a weak force, and the Bingzhou Army suffered a lot of losses.

After Liu Bei led the army into the city, he also felt an extraordinary breath, especially those flat concrete roads, which stimulated him a lot, and there is also such a road outside Wen County.

"Lord, this is the cement road created by Jin Hou. In Bingzhou, this kind of road is very common." Zhuge Liang's tone was a little worried. Although he won two games in a row, the morale of the army was boosted. The allied forces of the princes attacked Bingzhou, but it was very difficult. From the previous battles, it can be seen that Xu Huang was very resourceful. From the Qingfengling ambush to the assault on the camp, no matter which one succeeded, it was one thing for the vanguard army. Disaster.

"Why does Kong Ming need to be ambitious? Although the state army is elite, it is not fleeing in embarrassment under Kong Ming's wisdom." Liu Bei smiled. Being able to seize Wenxian County encouraged Liu Bei, because the state army has always been shown in front of the princes to be tyrannical. .

Zhuge Liang looked at the direction of Bingzhou, but his eyes became more determined. From now on, he will use his talents to compete with the princes. What he is sure is that Lu Bu already knows that he has taken refuge in Liu Bei's account.

Thinking of Lv Bu’s two solicitations at the beginning, Zhuge Liang’s heart was a bit complicated. To be fair, Lv Bu’s sincerity was enough. The most important thing was that Lv Bu’s identity was much more respected than Liu Bei. At this time, Liu Bei was the only one who could get it. It's the identity of the Han family clan.

It is not that Zhuge Liang is unwilling to take refuge in Lu Bu. One is that Lu Bu's talents are abundant. Whether it is Jia Xu or Guo Jia, they are not inferior to anyone in terms of resourcefulness. Both Lu Bu's idea of ​​governing the place has too many conflicts with the aristocratic family. Otherwise this time the princes would not be able to unite easily.

The strength of the aristocratic family should not be underestimated. Once they become hostile to Bingzhou, even the princes of various places must give more consideration.

"Lord, there are a lot of talents under the account of the Marquis of Jin. Although our army has won two games, we must not take it lightly." Zhuge Liang reminded.

"Kong Ming's words are very true." Liu Bei nodded.

The prosperity of Wen County is indeed beyond the expectations of Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang. Some clues can be seen from the houses in the city. Before Liu Bei had been hearing rumors about how prosperous the state was, he did not believe it because the state of the state was recognized by the people. Here is the barren land. Even though Lu Bu has great abilities, it is impossible for Bingzhou to prosper in a short time. However, after seeing everything in Wen County, Liu Bei quietly put away such thoughts.

It was late at night, but Zhuge Liang could hardly fall asleep. At this time, he would fight against Bingzhou. Once he failed, he would have to bear a huge price. Although the current situation is very beneficial to the princes, Zhuge Liang believed that Lv Bu was not as simple as it seemed. .

In the eyes of princes and scholars, UU reading www. Lu Bu is a Wufu. However, a Wufu can stand among the princes and achieve what it is today. The hardships are unknown. It can be said that Lu Bu paid several times the price of other princes, and attracted others. The princes were jealous and had to join forces to deal with Bingzhou.

For example, Yuan Shao of Jizhou, the third master of Yuan family IV, the protégés all over the world, Yuan Shao did not know how much higher Yuan Shao was than Lu Bu at the starting point. Lv Buyi calmed down the anger of the Bingzhou army. If the princes could not break the Bingzhou together this time, Jizhou would be the first to be unlucky.

What Zhuge Liang didn’t understand was that Jizhou was full of talents. Why would the Bingzhou army be given a chance to beat Chang’an. Once Lu Bu occupying Chang’an, it’s even more terrifying. There are strange dangers around Chang’an, which can greatly divide the attention of the princes, such as In this joint attack by the princes to merge the state, Chang'an had to be taken into consideration, otherwise, once the merged state was broken by the princes, Lu Bu could still enter Chang'an for refuge.

"Jin Hou, Jin Hou, you want to see how capable you are." Zhuge Liang murmured.

After occupying Wen County, Liu Bei's mood couldn't be calm, especially after walking around Wen County carefully, his mood became more obvious. From the eyes of the people, he saw doubt and loss.

After entering the city, Liu Bei immediately made a list of people. The families in the city expressed their willingness to take refuge. However, between words, they unceremoniously proposed to restore their previous assets in Hanoi. Liu Bei also readily agreed. Liu Bei managed the place. The idea is to closely unite with the family.

Liu Bei did not refuse the family's request. In his opinion, it was because of the Bianzhou Army's actions in Hanoi that the family had lost everything in front of him, and it was a good idea to return all this to the family.

(End of this chapter)

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