Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 954: : Angry Union State Military and Civilian

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Cai Hao was overjoyed when he learned that Liu Bei had attacked Wen County. His main intention was to weaken Liu Bei’s strength. Although Liu Bei's performance after entering Jingzhou was very low-key, Liu Bei's contact with Liu Qi was unforgivable. The Cai family did not allow other changes before Liu Cong became emperor.

"General Cai, Liu Beijun has talents like Zhuge Liang who are able to break through Wen County, of course." Kuai Yue said, the Kuai family has already planned to join the Cai family's camp completely. Jingzhou needs to be stable, this is in line with the Kuai family's. Benefit.

Cai Hao snorted coldly when he heard the words: "Zhuge Liang is just a fledgling kid, so what is his ability."

"General Cai can't ignore Zhuge Liang. It is said that Jin Hou favors him, and Zhuge Liang is also known as the Wolong Dragon, but Jingzhou is rumored to be a crouching dragon and phoenix." Kuai Yue reminded.

"What makes the world safe, it's just the words of the water mirror. If you can't be true, Liu Bei is just lucky." Cai Tao said.

Seeing that Cai Wei hadn't raised his vigilance, Kuai Yue said: "General Cai, there is news in detail that there are three thousand combined state troops in Wen County, and the leader is Hanoi prefect Xu Huang." Then Kuai Yue generals battled between the two sides simply. Said it again.

Cai Hao frowned, and he suddenly felt the difficulty of the matter. If the detailed news is true, it would be difficult to completely wipe out Liu Bei's power during this attack on Bingzhou.

"No matter what Zhuge Liang is capable of, this time Liu Bei will die without a place to be buried." A sharp expression flashed in Cai Wei's eyes.

The more Kuai nodded, the more powerful Liu Bei showed, which made him feel uneasy.

Moreover, Xu Huang led the remnants to return to Huguan, which caused a lot of turmoil in the Bingzhou Army. The Hanoi Army also belonged to the Bingzhou Army. Since joining the Bingzhou Army, Xu Huang has not shown any abilities on the battlefield. To become the prefect of Hanoi and to take charge of Hanoi's army, how can Xu Huang be a simple character.

The Huguan guards had been replaced by Xu Rong and Xiao Yan at this time, and he was extremely surprised when he learned that Xu Huang was defeated in Wen County.

The scouts of the Bingzhou Army were all over the battlefield at this time. News about the army of the princes continued to spread to Huguan and then sent to Jinyang. The vanguard of the Jingzhou Army was only 3,000, while Xu Huang had 3,000 soldiers at the time.

Three thousand to three thousand, still broken by Liu Bei, how strong this Liu Bei is, although the Union State Army has not fought Cao Jun, the princes' army can resist the Union State Army unless it is the most elite existence of the princes' army.

Liu Bei fled from Xuzhou to Jingzhou not long after he was defeated. It was impossible to have too much time to develop his troops.

Xu Huang said: "Liu Bei's subordinates are not as powerful as the combined state army. The reason for this defeat may be because Liu Bei has an additional military division called Zhuge Liang."

"Zhuge Liang?" Xu Rong was puzzled, and Zhuge Liang was not among the princes.

The name of Wolong and Phoenix Chick may be very loud, but Xu Rong has been guarding the cloud for many years, and it is impossible to understand the situation in Jingzhou in such a detailed manner.

Xu Huang nodded, then explained the situation of the battle between the two sides in detail, and introduced Zhuge Liang emphatically.

After hearing this, Xu Rong and Xiao Yan nodded secretly. Xu Huang's use of soldiers is remarkable. Even if they were unable to do better, the Bingzhou army was defeated by Liu Bei and Liu Bei was forced to fight Wenxian. Taking it away is a bit weird after all.

"General Xu Huang stay in Huguan for the time being, the lord will lead his troops to come soon." Xu Rong said.

Xu Huang nodded. This time on the battlefield in Hanoi, he was too frustrated. Thousands of elite soldiers in his hand were defeated by the weaker Liu Bei. However, if he lost in the Bingzhou Army, he was defeated. A military commander does not need much rhetoric, the only thing that can wash away this shame is the battlefield, he is not reconciled to return to Jinyang in such a desperate manner.

The three discussed the current situation in Huguan, while Xu Huang wrote a detailed document about the situation on the battlefield and ordered them to be sent to Jinyang overnight.

After Lv Bu got the news from Huguan, he smiled bitterly and said: "This Zhuge Liang is so powerful that it caused Xu Gongming to be frustrated again and again, and then lost Wen County." After saying that, he passed the battlefield situation sent by Xu Huang to Jia. brag.

After reading it, Jia Xu said: "Zhuge Liang is indeed a rare talent. Liu Bei can get Zhuge Liang's help. It is no small threat. Lord, why not let the Shadow Guard or Flying Eagle secretly take action and remove this person for Bingzhou. Get rid of one evil."

Lu Bu smiled and said: "Wenhe, if you remove these talents, wouldn't it be a huge loss? Benhou just wants Zhuge Liang to regret his choice in the future. With such an opponent, the future battlefield will be more exciting."

Jia Xu nodded, and secretly increased his vigilance. Zhuge Liang could have such a plan when he first experienced the battlefield It should not be underestimated. If he grows up in the future, he will be a strong enemy of Bingzhou. At this time, Bingzhou is already Standing on the opposite side of the princes, Jia Xu wanted to eradicate all the factors that threatened the existence of Bingzhou. Lu Bu could not make up his mind, he was ready to make a secret move.

The intention of the Jingzhou Army is Chang'an. If it can eliminate the most threatening figures in advance, Jiguan’s defense will be much less pressured, and the state must not be lost. Once the state is broken by the Allied Forces of the princes, the retreat is definitely not Youzhou, but rather Changan.

Youzhou’s topographical restrictions are unlikely to have much development, and Chang'an is the foundation of the king.

"My lord, the defenders of Huguan have reached 20,000, and the relocation of the people of Hanoi to Hedong is also over." Jia Xu said.

Lu Bu said: "Send all the soldiers to prepare and wait for orders."

"No." Jia Xu arched his hands.

Jinyang City is still bustling, but there is a lack of merchants from all over the world, and it always feels that something is lacking, and many people are idle because of this.

The people are also worried about the state of the state, especially after knowing that the army of the princes will join forces to attack the Huguan, the feeling of worry spread among the people.

Some angry people even voluntarily organized donations to donate their surplus food to the army, but they were all persuaded by officials of the State Shepherd House. The state did not reach the most critical moment and would not use the food stored in the hands of the people.

The Union State Army increased the amount of training as early as January. They must maintain their best condition and prepare to kill the enemy on the battlefield. Compared with the previous training, the troops seemed a little silent, but no one dared to ignore the silence. Hidden great anger.

Especially under the description of the current situation by the generals of the various ministries, the hatred of the state army towards the coalition forces of the princes reached its culmination.

(End of this chapter)

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