"Mu Qingye, you are so funny. Let me soften up to that cheating man? Let me give up this land bidding meeting? " Mu Zhifeng laughed twice after hearing mu Qingye's words.

Mu Qingye coldly looked at Mu Zhifeng, who couldn't stop smiling, and emphasized the current situation with Mu Zhifeng again, "aunt mu Yuran and Yi Bin are with Shen Xingwang. Their goal has always been the land in the East. If you think about it carefully, you should understand that mu Yuran and Yi Bin are deliberately trying to deal with you. Distract you. Just at this time, the company's peanut financial investment project has a big problem, which is not a coincidence. Someone did it on purpose. Now these news are unknown to big investors. If they know and apply for capital withdrawal, things will be very troublesome! "

Mu Zhifeng stopped laughing and said with cold eyes, "Mu Qingye, you really like to mind your own business. Fortunately, my father can't do anything here. If he is awake now, you are really my most powerful competitor! "

Mu Qingye looked at Mu Zhifeng in surprise and disappointment. In the meaning of Mu Zhifeng's words, she was glad that Mu Shiming could not be the master now. She was still the one she was guarding against.

"Aunt, that's all I can tell you. Whether you want to listen or not. That's all I say. "

"Mu Qingye, although what you say is very unpleasant. But I still want to thank you. But what I want to tell you is that you are worrying about nothing. I have the backing of OPP group. OPP group is much larger than Shen Xingwang's small Zhenlun group. I don't know how many times. I don't have to worry about how big waves Zhenlun can turn. In addition, the government has intervened in the investment projects in South Africa and promised to start construction as soon as possible. Investors will not lose money at all. "

Mu Qingye quietly looked at Mu Zhifeng. For mu Zhifeng's theory, she felt that no matter how much she said, it was useless.

She is as headstrong as ever.

"The reason why I'm with you is to tell you that Shiming group is well managed. Don't bother you. Instead of staring at my Shiming group every day, you might as well think about how to clean up muyuran. This little watch is beginning to revive. " Mu Zhifeng sneered.

Mu Qingye shook his head and said, "what I should do has been done. Let's go first. "

Mu Zhifeng, just take care of yourself.


After mu Qingye came out from Mu Zhifeng, he didn't go back, but went to Mu Shiming's ward.

Mu Shiming still didn't wake up and his face was pale.

After Mu Zhifeng drove Mu Lu away, she heard that she never came again.

Shiming group was founded and developed by Mu Shiming. We can imagine how much we have paid for the development of the group.

Now he can only lie here quietly. When he gets up, even the doctor doesn't know.

After getting up, whether you can recover is still unknown.

Mu Qingye sighed deeply. Before, she didn't want to intervene in these things, but now it seems that no matter how she avoids, she can't completely avoid these disputes.

"Come on, go home." Shen Yichen didn't know when he came to the hospital and patted mu Qingye on the shoulder.

Mu Qingye turned his head, smiled at him and said, "life is really changeable sometimes."

"So, cherish the present." Shen Yichen answered slowly.

"Shen Yichen, Shiming group, is it really dangerous this time?" Mu Qingye asked again.

"Fine wild, still think about, in case things and imagine so bad, how do you want to deal with the aftermath."

"..." Mu Qingye turned his head, stared at Shen Yichen and scolded, "can't you comfort me?"

"I'm not very good at it." Shen Yichen said.

Mu Qingye felt that he wanted to lose his temper, but he didn't pick out Shen Yichen.

Thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, and then it rained heavily. The dark night was even more depressing.

It's late autumn. Generally, there will be no thunder. The weather is so abnormal. It seems that the world will not be peaceful.

"Shen Yichen, did you just calculate the calm before the storm?" Mu Qingye asked softly.

"Yes." Shen Yichen replied, "it seems that everything will be as violent and violent as this weather."

Mu Qingye didn't sleep much this night.

I got up early in the morning, but I was still very uneasy.

Habitually open the mobile phone, and two big news pop up on the mobile phone. The news that the South African Railway invested by a well-known domestic company was exploded, and the drugs produced by another well-known domestic pharmaceutical company were detected as fake drugs.

These two news were broadcast during the morning news period. The former news did not attract much attention, and the latter news caused an uproar.

Mu Qingye didn't see the connection between the two news at first. Later, when he opened the peanut financial client, his back suddenly cooled.

These two projects are big projects of peanut financial investment, and there are still a lot of shares to participate in!

This is really troublesome!

Sure enough, within two hours after the news, Shiming group's office was surrounded by investors in the city.

Mu Zhifeng didn't expect such a thing to happen.

The car stopped at the door of the company. When she saw many people gathered at the door of the company, she immediately turned around and turned back to her home.

If such a small party turns into a large party, the public security organ will pay attention to her. It seems that things are completely out of her control in one night.

"Rain nettle, what's going on? When you talked on the phone yesterday afternoon, didn't you say that the matter over the South African Railway won't spread to China? " Mu Zhifeng hurriedly called Mo yuurt and asked.

"How do I know? It was agreed yesterday, but the news came out in the morning. Someone must be behind it. Ma Ma, bad luck! " Mo yunettle scolded angrily.

"What should I do now?" Mu Zhifeng jumped in a hurry.

"How do I know what you're going to do? This is broken financial management, with high income, but also high risk. Didn't you know early in the morning? " Mo Yuyu returned to her unhappily.

"Rain nettle, I'm honest. When you're your own, you can't leave me alone at this time!" Mu Zhifeng reluctantly pulled his lips and wanted to make himself laugh, but he couldn't laugh.

She glanced around the people around her, and suddenly there was a sad and cool feeling. She seemed to have only Mo yuurt who could discuss and rely on.

"Sister Zhifeng, you rely on me, but I have to rely on my mother. I'll ask my mother for advice and let her do something. " Mo Yuyu hung up the phone.

Mu Zhifeng suddenly felt that he was a lonely boat floating in the deep sea. He couldn't see the end of the shore and was helpless.

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