Mo's house.

As soon as Mo Yuyu hung up the phone, he immediately looked sad and said to Yu Xiaoyun, "Mom, something's wrong with Mu Zhifeng. I can't beat her! "

Yu Xiaoyun's well maintained face was sullen and said, "this is the only way."

"But I'm not willing!" Mo Yutian said coquettishly, things haven't started, and the auction hasn't started. She lost to Mo Yutian inexplicably. She's not convinced.

Yu Xiaoyun looked at his daughter coldly and asked, "if you are not willing, what can you do?"

"Mom, can you help sister Zhifeng. Help her through this? " Mo yuurt begged.

Yu Xiaoyun's slightly cold face was instantly cold, and he hated iron but not steel. "Rain nettle, you think you. What's your mother? I'm just your father's wife. You want me to help Mu Zhifeng. How can I help you? Within three days, she will be accused of illegal fund-raising. As soon as things came out, the first big problem of Shiming group was the capital fracture. Unless she can plug these big holes, she has no chance at all. "

"Mom, is there really no way?"

"What can I do. Rain nettle, don't be unwilling. For you, you just lost the bet once. Listen to your mother. You can't touch this, or you'll get angry. " Yu Xiaoyun reminded Mo Yuyu.

Mo yuurt said very tangled, "but at this time, we ignore Mu Zhifeng. Is it a little too unfair?"

"My silly daughter, what are you fighting for? Zhangyi is not going to die with her on the cusp of the storm. Now things are so stormy that your presence will not solve the problem, but will bring trouble to OPP group. Instead, we might as well look at the development of things first. When things are almost settled, we are going to pull. "

In their world, only by making friends with people who are beneficial to them can they make themselves invincible forever. If you can't distinguish the situation, help people and let yourself into the pit, you don't know how to die.

Mo Yuyu nodded.

"Rain nettle, mom is talking to you once. You have to listen to Mom about it. From now on, you'd better not contact Mu Zhifeng. Do you hear me? " Yu Xiaoyun and Mo Yuyu stressed again.



Things are moving faster than all expectations.

The rapid spread of the news exposed the matter, and Mu Zhifeng was struggling.

I dare not go out of the villa at all.

After Mo Yuyu hung up, she called again. Either the line was busy or she couldn't get through.

She called Zhao Bojing, but Zhao Bojing couldn't get through.

Just now, the secretary called and asked for capital withdrawal from major customers. These people have formed a terrible alliance and have been asking Shiming group to give a statement.

It just happened. Where can Mu Zhifeng tell them?

A large area of negative news appeared, and the good reputation of Shiming group was destroyed.

Mu Zhifeng also heard a terrible thing. Now, there are media reporters in the hospital. They are stationed around Mu Shiming, waiting for him to give a statement or a solution.

When these people go crazy, they are really caught off guard.

Mu Zhifeng only hopes that Mu Shiming will not wake up during this period, otherwise he will be angry after waking up.

She began to regret that she didn't listen to Mu Shiming. If she didn't do these high-risk things, there would be no such crisis now.

But the cruelty of the world is that there is no regret in selling drugs.

What are we going to do?

How to solve it?

Mu Zhifeng hurried round and round.

"Qingye! it's me. Can you come to my villa? I'll look for it. Now you're the only one who can discuss it with me. "

Mu Qingye, who has been thinking about countermeasures but has not come up with countermeasures, immediately called a car and entered Mu Zhifeng's villa through the back door.

Mu Zhifeng saw mu Qingye come in, as if he saw the Savior.

"Fine wild, you come." Mu Zhifeng didn't have the superior arrogance before. He took mu Qingye and asked East and West, "didn't the reporter see when I came in just now? Is there a traffic jam on the road? Would you like red wine or juice? "

Mu Qingye said, "just drink boiled water."

At this time, who is still in the mood to drink? She doesn't want juice either.

"OK. OK. I'll pour you boiled water. " Mu Zhifeng hurriedly came and quickly poured mu Qingye a glass of boiled water.

"..." is really a little difficult. This is the first time Mu Zhifeng poured water for her in Mu Qingye's memory.

It was also the first time she saw Mu Zhifeng so attentive.

"Qingye, I've figured it out in the past two days at home. My father is right. I can't do this. Now I'm not sensible. I am short-sighted. "

"You also advised me, but I still didn't listen. Qingye, what should I do now? What should I do? I'm going to be soft now and let mu Yuran and Yi Bin let me go. Is it still possible? " Mu Zhifeng anxiously pulled mu Qingye and asked.

Mu Qingye frowned.

This is often the way things go, which makes people unprepared.

In one day, everything seems to be quiet, but at the moment, there is an uproar.

This matter has been fermented like this. Now it's not whether mu Yuran and Yi Bin can let them decide.

"Aunt, calm down first. Let's take care of things first. How much money does the company still have and how much money can we borrow from the bank? We'll try to get together and fill in some first to solve the urgent problem. " Mu Qingye said calmly.

Mu Zhifeng turned pale and said, "now the bank probably won't lend me money. When I was working as a financial platform, I had borrowed a lot of money from the bank, and basically borrowed all the amount I could borrow. "

"..." Mu Qingye didn't expect Mu Zhifeng to go so far on this road. He didn't turn back at all.

"Qingye, I thought about it. Now you are the only one who can help me solve my urgent problem. My father always looked after you and said you could do big things. Now I'll leave everything to you. You'll hold on to the company first, and I'll change it. As long as I go out, I will find money and a solution to the problem. " Mu Zhifeng looked at mu Qingye with praying eyes.

"...." leave the mess of the company to her and let her fill the big hole“ Aunt, I'm afraid not. If we can't calm down outside investors, our company will accuse illegal fund-raising, and the public security organ will intervene. "

"I know. So, I need help now. In case the public security organ comes, you go with them first. After you go, you say you don't know anything. I'll take care of the rest. "

She followed the police? What are Mu Zhifeng kidding?

Her so-called help is actually to let her top the bag!

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