"Grandma, I'm sorry. I will certainly solve this matter. " Shen Yichen tried to the softest voice and Xin Chunyue said.

"OK. Yichen, don't put too much pressure on you. I'm just sad. After all, he is also your father. You can talk to him. You know what? " Xin Chunyue wiped away her tears directly. There was no sadness in her words. Instead, she comforted Shen Yichen.

She is really a child's habit, but she cares about him and worries about his pressure.

Shen Yichen rarely feels warm, but he always feels the understanding and care of his elders for his younger generation in Xin Chunyue, who has committed Alzheimer's disease.

If he hadn't been unwilling to take Shen Xingwang's hair and tested the DNA several times, he really didn't believe that he was Shen Xingwang's son.

However, Shen Xingwang, who has always regarded himself as an enemy, is indeed his own father.

"Grandma, I know. Thank you. " Shen Yichen nodded.

"You're welcome! All right. There must be a lot of things in your company. You should be busy first. I'll take care of your uncle and grandpa here. "


After Shen Yichen returned, the first thing was to re strengthen the security measures in the villa.

Monitoring is installed in every corner, and the access control system is reinforced again. All vehicles and personnel are not allowed to enter unless they are from the villa.

Other people, without permission, are even less likely to go in.

Mu Qingye stood in the bedroom on the second floor and quietly watched the people strengthening security measures. Shen Yichen was really busy. Now she seems to have become a canary in the golden house.

But she likes this feeling very much. Well, it's a feeling of safety.

Gently caress and touch her stomach. She and her children, Xin Chunyue, and Mu Shiming all need this feeling of safety.

If she really needs to live a life in a paradise without contact with outsiders, she is also willing to.

As long as the family is healthy and safe, don't go out.

It's really a little dizzy today. Mu Qingye hurried back to bed.

"It's time for dinner, madam." Mama Li knocked at the door.

Mu Qingye struggled. As soon as she came to the ground, she immediately felt top heavy.

"Mom Li, I'm not hungry. You save me some food. I'll come down and eat when I want to. " Mu Qingye said in a weak voice.

"Madam, are you feeling a little uncomfortable?" Mu Qingye has a haggard face and a red complexion.

"Maybe I'm in a bad mood today. I'll lie down and sleep for a while. I want to drink water. I'll have some water first. " Mu Qingye suddenly felt his mouth dry.

Li Ma looked more and more wrong. "Madam, you're in the rain today. Can't you catch a cold?"

Mu Qingye remembered this and said, "maybe it's really a cold. Now some are light headed, dizzy and weak in limbs. "

"Oh." Li Ma was alert, "this is a cold. You're just pregnant. A cold is a big deal. You can't take medicine casually. I must tell Sir about it. "

"Li Ma, Yichen has a lot to do every day. Don't disturb him for such a small matter. You pour me some warm water first. I'll drink more warm water, and then have a rest. I should go to bed and wake up. " Mu Qingye called Li Ma.

She seldom catches a cold, but when she caught a cold before, she drank more water and slept. She was fine in two days.

Everything needs to find Shen Yichen. She feels more or less pretentious. And Shen Yichen is so busy every day.

Li Ma hesitated for a moment and said, "that's good. I'll pour you warm water first. You must remember to drink more water. "

Mu Qingye nodded.

Li Ma quickly handed mu Qingye warm boiled water.

Walking out of the bedroom door, she immediately called Shen Yichen and told him that Shen Yichen had a cold and was unwilling to tell him what he was afraid of.

Shen Yichen was indeed facing a great enemy. He immediately invited a family doctor to go back to Tianlai dieshu to treat mu Qingye.

On his side, he rushed home immediately.

Mu Shiming was hospitalized again. Mu Qingye was just pregnant and caught a cold at home. Shen Yichen felt a little uneasy about the successive events.


Mu Qingye lay in bed for a long time and closed her eyes. She saw a lot of blood. Open your eyes and see nothing.

Finally, I closed my eyes and wanted to have a rest. The whole person seemed to be floating and sinking into the water like lead, sinking and sinking.

Restless, as if dragged by a ghost.

Uncomfortable, so uncomfortable, very uncomfortable.

Suddenly, he felt a warm current coming out of his body. Mu Qingye was surprised. He opened his eyes and touched the quilt. It was wet.

She had an abortion?

She just got caught in the rain. It can't be like this.

"Dong Dong Dong Dong" the bedroom door was knocked, and mother Li came in. When she saw mu Qingye lying on the bed with a pale face and no blood at the corners of her mouth, she was surprised, "madam, what's the matter with you?"

Mu Qingye's breath was weak, and his tears burst down. "Mom Li, I feel very bad, my child, it seems..."

"Don't worry, madam. The doctor has come, Dr. Chen. Please diagnose your wife right away! " Li Ma greeted her outside the door. A male doctor in a white coat, not very tall and very rich came in.

"Madam, sir is on his way back. Don't be afraid. You'll be fine with the doctor. "

Li Ma is also very frightened. How could this happen? Mu Qingye was caught in the rain and caught a cold. How could he be so dangerous?

Fortunately, she didn't listen to Mu Qingye just now, but directly told Shen Yichen about her situation. Otherwise, if there were any shortcomings, Shen Yichen would certainly blame him.

The short, fat and rich doctor first took mu Qingye's pulse. The longer he put his hand on mu Qingye's hand, the more serious he looked. The more serious he was, the more worried mu Qingye was, and Li Ma was also very nervous.

The child can't just go away.

In this short time, she has felt the attention of Shen Yichen and mu Qingye to the unborn child. If they are gone, there will be haze in the villa for a long time.

"Doctor, should our wife be all right?" When the doctor left mu Qingye, Li Ma immediately asked.

Mu Qingye just stared at the doctor. She hardly had the courage to ask the doctor because she was afraid of hearing bad news.

The doctor frowned and said nothing else. "I've contacted the hospital ambulance. Mrs. Shen's condition needs to go to the hospital for specific examination and further treatment. Now that the cause is not clear, I can't make a conclusion. "

This kind of ambiguous reply immediately gave mu Qingye another ominous premonition. Don't appear what she's worried about.

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