Li Ma is even more worried.

Shen Yichen said that mu Qingye could not leave the villa unless he agreed.

Now he hasn't come back. The ambulance has come. Does she agree or disagree?

It's really embarrassing for her.

Fortunately, when the ambulance arrived, Shen Yichen also arrived.

He picked mu Qingye up from his bed and put him on the stretcher of the ambulance.

When he came to the doctor, the doctor Ningmei said to him simply, "there are signs of threatened abortion. We should be hospitalized immediately to protect the fetus."

"Grasp?" Shen Yichen asked.

"I can't tell. Mrs. Shen has a special constitution. The right medicine is needed. " The doctor looked serious and got into the ambulance with Shen Yichen.

Mu Qingye in the ambulance almost fainted.

Shen Yichen frowned all the time. Mu Qingye had a special constitution. In fact, he knew it early in the morning.

I just didn't expect pregnancy to be so dangerous for her.

"Shen Yichen... Shen Yichen..." Mu Qingye murmured and shouted Shen Yichen.

Shen Yichen leaned over in front of her and said, "daughter-in-law, I'm here."

"Shen Yichen."

"I'm here."

"Shen Yichen."

"I'm here."

"Shen Yichen."


With the same title, mu Qingye shouted countless times, and Shen Yichen responded to her words with great patience.

"Shen Yichen, we must protect our children. You must protect the children... "Mu Qingye said softly," even if you don't want me... "

Shen Yichen was funny and angry, and asked, "how can children grow up without you? I want both of you. I have hired the biggest doctor and the hospital is ready. You'll all be fine. Do you know? Don't think about it. "

Mu Qingye looked at Shen Yichen with beautiful eyes. At the moment, she really thanked him.

His words reassured her.

He accompanied her and felt that the world was safe.


As soon as mu Qingye entered the hospital, the doctor diagnosed her immediately.

As predicted by the fat doctor, signs of threatened abortion need to be diagnosed and treated immediately.

But this treatment embarrassed all gynecologists present.

Mu Qingye had threatened abortion due to a cold. At present, the fetus is still stable, but the bleeding has exceeded the conventional value.

Blood transfusion treatment is needed. If it is not treated, it will affect fetal development. If she is treated by blood transfusion, she is of Rh blood group. Blood transfusion with Rh blood group incompatibility may endanger the patient's life. After blood transfusion, stillbirth, premature birth and neonatal hemolysis may occur.

The situation is dangerous.

Conservative treatment is dangerous.

Active treatment is also dangerous.

"Mr. Shen, you are a family member of the patient. There are a small amount of Rh blood in the hospital. After blood transfusion, there will still be risks. This blood transfusion notice needs your signature. "

The doctor handed the notice to Shen Yichen.

Shen Yichen took the notice, his eyebrows drooping, and didn't speak.

"Mr. Shen, you don't have to worry too much. We checked Mrs. Shen's blood donation records. She also donated blood and saved people before. He who has great goodness must be protected. Although some things will happen, the probability is very small. "

The doctor and Shen Yichen explained.

Although he had make complaints about himself after he finished speaking, he was a genuine medical atheist, but he said two words of blessing at the moment, but it was really inappropriate.

Shen Yichen still didn't reply.

Seeing his hesitation, the doctor could only say, "then you're still thinking about it."

"I need a hundred percent, no problem blood transfusion." Shen Yichen suddenly made a noise.

No one dares to answer a hundred percent.

Nothing is absolute, especially in medicine. Some people will have miracles, but others will say no. There are countless kinds of human diseases, and there are too many unknown fields for anyone to guarantee.

Mu Qingye has a special blood type and is still pregnant. There may be more problems than usual and more unpredictable.

"Mr. Shen, we can only try our best." The doctor was forced a little helpless by Shen Yichen's strength.

"I'll come!" Shen Yichen's extremely confident way.

“? What? "

"I came as like as two peas in my wife, and there is nothing wrong with it. Before that, you must ensure that she and the child are completely free. "

"As long as you can, we guarantee that Mrs. Shen and the children will be free for 12 hours."

"Good!" Shen Yichen nodded and looked determined. 12 hours is enough“ Also, my wife's treatment here can't be disclosed to the outside world. "

Last time, in the best public people's Hospital in Z City, I ordered VIP and found acquaintances for examination. Mu Qingye's checklist was revealed. This time he came directly to the charity hospital for pregnant women and children, which is the most direct and targeted advertising.

"Mr. Shen, you can rest assured that we have a strict confidentiality system for the privacy of patient cases." The doctor's attitude is sincere and solemn.

However, anyone who has a little social concern knows Shen Yichen, and no one wants to offend Shen Yichen.

If Shen Yichen is satisfied with the treatment of their hospital, they can secretly publicize internally during external publicity in the future. The children of the most famous entrepreneurs in Z City were also born in their hospital.

"OK. For these 12 hours, please make sure my wife and children are safe. "


"Dong Shen, there is an ambulance in the villa. The house was brightly lit, and then the ambulance went out. " Shen Biping's people squatting near the Teana stack villa found that there was something moving here with Shen Yichen and immediately reported to Shen Biping.

"What happened?" Shen Biping's spirit came in an instant.

Mu Shiming has entered the hospital, and Xin Chunyue is also in the hospital. At this point, the car enters the Teana villa. Who is ill? Is it difficult?

"Later, we followed up by sections and found that the ambulance entered the fraternity hospital."

Fraternity hospital, which is specialized in giving birth to children, so what he guessed just now is correct.

Mu Qingye is in the hospital?

Mu Qingye, who has been hiding in the villa like Tietong and can't fly flies and mosquitoes, finally came out.

Just come out.

The hospital has strict security measures, which is also strict, but the Teana villa strengthened by Shen Yichen again.

Finally, I can find a chance to attack mu Qingye.

"Give me close observation and tracking." Shen Biping ordered his humanity.

Fraternity hospital, he has to sort it out. He also has acquaintances in this hospital. Only that person, or he met through mu Yuran.

The doctor's daughter has always been fascinated by muyuran. She thinks muyuran is beautiful and is a muyuran fan.

Because of his fans, mu Yuran knows the doctor. Because of muyuran's relationship, he and the doctor have one or two sides.

Now, it seems to the outside world that he is still in the stage of losing power. The doctor will certainly not buy his account. If he wants to be really safe, he still has to find mu Yuran.

However, with his understanding of muyuran, muyuran must be very happy to do it.

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