A quiet place in Z City, with birds singing and flowers fragrant, is in a courtyard called Meiyuan surrounded by swallows.

A beautiful woman stood quietly in front of her desk with her pen, ink, paper and inkstone in front of her. She picked up her pen and wrote three words on the rice paper. Shen Yichen.

She likes writing these three words best and loves them most.

The three words in the brush are all powerful, elegant and handsome, and the handwriting is cold and noble, just like Shen Yichen himself.

"Miss, Mr. Shen is on the phone." An old woman knocked at the outside door and whispered to her.

The woman threw down her pen and ink and immediately looked for the phone.

I felt my hand in the air for a long time, but I didn't touch anything.

"Miss, slow down. Here's your cell phone." The old woman put her cell phone in the woman's hand.

Distressed and regretful, she looked at the woman in front of her. She was a beautiful girl. Unfortunately, she couldn't see anything. She was blind.

Although she is blind, her brush writing is so beautiful, especially the three words "Shen Yichen". Although she doesn't understand calligraphy, she knows that these words are really well written.

Over there, the woman was already holding her mobile phone. She was very happy and smiled from the corners of her mouth. "Brother Yichen, you finally called me."

"Elaine, how are you these days?" Shen Yichen's low voice sounded slowly.

Ruoylin's head was like pounding garlic, and her sweet voice sounded, "I'm fine! No, I'm a little bad. You haven't seen me for a long time. "

"I'm busy." Shen Yichen replied.

If Irene's voice was lonely, she said, "I know. But, but I still hope you can see me. "

"Yilin, you should be good. Get well. "

"Yes. That's true. But I just want to see you... "If Irene's voice gets weaker and weaker, look at him. What does she think? She couldn't see it. "It's all right. Brother Yichen, you are so busy that you don't have to come to see me. I'm fine. I listen to music, exercise and write every day. Shen's mother takes good care of me. "

"Yes. That's good. You just need to recover. When you recover, I'll contact the hospital to give you rehabilitation treatment for your eyes. "

"OK. Thank you, brother Yichen. " Jolin was full of joy.

"You're welcome!" Shen Yichen replied.

Then there was a silence on the phone.

"Brother Yichen, you call me. What's the matter?" Ruoylin asked with some uneasiness.

"Yes." Shen Yichen nodded and said, "brother Yichen needs your help."

"What's up? As long as I can do, I can help. " If Yilin is happy, it is her happiest thing to work for Yichen's brother.

"Do you remember looking for blood when you were sick last time?"

"Remember." If Yilin should say.

At that time, she almost bled to death, because she was a RH special blood group, and there was no such blood group inventory in the whole Z City hospital. Later, a girl donated blood to her, and she came back to life.

"I just received a notice from the hospital looking for blood type. Someone is critically ill. This patient happens to be the same blood type as you. After learning more about it, I found that the girl who needed blood was the girl who transfused blood for you last time. She is as like as two peas in your blood group. But now, the hospital is missing this blood type. "

If Yilin immediately understood, "brother Yichen, you can draw my blood. I'm fine now. She saved me, and I can save her now. "

"Yilin, you are really a kind-hearted girl." Shen Yichen took a deep breath.

He asked him to tell ruoylin directly that he needed her blood, but he couldn't say it.

If Irene said it herself, at least he didn't feel so guilty.

"Brother Yichen, I am a kind-hearted girl, and I am also a girl who likes you. If you hadn't called me, I wouldn't have given you blood. "

"...." Shen Yichen was embarrassed, "Elaine, the doctor and my people will come later. They will bring you the best medicine. I'll ask Shen Ma to boil it for you. "

"Yes. OK. Thank you, brother Yichen. "

"Yilin, you have a good rest." Shen Yichen hung up.

Sure enough, before long, the doctor and Shen Yichen's people came.

Shen's mother stood aside and her heart sank when she saw more than 1000 CC blood put into the blood bag.

So much blood.

Can miss Irene bear it?

She's just a little better.

"Miss Yilin, you have a good rest." The doctor collected the blood and left quickly.

"Shen Ma, are they still there? Did they leave so soon? " Ruoyilin waited for a while and reached out to find Shen Ma.

"Yes. Waiting for blood to help, so it's racing against time. " Shen's mother answered, then asked with concern and nervousness, "Miss, are you okay?"

Ruo Yilin frowned and said, "Shen Ma, I feel bad now. My head is dizzy and heavy."

"Then you have a rest. You drink some soup first to replenish your physical strength. " Shen Ma held ruoyilin, who was about to get up, on the bed, covered her with a quilt, took a spoon and sent the soup prepared in advance to replenish her physical fitness to her mouth.

Normal people can't stand being drawn so much blood. What's more, ruoylin is still just a patient who has just recovered from a serious illness.

After so much blood, she will slow down for a long time.


Pok Oi Hospital consultation room.

When Shen Yichen's blood as like as two peas came back, the doctor was very glad, and it was exactly the same as Mu Qing's blood.

Mu Qingye has a fever caused by a cold. After hospital treatment, the fever has subsided.

When the blood was input into her body bit by bit, she felt that her body had been very cold, slowly became warm, and her breathing was much smoother.

The head is not that heavy.

But she is still tired and wants to sleep.

She either gets better quickly or that's it

This happened once many years ago. Her adoptive parents saw that she was sick and felt that she was unlucky. Before she died, they threw her into the mountains and still lived and died on her own.

Fortunately, grandma found her and saved her. As for how she recovered later, she can't remember.

That is because her adoptive parents have been cruel to her. After her grandmother died, her life experience was exposed.

Knowing that her biological parents were in Z City, she left the countryside without looking back.

It's a pity that even when she returns to her biological parents, she still can't feel the true and beloved family affection in the world. Except for the two grandmothers who treat her better, others... Hey

Many memories emerge. Mu Qingye suddenly misses his grandmother in the countryside. Although her grandmother has died for many years, she still remembers her voice and appearance. She is amiable, very kind to her and has to leave anything to her grandmother.

"Grandma, grandma..."

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