"Did you go find Harry?"

"Yes, sir"

"Have you returned all the letters you intercepted to him?"

"Yes, sir."

Dobby looked embarrassed, but he answered Hector's question very quickly.

"You didn't stop him from getting on the train, as you had planned from the beginning."

This time Dobby showed a surprised expression on his face, and after a long while, he gave the same response as before.

""No, sir. Mr. Dumbledore said that Hogwarts is safe. I believe in Mr. Dumbledore. He is a great man."

Dobby first answered Hector's question, and then asked Hector with his eyes wide open and a puzzled look on his face.

"But, sir, I have never mentioned this plan to anyone, never, how did you know about it?"

Hector shrugged his shoulders and answered lightly.

"Grandpa Albus told me, but I don't know how he knew it.

Dobby nodded. He was convinced by Hector's explanation.

"Okay, Dobby, you can go and do your own thing. If you feel lonely, there are many house-elves in Hogwarts. You can also go and find them in your spare time."

Hearing Hector's words, Dobby nodded, snapped his fingers, and disappeared into the Hog's Head Pub.

"So, you're not going to tell him, are you?"

Aberforth asked, his voice was a little unclear as he was chewing food.

"This is a secret, Grandpa, secrets should not be known by too many people."

Hector looked at Aberforth and said this seriously, and Aberforth nodded. Looking at the food in front of him, Hector felt the hunger in his stomach.

Aberforth sent Hector to Hogsmeade Station as usual. But this time, he left early before the Hogwarts Express arrived, leaving Hagrid and Hector standing there staring at each other, with embarrassment written all over their faces.

Hagrid might not dare to speak because of the last name of Dumbledore and Hector's precocious personality, and Hector simply didn't know what to say.

It was Hagrid who spoke first, and the big man really couldn't stand the quiet atmosphere.

"So, Hector,"

Hagrid shook the oil lamp in his hand, and after thinking for a long time, he spoke tentatively.

"How was your summer vacation? It was quite fulfilling, wasn't it?"

Hector recalled Nicolas Flamel, the French Ministry of Magic, and Mr. Malfoy yesterday. He nodded very readily.

"A good kid like you must have prepared in advance for the relevant content you are going to learn this school year. I heard that your teacher this year is a very famous person. I have been busy recently and haven't read the newspaper - Hector, what is the name of your Defense Against Magic teacher this year?"

"Gilderoy Lockhart."

The conversation came to an abrupt end here.

Both Hector, who said the name, and Hagrid, who heard the name, didn't know what to say for a moment.

Hagrid frowned, and there was no concealment of confusion and disgust on his face.

This name must have brought him some painful memories.

Hector rarely saw Hagrid express his disgust for a person so directly - the last person who made Hagrid react like this was Hector's old acquaintance, Mr.

Lucius Malfoy.

Hagrid opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something, but the whistling train interrupted him.

The noise made by this old antique, the Hogwarts Express, was really loud.

Its roar could be heard from a long distance away.

"I think I should get busy now,"

Hagrid gave up the idea of criticizing the new professor, and his voice was still so clear in the long and loud whistle. Hector nodded,

"See you later, Hagrid."

"See you later, Hector, and come to my cabin for tea when you have the chance.

The Hogwarts Express slowly stopped at Hogwarts Station. As soon as the train stopped, several young wizards jumped out of the open door first - it was Harry and his friends. Along with their figures, Percy's voice also reached his ears.

"Freshmen, put your luggage on the train. Don't worry, the house elves will take your luggage to Hogwarts!"

Harry and the others ran towards Hector, of course, they were still carrying their luggage.

"Welcome back to Hogwarts, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, and of course you, Fred and George. It's nice to meet you,"

Hagrid said, looking at the little wizards gathered together with a warm smile on his face.

"Nice to meet you, Hagrid."

The little wizards he mentioned said in unison, including those who got off the train and gathered around Hagrid.

Hagrid rubbed his eyes. Such a warm environment made this sentimental big man shed a few tears of emotion, but he soon realized his duty. Hagrid raised the oil lamp in his hand, and his voice became louder.

"First-year students, come over here, don't be shy, gather here!"

Hector and the others followed the crowd and gradually moved away from the platform, heading for the carriage gathering place on the northeast side. Old students of Hogwarts will no longer take the ship, but will change to carriages pulled by the Thestrals. The

Hogsmeade platform was bustling with people, and the young wizards who reunited after several months talked enthusiastically with each other. They had a whole summer to talk about. Everyone got off the Hogwarts Express, and at the end of the team were three young wizards.

"Wendell, are you sure your time converter works?"

One of the three asked. The one in the middle was fiddling with the glass funnel in his hand. The funnel was filled with golden sand. The little wizard named

Wendell answered while fiddling with the funnel.

"Pan Zhu, don't be so anxious. It will take some time to restart."

"We have to go back quickly, Wendell, or Aunt Granger will find out we are missing - you'd better fix that thing quickly."

Another little wizard looked at Hector's receding back, looking very anxious.

"Okay, Al, don't be so anxious, give this old guy some time, okay? Taking advantage of this time, why don't we go to Hogwarts to have a look. It just so happens that you have reached the age of admission, so you can experience the sorting ceremony in advance. Besides, except for me, neither of you has been to Hogwarts, so you can take this opportunity to walk around and get familiar with the environment.

"Are you crazy? We don't have any admission letters, and our names are not on the list!"

The little boy named Al was very excited, and Wendell patted his shoulder comfortingly.

"Don't forget, my name is Dumbledore. There is nothing Dumbledore can't do at Hogwarts."

The little wizard named Wendell took out a pen with a line of words written in hot gold font on the pen:

Nicolas Flamel to Hector Dumbledore

"Besides, I want to meet that person, that is, the person my mother mentioned."

Hearing this, Pan Zhu and Albus were silent.

"Also, Al, why are you more excited than me? Control your expression and be more natural. Don't be so flustered, you are not going to see your father."

Wendell muttered softly, while writing something in the void with the pen in his hand. At the same time, in Hogwarts, a thick book with a dragon skin cover suddenly opened, and the pages made of parchment flipped. The Pen of Acceptance in the empty ink bottle next to it floated up, looking very surprised.

When it turned to the page marked with 1992, the turning of the pages suddenly stopped, and three names appeared on the parchment one after another.

Panju Padma

Weasley Albus Severus Potter

Wendell Aberforth Dumbledore

"After all, the admission book is just an alchemical product.

Wendell showed a satisfied smile on his face.

"As long as it is an alchemical product, there is nothing it cannot modify - but our name is a little inappropriate, so it is better to keep a low profile."

Wendel felt the resistance from the Book of Access, but the pen in Wendell's hand still suppressed it steadily.

Panju Petil Prewett

Albus Prince Evans

Wendell Brian Flamel

"That's a lot better."

Wendell said.

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