After a while, Hector and his companions finally found an empty carriage at the end of the team.

"So, are we going to Hogwarts by carriage this semester?"

Ron looked at the old man in front of him, with a look of disappointment on his face.

"I thought there were other ways. Taking a boat is a good way."

"Riding a boat is a ritual for welcoming new students at Hogwarts - to commemorate the process of the four founders discovering Hogwarts Castle.

Hermione, who had the most comprehensive knowledge, responded to Ron's complaint. Hector, who had already climbed onto the carriage, quickly followed up on the little witch's words.

"If they want to take a boat, perhaps they can only replace Hagrid as the forest warden of Hogwarts. Otherwise, they probably won't have any chance - hurry up and get in the car, we are already very far behind."

Indeed, the place where there was a bustling gathering of carriages just now now only had carriages carrying students' luggage. The large group that had set out long ago was already a long way ahead of them. Hearing Hector's words, Ron and the others also quickened their speed and climbed into the carriages one by one. After

Neville, the last of the team, sat down steadily, the open carriage slowly began to move.

The carriage slowly drove along the muddy forest path towards Hogwarts Castle. The sky gradually darkened, and the night fell unknowingly. The four-wheeled carriage slowly went around the wall of Hogwarts. At the end of the road were the two magnificent doors of Hogwarts. Wrought iron gate.

On both sides of the gate stood stone pillars, and on top of the stone pillars were wild boars with wings.

The Thestrals pulled the carriage through the gate and left the muddy carriage road.

The road behind the main gate was much smoother, and the Thestrals' pace was obviously much faster.

It led the little wizard in the carriage behind it up the long uphill road, passing the open space in front of Hogwarts Castle and the familiar Hagrid's hut.

When the creaking carriage took Hector and the others past the many corner towers of Hogwarts Castle and finally stopped at the large lawn where the flying class was held, everyone in the car realized that their new school year had officially begun from this moment on.

"I have to say, the feeling of riding in a car is also very good."

This was the first sentence Ron said after getting off the carriage. He was very satisfied with this short journey.

At least it was more comfortable than riding in a flying car, Hector thought so in his heart. However, they did not have much time to continue to comment on the journey here. The sharp-eyed Hermione had already seen Mr. Filch walking over here with a cat in his arms. The five children had no interest in dealing with Filch on the first day of school. They quickened their pace and quickly rushed to the auditorium on the first floor.

In the shadows that they did not notice, Snape's figure flashed by.

The auditorium was still noisy. Dumbledore had not come to his seat yet. Among the deans of various colleges, only the good old Professor Flitwick was sitting in his seat. And Professor Flitwick did not look like he could control The host of the scene, on the contrary, he seemed to be very satisfied with the lively and vibrant scene in front of him. If possible, he even wanted to participate in it. However,

Professor Flitwick still sat behind the long table in the classroom, looking at the group of energetic little wizards under the podium with a smile on his face. When Professor Flitwick saw that it was Hector who walked into the hall, he waved to Hector enthusiastically and said hello. After seeing Hector, Professor Flitwick's mood became brighter, and even the smile on his face became brighter.

Then came Professor Sprout and teachers of various subjects. As for Professor Snape, the dean of Slytherin, he walked into the hall side by side with the famous Gilderoy Lockhart. Professor Snape was still dressed in a familiar outfit, and the color tone of his whole body was still extremely single, always They were all dull black, which formed a sharp contrast with Lockhart who was following him.

Lockhart had made very complicated preparations for his debut today, which could be smelled from the pungent perfume on him.

Lockhart's hair was smeared with a considerable amount of hair wax, and his golden curls were shaped into an extremely exaggerated style.

As for clothes, Lockhart chose an aqua velvet robe, the edges of which were decorated with gold threads.

One could feel the expensive atmosphere just by looking at it.

Looking at Lockhart's appearance, Hector felt that the word"flashy" was the most appropriate description.

Lockhart seemed to be discussing something with Snape, and he was still chattering on and on until he stepped into the hall. However, when the door of the hall opened, Lockhart's face immediately switched skillfully. He switched to smiling mode, and waved his hands around in a gentlemanly manner. In response, he was met with bursts of screams.

Professor Snape, who was beside Lockhart, took the opportunity to quicken his pace and get rid of Lockhart, who was pestering him. Hector rarely saw such a wonderful expression on Snape's calm face as today. The expression on his face was very complicated, as if disgust, hatred, contempt and dislike were stewed in a pot, and finally this particularly hideous facial change emerged. Snape almost ran to the staff seat, and then quickly changed seats with Professor Flitwick.

As for Lockhart, he was greeting the Hogwarts fans (mostly female wizards) elegantly and politely. He seemed to enjoy the feeling of being the center of attention, and the smile on his face was also very standard. One could even see his white and shiny teeth. This grand meeting lasted for a long time, until Dumbledore appeared and Lockhart, who was still not satisfied, returned to his seat.

""Hermione, I've never seen you so excited as you are today."

When the atmosphere in the auditorium became a little quieter, Harry spoke first. As for Hermione, who was sitting opposite him and next to Hector, she was trying to calm her breathing. Of course, she was also one of the little wizards who were screaming and clapping excitedly. However, Hermione was better than those fanatical fans, but her goodness was limited.

"Lockhart is a very great wizard. He is the future star of the wizarding world. Isn't it a happy thing that such an outstanding wizard becomes our professor?"

""But the way you looked just now seemed like more than just a sign of having met a good teacher. I've never seen you applaud so hard before—not even when you won the house cup."

Ron agreed with Harry's words and looked at Hermione with a puzzled expression.

"I bet you didn't read Lockhart's book during the summer vacation, otherwise you would not have such an idea - Professor Lockhart is not only an outstanding wizard, but also a person with great ambitions."

Hermione answered very quickly. Her breathing had slowed down a lot, but her cheeks were still so rosy. The little witch was very eager to get her point of view recognized, so she looked at Hector.

Hector's attention was attracted by Lockhart's robe. There was no way. This novel style of dressing that was out of season always attracted people's attention - this might be what Lockhart expected. After a while, Hector noticed Hermione's eyes.

"Oh, what were you talking about? Sorry, I was distracted just now."

Hector looked at Harry and Ron opposite him. From their puzzled expressions and their difficult-to-speak state, Hector could guess that the previous conversation was probably about Lockhart.

Sure enough, after Hermione repeated her previous evaluation of Lockhart, Hector's face showed an embarrassment that was difficult to describe - just like Harry and Ron sitting opposite him.


Hector thought again and again, and finally said the most pertinent comment he could think of.

"If Lockhart can be as good as he is in his books, then he can indeed be called the future star of the wizarding world."

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