Unfortunately, Lockhart is not as strong and brave as described in his book. He is useless except for the Oblivion Charm and is not even competent for teaching second-year students.

To be honest, Hector has always been skeptical about Dumbledore's choice of Lockhart as the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. Is it really worth wasting a school year's learning progress of all students in the school just to expose a person's lie? Even if this position has become one of the most dangerous industries in the wizarding world, it is very difficult to recruit people, and you can't find a fool, right?

If it doesn't work, let Snape take over, use the one-year limit of this crazy bug of Voldemort, and wait until there is a slightly more reliable professor like Lupin or Mad-Eye to let Snape retire gloriously.

It is also a best of all three solutions - Snape enjoys the fun of being a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, students learn knowledge, Dumbledore does not have to worry about the selection, and can save wages, everyone gets what they need, happily welcomes Voldemort's baptism, and welcomes a brand new tomorrow.

Although Hector couldn't really praise the old bat's teaching methods, his teaching quality was at least top-notch. As for Lockhart, a"gentleman" who"can be admired from a distance but not touched", Hector could hardly find any other advantages in him except his dressing style.

As soon as Hector finished speaking, Dumbledore stood up from his seat as the headmaster. He wore the familiar crescent-shaped silver-rimmed glasses and looked at the young wizards with a kind smile on his face.

The noisy hall fell silent, and everyone's eyes turned to their headmaster, Albus Dumbledore.

"Okay, please be quiet, we can continue the conversation later, the sorting ceremony will begin soon."

Before she finished speaking, Professor McGonagall pushed open the door of the auditorium and appeared in the sight of the little wizard, holding the same parchment as last year. She looked at Dumbledore, who nodded gently.

Professor McGonagall turned and walked out of the auditorium. Dumbledore waved his wand, and a high stool and the worn-out sorting hat appeared in the auditorium. After doing all this, Dumbledore sat down quietly, and everyone's eyes were cast on the closed door of the auditorium.

""Ginny is coming in,"

Ron said with anticipation on his face. He even wanted to stand up from his seat, but Neville beside him stopped him in time.

Not long after, the door of the auditorium was pushed open, and behind Professor McGonagall came two neat rows of little wizards, their faces full of excitement and expectation, just like Hector and his team last year.

Hector easily recognized Ginny, and then he noticed a little witch with dark golden hair, a pair of carrot-shaped earrings, and a hopping walk - this must be Luna Lovegood.

Hector really didn't have any impression of the rest, after all, there were so many extras mentioned in the original book, and it was unrealistic for Hector to point them out one by one - until he saw the three people at the end of the team.

Coincidentally, they also walked towards Hector. 's direction.

Hector felt a familiar feeling from them, especially the one walking in the middle. He seemed to have seen the three people walking at the end of the team somewhere, but unfortunately, Hector had no impression of them at all. The little wizards also stared at Hector, and their eyes made Hector feel even more strange.

There was curiosity in those eyes, which Hector could understand, but why was there such a vague sadness? Before Hector could figure out the reason, the three little wizards' eyes moved away from Hector.

Professor McGonagall stood next to the high stool as usual, and the old sorting hat cracked a wide crack like last year, and then it began to sing loudly and twisted. The

Sorting Hat sang loudly,

"I come from the past,

I have also seen the future, as usual,

I am waiting here.

Don't hide, please feel free to sit on it, my magic is very strong, can see through the fog.

Come on, child, please wear me; don't care about the rough appearance, please care about the inside.

Let me listen to your voice, let me see your mind, let me make a judgment, which may affect your future.

How about Gryffindor?

There is enough courage to dispel the darkness around; how about Ravenclaw?

Knowledge is a precious wealth, there are wise minds to discern the direction of progress; how about Hufflepuff?

There is the power of unity to stick to the ideals in the heart; how about Slytherin?

Victory is the highest honor, there is abundant ambition to climb to the peak of the goal.

The world is no longer the same as it used to be, the future has become the present, be brave!

Be wiser!

Be united! Be cunning!

Whether you are from the past or the future, please be prepared, because now, the sorting is about to begin."

"I remember it wasn't like this last year?"

Harry's mumbling was heard clearly by Fred and George who were standing beside him. The two brothers came over and explained to Harry kindly,

"The Sorting Hat song changes every year, and it's always different."

Fred said, followed by George.

"But the lack of tone was almost the same, it was basically dry - how about a biscuit, Harry?"

Harry nodded, now he also felt a little hungry. Harry took two canary biscuits from George, he watched Professor McGonagall unfold the long roll of parchment, ready to put the biscuit into his mouth.

Then he heard a very familiar name, of course, that surname was also very familiar to Harry,

"Albus Evans.

Snape was also surprised, but he concealed his expression well.

Albus walked forward and Professor McGonagall put the Sorting Hat on his head.

"Hello, little one with a secret, I know the choice I made, I always knew it, but you have to give me some time���Think about it." muttered the Sorting Hat.

"Slytherin is a good fit for you, but I am always willing to make different choices. You have different talents, but they need to be discovered, so, Ravenclaw!"

Professor McGonagall took the Sorting Hat off Albus' head, and cheers and applause broke out on the long table of Ravenclaw. Albus ran towards the long table of Ravenclaw.

If the name Albus Evans only slightly attracted Harry's attention, the next name would almost make him jump up from his chair - Harry believed that Hector and the others would do the same.

"Wendell Flamel" could see that Dumbledore had not expected this either, and curiosity showed on his face. Dumbledore sat up and stared straight at the child who walked up to the podium.

"What a coincidence, he has the same name as my father. Hermione came close to Hector and whispered,

"And there is also the last name of Flamel. Is he a descendant of Nicolas Flamel? Shouldn't he be in France?"

Hector did not answer. His eyes were focused on the child who walked up to the podium.

Professor McGonagall knocked the hat on Wendell's head.

"Oh, this year is really strange, it has never happened before - you are just like your father, you have a head full of secrets, and you are just as wise, just as talented, and just as courageous."The

Sorting Hat paused and continued,

"I think I know where I assigned you."


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