Hector did not return to his dormitory as he said.

When he walked towards the Gryffindor common room, a phoenix landed on his shoulder - it was Aurora. She looked like she had made a long journey and was particularly tired. Aurora gently rubbed Hector's head with her head, she cried crisply and raised one leg.

Hector heard her cry and looked over - Aurora's leg was tightly tied with a thin golden thread to a gorgeous envelope, and there was a stylish signature on the envelope.

Nicolas Flamel.

Hector gently wiped it with his hand, but left a faint golden mark on his finger - it can be seen that this letter should be an urgent letter, and Mr. Flamel had just finished writing it and asked Hector to send it in a hurry.

There was also a faint fragrance on the envelope, like the smell of jasmine. Hector sniffed it carefully and it smelled very good. But soon he found that it was not just as simple as smelling good.

The scent that Mr. Flamel left on the envelope had a very magical effect. The moment Hector smelled the scent, he felt the unbearable pain in his soul fade away very quickly, and finally disappeared completely, as if it had never happened.


Hector muttered to himself while staring at the handwriting on the envelope. He was about to open it when he heard the sound of a conversation not far away.

Hector was very alert now.

He quickly took out his wand and used an invisibility spell on himself.

To be on the safe side, Hector also hid himself completely in the shadows.

He stared closely at the direction where the sound came from, and the wand in his hand was also pointed in the direction of his sight.

There was more than one person, which Hector could tell from the conversation between the visitors.

And those voices sounded very childish, so he guessed that these people should not be very old.

This is also easy to infer - beside Hector, Harry and Ron have already entered the voice change period first.

Now their voices sound much more mature than before.

And Hector's voice is still the same as last year. In Fred's words, it is a baby voice, which is very inconsistent with his own temperament, and there is no sense of maturity at all.

The voice coming from the front sounded more childish than the voice of Hector who was wandering around during the voice change period, so the age of the person could not be that old, and it was most likely younger than Hector.

I think, at this point, everyone can almost guess who those people who were walking over here were. Hector was naturally not a fool. Freshman, first night of school, night out, these keywords put together, combined with what happened tonight, the answer is naturally obvious - if nothing unexpected happens, there are three little wizards walking over, namely our Mr. Evans, Mr. Prewett and the most important Mr. Flamel.

But novels always have to have some dramatic plots. Hector, who was hiding in the shadows and was also wrapped in the Disillusionment Spell, did not see anything, but he could hear faint rustling sounds, like footsteps. Then after this series of faint rustling sounds, Hector also heard faint conversations,

"I told you that your thing is unreliable. Now it's okay, right?"

Hector vaguely heard such a sentence in the air, but there was a certain distance between the voice and him.

They should be invisible, Hector thought to himself, no wonder he didn't see the figure, but could hear the voice.

Hector walked out of the shadow of Hogwarts carefully, moving his feet cautiously and quickly in the direction of the sound.

The sound of the conversation was there, but it was not very clear. Hector could only prick up his ears, trying to listen to some fragments to get effective information, while closely following the increasingly shallow footsteps in front of him.

However, from the perspective of an observer, the current scene was very funny.

Hector was actually following closely behind Wendel and the other two, and the distance between them could be described as almost stepping on their heels.

But Hector used the Disillusionment Charm, and the three people in front used the Invisibility Cloak.

Both of them had a very strange effect on the transmission of sound - the Invisibility Cloak interfered with the sound coming from inside, but did not distort the sound from the outside, but the Disillusionment Charm was different.

It distorted the sound generated from both the outside and the inside.

This is why neither side realized the close distance between them.

"Keep your voice down, Pan Zhu, we are inside Hogwarts, if you don't want others to know our secret, please stop shouting!"

Another person's voice said this, and Hector also completely figured out who he was following through this sentence. The voice did not stop there, he continued,

"I didn't know it would be like this. Why can't I use it? It was working fine during the summer vacation."

The owner of the voice seemed to be fiddling with something, and Hector heard the sound of a spring being tightened in the air. Along with the sound of the spring, Pan Zhu soon spoke again.

"It's so scary. Traveling at night really makes people feel unsafe. Albus, why did you only bring the invisibility cloak when you went out? Couldn't you bring that, what's it called, map?"

"The map is not with me," a third voice appeared in the air, it was Albus, and then Wendell interrupted him.

"Here, Pan Zhu, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I forgot to bring the Marauder's Map with me this time. But I won't need it. Don't worry, I'm very familiar with the castle, so you don't have to worry about Fel.��"

Albus waited for Wendell to finish speaking, then continued,

"Besides, I got this cloak from James, and he treasures it very much. No wonder, it is really very useful.

The conversation between the three people came to an abrupt end, and Hector stopped in time. In front of them, a dwarf with a hat and black hair was floating in the air.

"A ghost,"

Pan Zhu lowered his voice as much as possible, and Wendel also spoke in a calm tone.

"That's Peeves, but you're right, Pan Zhu, it's a ghost, a ghost from Hogwarts."

Yes, the one floating at the staircase on the eighth floor was Peeves, with a few pieces of moldy bread in his hands, playing a funny game of tossing and catching.

Peeves' senses were always sharp, and he quickly noticed the movement not far away, but he didn't see anything.

Peeves showed an evil smile on his face, and he caught the moldy bread that he had just thrown into the air and held it tightly in his hand.

"I know you are there, little guy, even though I can't see you."

Peeves narrowed his eyes, and his body slowly fell from the air, approaching the direction of Hector and the others.

""Say your name, little student, you're out on a night out on the first day of school. I think Filch will be very interested in catching you - an invisible creature sneaking around Hogwarts."

No one responded to Peeves. Both the three Ravenclaw eagles and Hector in front of them kept silent. But Peeves was not so easy to fool. His body, floating in the air, wearing a funny hat and striped clothes, was getting closer and closer to them.

"What a pity! I think your fate will be the same as those four little brats last year. Each of you will be deducted a full fifty points!"

This time, the people in front of Hector had some reaction. They seemed to have figured out a way to deal with Peeves - but this method seemed familiar.

"Bloody Baron doesn't want to be seen by others, and he has his reasons."

A strange voice came from the three-person team in front.

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