Continuing from the last time, Hector heard the voice coming from the front. He was shocked at first, and then he suppressed the urge to laugh. Hector covered his mouth tightly with his hands. At the same time, he was very curious - could such a clumsy method really deceive Peeves twice in a row?

Peeves was obviously stunned when he heard that. He first took off his hat and scratched his lush black hair. It seems that Peeves is very familiar with this rhetoric. However, out of caution, he still carefully rose a distance, and even the moldy bread slice in his hand was hidden behind Peeves.

However, Peeves' mouth was still very tough. He had recalled the experience of being fooled last time.

"Don't lie to me, little brat, the great Peeves will never fall in the same place twice."

Although he said so, Hector and the others saw Peeves's pre-swaying movements clearly. So the voice of 'Lord Barrow' became more firm and hoarse.

"Who is the little brat, Peeves, are you sure you want to find out the secret of the Bloody Baron?"

Indeed, the threat was strong and the tone was scary enough, but Peeves was not frightened by a few simple words like last time. On the contrary, Peeves seemed to have discovered something, pointed behind"Lord Baron" and said in surprise,

"How dare I, my dear Bloody Lord, Master Barrow, I am definitely not interested in your secrets - but there is a sneaky and invisible thing following you, do you know this?"

"Behind us?"

The voice of this 'Lord Barrow' almost fell. He coughed twice deliberately, trying to cover up his mistake. But from Peeves' shining eyes and the moldy bread he had taken out from behind, it can be seen that the great Peeves has discovered the clue.

""You're exposed, little brat. I told you that the great Peeves would never be fooled twice in the same place."

Peeves said in a loud voice, with a smug smile on his face.

"This method is really too stupid, how could you think of this method?"

This is Albus's voice. Pan Zhu, who was exposed, gave up covering up.

"This method is very classic, isn't it? And my father said it works very well."

Pan Zhuru defended himself, and Albus continued to retort without showing any weakness.

"Then it became like this, it is really classic, classic stupidity"

""Okay, stop talking, there are people following us."

Wendell stopped the quarrel that was about to break out. In fact, he didn't need to stop it, because the moldy bread in Peeves' hand flew towards them quickly.


Hector and Wendell used this spell at the same time. The difference was that Wendell spoke the spell, while Hector used a more advanced silent spell. With the joint efforts of the two, the moldy bread that was originally flying towards them instantly turned around and rushed towards Peeves.

Unlike other ghosts, Peeves has a physical form, which means that physical attacks can hurt him. So he couldn't dodge in time, and the moldy bread hit Peeves' face so hard. Now

, when will my great Peeves be humiliated like this (it seems that he has been humiliated many times), his face turned red, and substantial smoke came out of his ears and nostrils.

This is not over yet. Peeves, in a rage, shouted at the top of his voice,

"Students don't want to sleep!"

Peeves took out a gong from his waist that was bigger than his body, and then beat it exaggeratedly with a drumstick. While beating it, he also roared as loudly as possible.

"Is there anyone to take care of this! He sneaked out on the first night of school! He attacked the school elders! Someone come quickly!"


This was Wendel's voice, and a very obvious and familiar fluctuation was produced in the air not far in front of Hector.

It was the invisibility cloak, and Hector immediately thought of Harry's.

But Hector had no time to think about the relationship between the two, and now a more serious problem appeared in front of him.

The place where the air fluctuated was too close to him, and this time it was Hector's turn to dodge.

Hector felt what Peeves felt just now, and a figure about the same height as him hit Hector heavily.

The invisibility cloak on that person slipped off, revealing his hidden appearance - it was Wendel.

Wendel probably didn't expect that the person who was following them was so close to them, but his reaction speed was still quite fast.

He stood up from the ground in an instant and quickly got under the invisibility cloak.

Hector still heard him mutter,

"Disillusionment spell? Senior students?"

Then the three of them just ran away without a trace. Hector did nothing to stop them. He just watched the three little figures disappear at the end of the corridor.

""Show yourself, you vile stalker!"

Peeves yelled, and Filch's footsteps were getting closer and closer. But Hector had no intention of returning to the dormitory. He quickened his pace and walked towards the Room of Requirement.

Flamel's letter was still in his arms, and the Gryffindor Common Room didn't look like a place where secrets could be kept.

————it's me again—————

Getting rid of Peeves was easier than Hector thought. He only used two Wadiwasi to defeat the great Mr. Peeves. Before Peeves could upgrade his weapons and equipment, Hector quickly got into the Room of Requirement.���Bing House has become what Hector had dreamed of, with a table and an armchair. It would be even better if there was some pumpkin juice specially provided by Nicolas Flamel in the empty cup on the table.

This wish was soon fulfilled.

Hector opened the envelope. As expected, the envelope was cast with a traceless expansion spell. In this delicate and small envelope, the letter only occupied a small part, and the rest was filled with a brand new bottle of perfume, a golden fountain pen, and tightly sealed pumpkin juice. (More than one bottle)

Hector took out the letter paper that was pressed in the corner from the gap with difficulty. After seeing that the letter paper was intact, Hector seemed to be relieved. He put the letter paper on the table some distance away from the cup, and then quickly cleaned the cup on the table.

After confirming that there was no dirt in the cup, Hector opened the package of the pumpkin juice and carefully and impatiently poured himself a cup.

It still had a familiar taste, and even the temperature was so appropriate.

After taking a sip, Hector contentedly picked up the letter on the table and sat comfortably on the chair that looked very sturdy and had been cleaned.

The letter read:

To know what happens next, please listen to the next episode.

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