Mr. Flamel briefly described his current situation in the letter. His body has basically recovered to normal, and his soul power has been supplemented to a certain extent, but it is estimated that it will be very difficult to return to the level of his heyday.

In addition, Mr. Flamel's memory restoration work has basically come to an end. Most of his memories have been restored, but the human brain is not a computer after all, and there are still a considerable part of the memory that has been tampered with by that power and cannot be repaired under the second creation.

However, most of the preserved memories are enough to do many things, such as improving the defense measures of the safe house, the detailed process of creating the Philosopher's Stone, and of course the most important thing is the method of restoring the replica of the Mirror of Erised - Mr. Flamel called this mirror"Mo" to commemorate the old man who has been with him for hundreds of years, Li Buyan's grandfather, Li Mo.

The restoration of Mo has also entered the final stage, and it has basically reached the last step. However, out of caution, Nicol Flamel did not take this last step directly.

He needs to make some preparations, Mr.

Flamel explained his plan in this way - Nicol Flamel knew that there was a very powerful force in this world, so powerful that even he could not resist it.

This power does not want anyone to escape from this world, but Mr.

Flamel can be sure that it is being restrained, so as long as there is no direct risk of leakage, this power will most likely not attack him.

He must go out, and Mr.

Flamel also knows that the power is always monitoring his every move.

So Nico Flamel chose to be ready, first hoarding power and keeping his troops in place, waiting for the right time to make a concerted effort, and quickly escape before the power reacts, trying to catch it off guard as much as possible.

However, this will make it much more difficult for Hector to escape, and Mr. Flamel also realized this. He apologized in the letter. The length was very short, but he was indeed apologizing for his plan.

So Mr. Flamel decided that in addition to helping Hector repair the Mirror of Erised for free (of course, all the repair work is to be carried out to the last step, and then the method of the last step is taught to Hector), he will also give him a few gifts - that is, a bottle of perfume and a pen in front of him. Pumpkin juice is incidental, and strictly speaking it cannot be considered one of the gifts.

The bottle of perfume was brewed by Mr. Flamel himself, and the amount was very sufficient. Although the bottle looked small, Mr. Flamel deliberately emphasized the word"sufficient" in his letter. The main ingredients of the perfume include the leaves of Arioth, blackroot, peppermint, mallow, etc., and of course the famous Philosopher's Stone.

All the combinations are very beautiful, and the effect is surprisingly good. In addition to being used in social occasions such as dinner parties, this perfume can also play a refreshing role. Mr. Flamel called it the most satisfying work after the Philosopher's Stone, and the Pensieve and Alchemical Armor are behind this guy.

This perfume also has a calming effect and has a miraculous effect on the damage of the soul. Mr. Flamel drew two lines under the soul, which was very conspicuous.

Then there is the pen. Mr. Flamel used a word to describe this alchemical product - key. The pen is powerful. It can modify any record-keeping alchemical product silently, such as the admission book, or the family tree. No matter how strict and powerful the defense measures are, they cannot resist its invasion.


Flamel also admitted that the second appearance of Hector's name in the admission book was his problem.

It was indeed he who wrote Hector's name in the admission book.

However, Mr.

Flamel firmly denied the situation this year.

The names of the three little wizards were definitely not from his hand.


Flamel defended himself by saying"It was not discovered last year, so it is impossible to be discovered this year.

" Then he narrowed down the scope of the perpetrators by saying"The hidden effect of the pen is linked to the user's strength.


At the same time, Nicole Flamel also expressed his curiosity about Mr. Flamel in the letter. He was very confident in his abilities in all aspects, including his physical functions. Is it possible that this is really his blood? After all, as a Frenchman, a person who has"romance" engraved into his bones, even if he is a DINK, but - in case of accident -

(I understand.)

There is confidence between the lines, and Hector even feels that"DINK is your lie."

Jokes aside, Mr. Flamel still gave Hector a shot of adrenaline - the identities of the three people should be very different from what Hector imagined. Hector thought that they were outsiders like himself, but Mr. Flamel firmly denied Hector's idea.

When asked about the reason, Mr. Flamel said that he saw a fragment of the future with his prophetic crystal ball. Although the picture presented by the crystal ball was short, broken, and jumped a lot, Mr. Flamel still got some useful information - although he could not completely understand the identities of those people, at least he could rule out the idea that they were all outsiders.

At the end of the letter, he used a very short and very sloppy handwriting to describe the recent condition of his grandfather - it was very bad, there was no sign of waking up, Mr. Flamel tried many methods, but still saw no results - even the Philosopher's Stone could not improve his grandfather's condition. However,

Nicol Flamel was still optimistic. He believed that there must be a way to save his grandfather in the outside world, so Nicol's desire to escape became more and more urgent.

The narration came to an abrupt end. Mr. Flamel exchanged a few words in a very sloppy and perfunctory handwriting, and hurriedly concluded the letter.

Hector took a deep breath, then lightly tapped the wand and the whole piece of paper suddenly burned and slowly turned into ashes. Hector drank the pumpkin juice in the cup and thought quietly.

Nicolas Flamel's letter brought Hector a lot of information. At least the doubts about outsiders did not exist for the time being, and his hanging heart was slightly relieved. However, Hector did not completely dispel his vigilance against the three uninvited guests-who are they? Are they enemies or friends? Are they a threat to Hector? Since they are not outsiders, what is the matter with their appearance?

In connection with tonight, Hector had more questions-why did the three little wizards come out for a night tour on the first night? What exactly is the broken thing they said? There are still many doubts about those little wizards, but Hector feels that he is not so far away from the answer.

But Hector did not intend to do anything like tracking and other reconnaissance against these little wizards like he did tonight, not because such an action was dishonorable, but because of Dumbledore.

Grandpa Albus discovered the problems of these little wizards earlier than he did.

According to Dumbledore's cautious character, there was no reason for him not to make relevant arrangements or advance plans for these little wizards.

Hector, who left the principal's office early, knew nothing about Dumbledore's plan.

If he did something rashly, he might be suspected of being involved in himself, which would be a loss.

Thinking of this, Hector stood up from the chair, waved his wand, put the ashes produced by the burning in a brand new envelope, and put it in the package he carried with him. It also included the resealed pumpkin juice and the bottle of perfume.

When Hector picked up the pen, a sentence on the pen attracted his attention.

Nicolas Flamel presented to Hector Dumbledore.

It was written on the pen.

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