The next morning, Harry got up from bed, rubbing his sleepy eyes, and ran into Hector who had gotten up early in the hall.

"Good morning, Hector.

Harry yawned and greeted Hector, who nodded and seemed to have been there for a while.

""Good morning, Harry."

Hector picked up the bowl of porridge and took a sip.

The breakfast on the first day of school was particularly rich.

In addition to the bowls of porridge like Hector's, there were also plates of pickled herrings, stacks of eggs and bacon, and of course, piles of bread slices.

Ron came with Harry.

As for Neville, Ron said he was still lying in bed.

Last night, the young man insisted on waiting until Hector came back before going to bed.

Compared with Harry and Ron, who also expressed their willingness to wait, they had already snored regularly.

So Neville, who went to bed late, still needs some time to get rid of the debuff of lack of sleep.

It is estimated that he will be with West.

Don't come down with us.

Speaking of Hermione, this was the first time that the little witch came to the hall after Harry and Ron. She was accompanied by other little witches from Gryffindor.

Hector was very keenly aware that the little witches who walked in from the door of the hall were more or less dressed up. He even smelled the sweet smell in the air - this smell was particularly clear when combined with the smell of pickled herring.

Of course, this phenomenon did not only occur in the little witches from Gryffindor. To be precise, all the little witches who had Lockhart's class today had more or less put some thought into their image. Even Ron, who was known for being a fool, noticed this.

"What a strange smell, I'm sure it's not the smell of pickled herring."

Ron frowned. The plate in front of him was full of pickled herring and bacon. Then Ron's eyes fell on the plate in front of Hector, which only had eggs and bacon and looked quite deserted. He asked curiously,

"Are you okay, Hector? Why do you have such a poor appetite today?"

Ron lowered his head and ate heartily without waiting for Hector's reply. He picked up a whole fish, then tilted his head back and opened his mouth, with a satisfied expression on his face, looking like he was enjoying it. After eating, he promoted it to Hector,

"It's just a little fishy, you'll be fine once you get used to it."

Harry, who was standing next to him, was also resistant at first, but he couldn't resist Ron's crazy invitation. He finally chose to try it - this is very Gryffindor, you have to say. Unlike Hector, who was very particular about food, he got goose bumps when he saw the way these two ate.

Hector's resistance was more resolute than ever before.

He sat as far away from the pickled herring as possible, and refused to try it no matter how Ron and Harry, who looked sincere, persuaded him.

Hector believed that pairing these things with white porridge was the biggest insult to the white porridge.

The fragrant white porridge could and could only be paired with pickled radish and salted beans, and at most pickled garlic.

Looking at how Ron and Harry were enjoying the pickled herring and white porridge, the only thing in Hector's mind was the idea of wasting this simple thing.

"Good morning, everyone."

Hermione looked no different from usual. The little witch just tidied up her messy hair and put on a new robe. As for perfume, it was not the little witch's style.

Hermione held a thick book in her arms, which was Lockhart's"Traveling with Vampires".

She sat down next to Hector, first spread out the book on a milk jug next to her, and then began to enjoy her breakfast.

What made Hector more relieved was that Hermione didn't seem to be so interested in pickled herrings, and of course she didn't resist as much as Hector did..

Or maybe he didn't notice it, after all, Hermione's mind was basically on Lockhart's book, and eating was more like another activity.

Hector finished his breakfast time quickly, mainly because of the influence of the hellish delicacy of pickled herring. He really didn't understand why someone would like something that smelled bad, tasted not only bad, but also fishy - yes, Hector was still a Gryffindor at heart after all. He picked up a small part from Harry's plate with curiosity and put it in his mouth tentatively.

How to describe it? It's like Let's compare it with stinky mandarin fish. Although the two have nothing in common in a strict sense, if anyone has the good fortune to taste stinky mandarin fish that is left outdoors from noon to night in the middle of summer, like Hector did, then you will probably understand the taste of pickled herring. Oh, of course, there is also a fishy smell, a relatively strong fishy smell.

As for how Ron and the others felt, Hector didn't know, but his mind almost instantly popped up that midsummer afternoon, and the smell that could not be washed away by three full jars of cold water.

So, Hector, who had"good memories", quickly fled from the ceremony. Hall, looking extremely embarrassed, now he just wanted to find a bathroom to wash away the taste that was spreading along the tip of his tongue. Coincidentally, at the door, Hector ran into Wendel and the others.

Hector unconsciously slowed down his pace, he looked carefully at the three little wizards in front of him, Wendel and the others were also looking at Hector carefully. The two sides exchanged glances, and at this moment, Hector made a move that the three opposite sides did not expect - perhaps even Hector did not expect this move, but he still did it subconsciously,

Hector stretched out his hand to Wendel,

"My name is Hector."

Wendel and the two little wizards behind him showed surprise on their faces, but Wendel quickly shook Hector's hand, still very hard.

"My name is Wendell"

"You look familiar, do I know you?"

Hector squinted his eyes, trying to see Wendell's reaction. Wendell was stunned when he heard the question. He seemed to be organizing his words, and it took him a long time to answer.

"I don't know, but you give me a familiar feeling. Have we met before?"

Wendel stuttered. He was trying to make eye contact with Hector and observing his reaction.

Hector wanted to say something, but he had already seen Dumbledore at the head staff table. He could only let go of Wendel's hand quickly and leave before Dumbledore noticed - there was another reason, that is, the taste of pickled herring had spread on his tongue, and if Hector didn't want to enjoy breakfast again, he'd better go and deal with it first. So Hector ran away with his tongue out, leaving Wendel and the others standing at the door with a messy face.

"Do you think he found out?"

Pan Zhu asked in a low voice. Albus shook his head, frowning, and quickly expressed his opinion.

"I don't think so, but I can't say for sure. After all, his behavior today was too abnormal."

"He has already found something wrong.

Wendell looked at Hector's figure going away and beckoned them to the long table.

"As for what's wrong,"

Wendell pointed to the pickled herrings on the table.

"My mother said that this is what he hates the most."

The three of them laughed together, and Hector in the distance sneezed violently. Even more unfortunately, the sneeze happened to happen when Hector was washing his tongue. This sneeze without any warning made Hector not only bite his tongue, but also choke on a mouthful of water.

What a bad morning. Hector squatted on the ground with his mouth covered, unable to say anything.

In the Slytherin's secret room, the newly hatched little snake looked at the pickled herring in front of it with a disgusted expression on his face.

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