The morning of the first day of school was quite ordinary. Everything went smoothly, which was quite different from the unfortunate situation that Hector had imagined.

According to the timetable that Professor McGonagall issued before the end of the dinner yesterday, the first class of the new semester was Professor Sprout's Herbology, which was also one of the few courses that Hermione could not get first place in.


Neville Longbottom showed an extraordinary talent in Herbology.

He had always had a poor memory, but he made great achievements in memorizing the complicated types and properties of herbs.

Everyone could prove this.

Ron thought that Neville and Hermione had eaten the Herbology textbook into their stomachs.

Therefore, in the first class of the new semester, Neville and Hermione each added ten points to Gryffindor, which was a good start for the whole school year.

After completing the learning tasks of the first class, that is, knowing the mandrake and changing the pot of the mandrake, the second class was Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration.

Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration course was still as difficult as ever, of course this was only for young wizards like Harry and Ron. The second-year course was naturally not difficult for Hermione, the"Miss Know-it-all", and she quickly completed Professor McGonagall's requirements. As for Hector, Professor McGonagall did not give him the beetle he needed for transformation, but instead a copy of the latest"Transfiguration Today".》

"I believe today's course is not difficult for you, so you can read the article in the magazine."

Professor McGonagall explained.

"It is not as easy as you think to publish a paper in this magazine. Hector, you can find some inspiration from the paper. I have to say that some ideas in the magazine are very novel and may be inspiring to you."

Hector nodded and took the"Transfiguration Today" from Professor McGonagall. There was a mouse on the dark blue cover, but the mouse's head was replaced by a silver cup. Under the blue cover was a line of words: A magazine that changes your life.

"Every year,"Transfiguration Today" selects the Most Promising Newcomer Award. With your talent, I believe it's only a matter of time before you win this award - if you don't waste your talent."

Professor McGonagall had a smile on her face. While encouraging Hector, she did not forget to spur him on - especially when she saw Ron, who was sitting behind Hector, tapping the table with his wand anxiously, and Harry, who was next to Ron, was using his wand as a stick to drive beetles all over the table. Professor McGonagall looked at Hector with increasing worry.

However, Professor McGonagall soon went about her own business. Practical courses involving the use of wands were always so lively - Ron and Seamus both needed a new beetle. One of the two unlucky guys was accidentally squashed by Ron's elbow, and the other was crushed by the blaster. It was only then that Seamus was directly blown apart. It was hard to say which death was more cruel for the beetle.

Harry was still driving the beetle away as usual, but he could not complete the aim, let alone transform. The way Harry used the wand was like using a branch picked up from the roadside. The wand always followed behind the beetle, forcing it to keep moving. It looked like it was helping the beetle exercise.

Perhaps you think that even Harry, a Chaser who can catch the golden snitch the size of a golf ball in the vast Quidditch field as easily as taking something out of his pocket, cannot cast spells accurately, then other students with mediocre athletic talent naturally cannot do better than him. Good.

Makes sense, doesn't it? But that's not the case. To cast a spell accurately, you need to aim the wand at the beetle, and the beetle, which is full of energy and has been exercising for a long time and frequently, is naturally very difficult to aim at - unless it is trapped in place.

Simple relaxation of strength or more difficult obstacles can do it. If these spells are too complicated, simple food temptations can also have a similar effect - leaves, grains, and even some candies can have a very good effect. Neville used this method to calm down the noisy beetles and cooperate with the transformation work.

So, use your brain before doing anything, It is better to learn something than to blindly do things.

Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class is always so long. When the lunch bell rang, all the little wizards in the class breathed a sigh of relief.

Hogwarts professors do not have the habit of keeping classes too long.

Professor Flitwick will even leave more rest time for the little wizards who have been studying for a whole morning.

It seems that all professors have a tacit understanding that classes should end on time.

Only our professor Snape will occasionally delay a little more time - there is nothing we can do about it.

Even an excellent student like Hermione will occasionally make some unexpected omissions under the influence of Snape's"friendly and kind" gaze and"elegant and polite" voice.

"I need a new wand, just like Neville."

Ron's face showed a rare look of indignation, and he blamed his poor performance in Transfiguration class on the old wand of Charlie in his hand.

"Look, there are some cracks on the wand. This wand is really too old. I am really afraid that it will break if I am not careful. I have always had such a premonition. I feel that this wand will break sooner or later."

"However, after buying Lockhart's expensive books, Mom probably doesn't have money to buy another wand."

Ginny, who was sitting next to him, heard Ron's complaint. She ate her lunch while mumbling:

"That's right."

Ron's face showed embarrassment at first. He didn't seem to want others to know about his family situation. After looking around and making sure that no one around heard Ginny's words, Ron continued.

"But I think my mother would agree. After all, Neville's grades improved significantly after he changed his wand. Maybe I can also improve my grades after changing my wand? At least I should be able to perform better. As for the Galleon issue, Fred and George have made a lot of money these days, right? I can borrow some from them, and add the money I save, maybe it will be enough. After all, they are my brothers."

"I can lend you some if you need it."

This was of course said by our famous money-spending boy Harry. Ron showed a hesitant look on his face, but this hesitation turned into determination.

"Thank you, Harry, but forget it. After all, with my pocket money, I don't know how long it will take to pay it back."

Before Harry could finish the sentence"No need to pay it back", Fred and George came over.

"It's a bad habit to talk about others behind their backs, little Ronnie,"

Fred's voice was dark, and his eyes were similar. George continued,

"Especially talking about our Yin Xi Ke behind his back is very rude."

Before Ron could say anything, Fred interrupted him.

"And there are some things you need to realize - is it possible that your performance in class has nothing to do with the wand?"

Then George again,

"Maybe if you were more serious and concentrated on reading the textbook, you might do better."

Ron's face turned red and white, looking angry and embarrassed. Seeing Ron's reaction, Harry quickly changed the subject.

"What classes do you have in the afternoon?"

"Defense Against the Dark Arts."

Hermione responded very quickly. She was showing Hector a bunch of beautiful buttons she had made from a beetle in Transfiguration class.

"First Lockhart class?"

Ron frowned, but soon relaxed.

"I hope he can be as good as he says in his book."

"Don't worry, Ron,"

Hermione was rarely so sure about something.

"I am sure that Professor Lockhart is an excellent teacher."

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