As soon as Hector entered the room, he saw a troll in the middle of the toilet, waving a big wooden stick and wreaking havoc. Hermione, on the other hand, leaned against the wall with a pale face. The little witch was really scared. She had never thought that she would encounter a troll in Hogwarts, and on such a bad day and in such a bad place. The troll heard the voice behind it, but its coffee bean-sized head was not enough to control its huge body. It clumsily knocked the sink and the wall apart, and with the obstruction of the former, the troll barely stopped in front of Hermione. The troll turned around and looked at Hector and the other two with his small eyes.

"We have to lead it aside so Hermione can come running over." Hector said to Harry and Ron.

"Keep making some noise to attract its attention, Harry, and you, Ron. You have to confuse it somehow."

"Use my wand. After all, you know more magic than Ron and I do.

Harry handed his wand to Hector, who shook his head helplessly.

"I can't use your wand, Harry, or any other wand except my own."

"What about yours?"

"If only I knew, this is really hell."

(Second change, rationalization)

Hector fished out a solitary faucet and a long brass water pipe from the debris in the sink. Looking at the two unsightly objects in his hands, he missed his wand so much at this moment.

Hector intended to aim at the troll's head, but its head was too small. Hector spent a long time, waiting until the troll was a little impatient and was ready to turn around to deal with Hermione, then he threw it hard.

The metal faucet still had some weight, and the troll staggered. But this time, for the thick-skinned troll, it only made it see some stars in front of its eyes, and soon it was as if nothing had happened. But this time, it was simply an insult to it - if it understood the meaning of insult... What does insult mean?

The troll was visibly going crazy, as could be seen from the huge stick raised high in its hand. The troll's leg was a little lame, but it was so angry that it didn't care about that. After the first hit failed, its body suddenly became flexible. The troll completely ignored its injured leg and ran towards Hector and hit him hard with the stick.

Hector rolled on the ground, and the stick brushed past his shoulder. He quickly got up and ran around the pillar where the pool was originally located, trying to lead the troll farther away.

Harry and Ron were like two Muggles holding small wooden sticks. They watched Hector flexibly deal with the troll in an almost dull manner. Their blank minds were completely unable to think of any spells that were suitable for use at this time.

"Do something, please!" Hector looked at the two people standing there in a daze, dodging the troll's stick in a very embarrassed manner, while trying to wake up the stunned Harry and Ron.

These two guys were really useless except for making things worse and making him more worried.

Harry couldn't think of any good spell, so he simply put the wand on his waist,"Ron, go find Hermione and take her away quickly!"

After saying that, Harry picked up a brass water pipe from the ground and hit the troll's calf.

The effect was minimal, at most it just scraped the dead skin on the troll's leg.

The troll didn't even pause, and all it had in its eyes was Hector who had just provoked it.

But it soon realized how serious a problem it was to ignore Harry.

Harry did something that was definitely very brave, but in Hector's eyes it was stupid and scary. He jumped up suddenly, and the troll didn't react much this time, as Harry was too light for him. But when Harry pulled out the wand in his arms and used the wand as a stick to stuff it straight into the troll's nostrils, the troll felt it - it was hard not to feel it.

Hector was very puzzled by the way Harry used the wand. He thought that if Harry threw the wand to him, he could solve the problem in a more wizard-like way. However, when he saw that the wand inserted in the troll's nostrils was suddenly wrapped up by the sticky snot, Hector immediately gave up the idea. By the way, he swore that he would not touch Harry's hand holding the wand for at least a week. As for Harry's wand, Hector thought that he would never touch it again in his life.

The troll roared in pain and twisted its body, trying to shake off the little bug on its body and crush it with a stick. Harry also knew what would happen if he fell down. He hung tightly on the troll's body, shouting

"Think of a solution quickly, Hector!"

Hector was also very anxious. Without his wand, he was really helpless. He rushed forward and used the brass water pipe in his hand to frantically hit the joints, ankles, knees, and popliteal fossa. Finally, he made up his mind and closed his eyes to hit the place that 'everyone knows so I won't say' hard.

It really worked. Hector found that no male creature could resist this. The troll's legs obviously softened, and a look of obvious shock appeared on its expressionless face.

Harry took the opportunity to jump down from behind the troll. He didn't have time to take care of his wand, and pulled Hector in the opposite direction of the troll.

The troll fell near the door, and its thick wooden stick blocked the door, making it impossible to get out.

Harry and Hector leaned against the wall that Hermione had leaned against, or rather, Hermione and Ron were now���Leaning against the wall.

Hector was very mad. He angrily said to Ron, who looked innocent at this time.

"Didn't I tell you to go first?"Hector is really a fool. The opponent is already strong enough. There is no need to increase the strength.

"It's me," Hermione slumped on the ground. She had never seen such a scene before and she didn't even have the strength to stand up.

"I can't walk anymore, Hector, and Ron can't drag me."

Hector nodded.

"Everyone, now is not a good time to chat!"

Harry quickly refocused everyone's attention on the giant in front of him. The giant had completely recovered. Its small head was now filled with anger. The humiliation given to it by the two little things in front of it made it unable to put anything other than hatred in its small brain.

It dragged the long wooden stick and rushed towards Hector and the other four.

"I'll hold it back for a while," Hector planned to use the wandless spells he had just learned in the afternoon.

"But I can't delay for long, you can try to use the levitation spell to lift its stick. The troll's head is its weak point."

Hector took a deep breath, and then found that it seemed more suitable to hold his breath and concentrate.

"Listen to my commands." Hector's eyes became firm, Ron raised his wand. Harry tried his best to help Hermione who was sitting on the ground.

"Three, Two, One"

"Wingardium Leviosa!""Many obstacles!"

The troll's body paused obviously, and Ron's levitation spell took effect. The wooden stick flew out of the troll's hand, high up, and slowly flew towards the ceiling. Ron controlled the big wooden stick with great effort, trying to make it fly over the troll's head as much as possible. The troll was very surprised by this change, and its brain crashed again.

Hector watched the troll waving in the air again and again, and after a long time he realized that his hands were empty.

As for the stick, the troll looked at his hand blankly. This was after Ron went through untold hardships and finally controlled the wooden stick to move it over the troll's head.

""Big fool!" Hector pointed to the ceiling,"Look up!" The troll raised his head, and Ron removed the levitation spell at the same time.

With a bang, the stick fell on its original owner's head with a loud bang. The troll froze, swayed on the spot, and fell face down on the floor.

With a bang, the whole room shook.

Hector, Ron and Harry collapsed to the ground at the same time. They were safe, at least for now.

"Is it dead?" Hermione's voice trembled a little, and she didn't know whether to cover her nose or her eyes.

"I think it fainted," Hector replied. The troll, a magical creature, was too strong in resisting magic. Hector used all his magic power, but it only stopped it for a while.

"The troll is not very smart, but its main advantage is that it has thick skin and tough flesh. This blow can only make it dizzy for a while at most."

When Harry heard this, he quickly took out his wand from the troll's nostrils and wiped it on the troll's pants.

"We have to hurry up and leave. If it wakes up again, the four of us won't be able to deal with it."

Before Harry finished speaking, there was a sound of hurried footsteps in the corridor outside, followed by a violent banging on the door.

Such a big commotion in Hogwarts naturally could not be hidden from the many powerful professors in the school.

After a while, Hector and the others saw Professor McGonagall rushing in, followed by Snape, Flitwick, and Professor Quirrell at the end of the team.

He came the latest and made the biggest noise - the moment he saw the troll, Professor Quirrell sighed heavily, and then silently sat on a toilet and sobbed.

As for Snape, he was studying the troll with his head down, and next to him stood Flitwick, who was not very conspicuous. He secretly gave Hector a thumbs up, and then pretended to study the troll again.

Professor McGonagall looked very angry, her lips were bitten white, and her sharp eyes were fixed on Hector, Harry and Ron

""What the hell are you doing?" Professor McGonagall's voice was cold, which made the three little wizards facing her shudder at the same time.

They lowered their heads and did not dare to look at Professor McGonagall.

"I can't believe you guys survived.��"Professor McGonagall's eyes swept over the three of them.

"You are lucky that you were not killed by the troll. Why don't you stay in the dormitory honestly?"

The question was sharp and simple, but under the aura of Professor McGonagall, Hector felt that any explanation was pale and powerless.

He raised his head slightly and met Snape's cold eyes. Hector lowered his head immediately and would not raise his head again for a while. It was really unlucky. It was never a good idea to attract Snape's attention. But Snape would naturally not pay too much attention to Hector, especially when Harry was beside him.

Snape gave Harry a threatening look, and Harry shuddered involuntarily.

"I think they want to prove their courage."There is no emotion in Snape's voice, but there is a heavy sarcasm on his face.

"Unfortunately, I didn't see courage, I only saw recklessness and stupidity."

Hector pursed his dry lips and glanced at Harry beside him. He always disliked Snape and now he lowered his head, praying that he would not be expelled from school.

As for the idea of adding 50 points to Gryffindor just now, it had long been gone.

It was Hermione who broke the silence.

"Please don't do this, Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall, it's not entirely their fault - they are looking for me." Hermione's face looked very determined, and she struggled to stand up.

"Granger Jr.��!"Professor McGonagall's voice suddenly became sharp. She stared at Hermione and looked very majestic.

"I came to find the troll! Because I - I thought I could handle it alone," Hermione finally stood up from the ground, her eyes meeting Professor McGonagall's.

"I'm really sorry, I've read about them in books, and I thought I knew them well enough."

Not only Harry and Ron, but even Hector was surprised.

Hector had thought of many excuses for Hermione, but he never expected that Hermione would lie so terribly under the pressure of Professor McGonagall.

This was really unlike Hermione, and all three of them thought so.

"If they hadn't found me, I would have been dead by now. If Hector and Harry hadn't distracted the troll as much as possible, Ron would have knocked it unconscious with its own stick. Hermione praised the three men for their achievements. She wanted to continue, but Snape interrupted her unkindly.

"I think it's still possible to find a teacher. After all, this place is not that far from the office of your dean, Professor McGonagall."Snape paused for a moment.

"It's just them - the great Potter and Dumbledore who only think about showing off, and Weasley whose brain is almost like a troll, so it's understandable."

""Severis!" Professor McGonagall always protected her students. Snape didn't continue. He stood aside, his dark eyes never leaving Harry.

"They didn't have time to find anyone."Hermione explained,"When they first arrived, the troll was about to swallow me up."

Harry and Ron were still surprised. They never thought that Hermione would tell such a big lie. But when Professor McGonagall's eyes swept over them, Harry and Ron still tried their best to pretend that they were already familiar with the story and nodded seriously.

"if it is like this"Professor McGonagall seemed to have completely believed their story. She glanced at Hector, who was exhausted and dazed, and said thoughtfully,

""Miss Granger, you silly girl, how can you think you can deal with a troll as big as a mountain by yourself? It has nothing to do with how much you know. Even adult wizards have to be careful with trolls."

Hermione lowered her head. Harry felt bad, but he couldn't say a word. If you ask who is the least likely person to violate the school rules in Hogwarts, Hermione is definitely at the top of the list. And now, in order to get them out of trouble, Hermione lied to Professor McGonagall, saying that she had violated the school rules. This is as unbelievable as Snape suddenly washing his hair one day and changing into a robe of any color except black.

Maybe it was for Hector, Harry tried to explain Hermione's behavior, but he still felt warm in his heart, and so did Ron.

As for Hector, he was completely holding up his eyelids now, and maybe he felt warm in his heart, but he couldn't react now.

Can't sleep, can't sleep, this is what Hector kept repeating in his heart.

"Miss Granger, because of this incident, Gryffindor will be deducted five points."

Professor McGonagall said, and then she turned to face Hector and the others.

"Well, I still have to say that you are really lucky. Not many first-year students can compete with an adult troll. This is obviously not the best solution, but the courage is commendable."Professor McGonagall finally showed a relaxed smile on her face,"Each of you won five points for Gryffindor. I will tell Professor Dumbledore about this." The tight string in

Hector's heart finally loosened. He felt that everything around him began to become illusory in his eyes. Harry and the others beside him seemed to be leaving him, or Hector left them. Hector couldn't tell at all. He just wanted to have a good sleep now.

Hector fell to the ground with a plop, and the light in front of his eyes quickly disappeared.

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