Hector had a dream.

In front of him was a well-dressed man, standing side by side with Harry. As for Harry, he looked much taller than he is now, and the childishness on his face had almost disappeared, looking like a little adult.

That person should be Sirius, Hector thought.

As expected, he was a famous handsome man. Although twelve years of imprisonment had left a mark of vicissitudes on his face, Hector could still easily see the shadow of the handsome young man in him. The experience of these years did not change Sirius's bravery, which could even be called reckless, and his burning heart. Sirius was still the standard Gryffindor in his bones. The years and experience only gave him a layer of mature temperament. As for Sirius, he was still Sirius.

Hector also saw himself, tall and well-proportioned.

I guess this is my future self, still so handsome. Hector was very satisfied with this.

He didn't have much time to look around, and Hector's eyes were involuntarily attracted by the woman with a ferocious face and a wand raised high.

That must be Sirius's cousin, Bellatrix (Bella will be used hereafter), who looked a bit like Sirius. Hector didn't have time to take a closer look, because at this time, the tip of Bella's wand had already emitted a green light.

Hector watched another self raise his wand at the same time and cast a repulsive spell on Sirius who had no time to react - this was the best solution Hector could think of, the Death Curse could not be blocked.

Unexpectedly, Hector found that the killing curse was directed at Harry.

Sirius's body fell backwards uncontrollably, and of course he saw the killing curse. The green light exuded an ominous aura and flew towards his godson who was stunned and at a loss. The grown-up Hector quickly cast another repulsive spell, but the red light obviously couldn't catch up.

Sirius' eyes flashed with determination, and he made up his mind.

Hector watched Sirius turn into a big black dog in the air. As soon as his limbs touched the ground, he tensed every muscle and jumped up as hard as he could. Sirius was too late to push his godson away. He could only use his not-so-big body to try his best to block the death that was rushing towards him.

He did it.

Hector saw the relief on his face. Sirius looked at the strange yet familiar figure with a lingering look. Sirius was hit by the remaining force of the killing curse and fell beside the archway. The big black dog suddenly turned back into a man. He stood in the place that Hector felt very familiar with. He just stayed for a while and then fell into the archway that seemed to be hung with a silver curtain.

Hector tried to grab Sirius's weak body, but his hand passed through Sirius' body. He could only watch the man in front of him disappear from everyone's sight.

No one could see Hector's call, only the older Hector looked in his direction and shook his head helplessly.

Hector read despair on his face, an expression he never thought would appear on his face.

The world spun, the picture faded quickly, and the light in front of Hector's eyes suddenly faded. He seemed to fall into the abyss, and the endless darkness instantly submerged him.

Then he woke up. Madam Pomfrey of the school hospital stood in front of the bed, looking at him with a worried look. Behind Madam Pomfrey stood Dumbledore, and the old man Aberforth, who was anxious and wandering back and forth in front of the bed.

Hector's first reaction was that he was talking in his sleep. Sirius' death brought him too much pain and shock.

It was bad. Hector shouldn't know Sirius. He thought that his poor cover-up could not hide from the shrewd Headmaster Dumbledore.

He didn't have time to worry, and Aberforth rushed to Hector's bed with an anxious look on his face. He stared at Hector, the joy on his face difficult to conceal.

Aberforth looked exhausted. All this happened shortly after nightfall, when Aberforth suddenly felt a panic in his heart. He always felt that something was going to happen. Aberforth always believed in his intuition. He drove all the customers out of the bar, and then rushed to Hogwarts without even locking the door.

Then he ran into Dumbledore at the door of Hogwarts, with the same anxious look on his face.

Then Aberforth sat at the door of the school hospital all night, his face solemn and with obvious anger. Dumbledore couldn't sleep either, so he sat down next to Aberforth. At this time, he couldn't say a word, and could only silently accompany his brother.

"I remember you said that Hector would be safe with you. As the headmaster, you can take good care of him."Aberforth's voice was not loud. He suppressed his inner anger, turned his head, and stared at Dumbledore.

"Is this how you help me take care of Hector?"

"Aberforth, listen to me, this is really an accident." Dumbledore's explanation was so weak that Aberforth interrupted him rudely.

"This is Hogwarts, Albus!"Aberforth stood up and stared at Dumbledore, his brother, angrily. Aberforth almost roared out this sentence

"You are the so-called headmaster, how could a troll sneak in under your surveillance - and you didn't stop it in time. You let an eleven-year-old child face a troll, this is what you call care!"

Dumbledore was scolded by Aberforth and couldn't raise his head at all. He could only wait for Aberforth to vent his anger before trying to give his own explanation.

"The troll was an accident," Dumbledore explained softly.

"Someone cast a powerful Confusion Charm that messed up the defenses of Hogwarts. This won't happen again, I promise, Aberforth."

Aberforth didn't accept Dumbledore's words at all, but he didn't dwell on this topic too much.

"Let's talk about the vault in Gringotts."Aberforth sat down and said quietly,

"Don't tell me you don't know, Albus, what are your plans?"

Dumbledore was a little happy that Aberforth didn't continue to dwell on the troll, but when he heard Aberforth's other question, his brows furrowed tightly.

"Aberforth, I really can't tell you"

"I know you went to see Nicolas Flamel," Aberforth said. Dumbledore's pupils shrank and he stared at Aberforth in surprise.

"I've been watching you since Hector arrived at the Hog's Head." Aberforth stared at Dumbledore's shocked expression.

"You went to France, but you never liked that place very much, and I didn't see any activities held in France in the newspaper. You could only have gone to see Nicolas Flamel, about the Philosopher's Stone."

Dumbledore seemed to not recognize the Aberforth in front of him. In his impression, Aberforth was never the type who liked to use his brain. He had an innate passion for duels. Aberforth never thought too much, he preferred to solve problems with force.

"Aberforth, Voldemort is still alive."Dumbledore quickly came back to his senses. He looked at Aberforth, who was shocked by the news, with a serious face, and continued,

"Nicolas Flamel's safe house was attacked. It was a familiar black magic. I was sure it was his trick, but the person who used it seemed too immature. It was obviously not him."

"He hasn't come back yet, but he's trying. The Philosopher's Stone is a good medium, Voldemort went to Nico for it"

"Since you know everything, why don't you hide it better?" Aberforth looked a little flustered.

"Or just destroy it? Why bring it to Hogwarts? Hector is your grandson too!"

"Nico also wants me to destroy him, but not now. I have a plan to eliminate him completely - through that boy, Harry Potter." Dumbledore said firmly, and he could finally look Aberforth in the eye.

"I promise that it won't be long before Voldemort will be completely destroyed, and Hector will be absolutely safe and healthy.

"Dumbledore said sincerely,"Just give me another chance, Aberforth, please believe me.

" Aberforth obviously would not be convinced by Dumbledore's few words, but he also knew that he could not convince Dumbledore.

Once his brother made up his mind to do something, he would never change his mind.

It's not that Aberforth had never thought about taking Hector away���Gwartz, leave England, but Hector will definitely not agree.

After a year of getting along, Aberforth has figured out the character of his good grandson.

Once he makes up his mind about something, nothing can shake his mind.

This is very Dumbledore. Aberforth is relieved and headache. Dumbledore naturally knows that in order to make Hector change his mind and learn Transfiguration, he spent a lot of effort. In the end, he cleverly combined Charms and Transfiguration together to change Hector's mind.

Aberforth can only compromise. He is the one who is most willing to make concessions in the family.

"I know I can't convince you, and I don't know your so-called plan." Aberforth still stared at Dumbledore, but he didn't have the original anger.

"But listen carefully, Albus, never use Hector as your pawn, never involve him in this matter." Aberforth stood up and took out his wand, and Dumbledore also stood up.

"If you're going to do anything to Hector, think of me first," Aberforth looked very determined.

"I don't want to be your opponent, Albus. I don't want to be either, but if there comes a day like that, I will be your greatest enemy."

Dumbledore could only nod his head. He sat down with a hollow look in his eyes, looking very pitiful. Aberforth also sat down. The two of them had nothing else to say, and just sat there quietly all night.

The night at Hogwarts was extremely quiet, but the two of them didn't feel sleepy at all, and just sat there all night.

Then Hector woke up and saw Aberforth's face. He even thought he had entered another dream.

Until Aberforth gave him a big hug.

"You finally woke up," Aberforth wiped the tears from his eyes. He had been worried about Hector all night, which made him unable to sleep at all. Even though Madam Pomfrey had assured Aberforth more than once that Hector had just run out of magic and fell into a coma, Aberforth still could not sleep peacefully.

"I thought"Aberforth did not continue talking, because this time Hector gave him a big hug.

In his grandfather's arms, Hector felt a little relieved.

The sense of powerlessness brought by the dream was too severe, even the grown-up Hector's face was full of powerlessness, as if everything was set, and Hector's arrival could not change anything.

Hector just kept hugging Aberforth, and was reluctant to let go. Dumbledore watched from behind, with tears in the corners of his eyes.

"You must be terrified, child." Aberforth released Hector and brought a bowl of hot pumpkin porridge.

"Have some pumpkin porridge, Hector. It will make you feel better."

Hector did not rush to drink the bowl of pumpkin porridge. He looked at Dumbledore who was standing farther away and opened his arms.

""Aren't you going to hug me? Grandpa Albus?"

Dumbledore was obviously stunned for a moment. He quickly wiped away his tears, stepped forward, and gave Hector a warm and firm hug.

I don't know if I can change the vague but seemingly destined future. I can only try my best to embrace the real present that I am experiencing.

"I'm fine, Grandpa." Hector let go of Dumbledore.

"To be honest, I feel better than before."

Hector wanted to get out of bed and walk around. He felt that his energy was too abundant and about to overflow.

Madam Pomfrey carefully examined Hector and nodded to Dumbledore.

"You can be discharged from the hospital," Madam Pomfrey said kindly, smiling at Hector."You are in great shape, child."

Aberforth and Dumbledore both breathed a sigh of relief, and then fatigue came over them, and Aberforth sat down on the bed next to them. For two old men who were almost three hundred years old in total, staying up all night was too harmful to their health.

Dumbledore was the first to say goodbye, saying that he was not feeling well and needed to catch up on sleep. Aberforth looked at Hector, touched his face with his hand, and then touched his head.

"I'm glad you're okay. I'm glad you're okay. I'm in a hurry to go back. The door wasn't locked when I came out." Aberforth touched his head embarrassedly.

"You know, people of age are like this, forgetful."

Aberforth stood up from the bed on one side, patting his clothes.

"I'll go first then." Aberforth looked into Hector's blue eyes.

"Don't forget to write to me!"

Hector nodded, and Aberforth turned and left. Hector waved to Aberforth's receding figure, then took a deep breath and got out of bed.

Hector didn't think it was a dream, he had this idea when he saw the helpless eyes from the future.

But he was not hit, he just felt that he had not done much, so Hector planned to continue to expand his arsenal.

Is the future really certain? Hector didn't dare to think deeply.

Doing something is better than doing nothing.

But Hector didn't plan to go to the Potions class on Friday. If he went there at this point, he would be killed by Snape.

Hector, who didn't go to the Potions class, was not idle either. He turned around and went into the library.

At lunch time, Hector finally met Hermione, and beside her, Harry and Ron.

When you go through something with someone, it's hard not to have a good impression of each other. And defeating a twelve-foot-tall troll is obviously such an event.

Harry, Ron and Hermione completely eliminated the barriers between each other. After Hector fell into a coma, they returned to the Gryffindor common room in silence, only said"thank you" at the same time, and hurried back to their dormitories.

They became very good friends. It was unknown what they talked about with each other, but it could be seen that they were very happy.

Hermione spotted Hector first, she rushed up and gave Hector a big hug.

"Fortunately, you are okay."Hermione didn't care about other people's eyes, just hugged Hector, which made Hector feel a little uncomfortable.���As for

Harry and Ron, they waited for Hermione to let go of Hector and gave him a big hug.

The three of them hugged together, and now they can be regarded as good brothers who have exchanged lives.

"We were planning to visit you, you gave us a scare last night." Harry said, and Ron added,

"I've never seen Professor McGonagall look like that."

"But welcome back, bro."

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