Time soon entered November, and the temperature in the Scottish Highlands dropped suddenly. The whole sky looked gray, the mountains in the distance were covered with ice and snow, and the surface of the Black Lake was frozen solid. Frost on the ground has become a regular visitor every morning. The little wizards have no obvious concept of weather changes. Hogwarts Castle is surprisingly warm. As long as you don't go out of the castle, the robe is still very suitable to wear.

The days have returned to peace. The troll incident only stayed in the topic of the Gryffindor common room for a short time. The little lions' attention was soon replaced by the upcoming Quidditch game.

Hector was very satisfied that everyone stopped discussing the troll incident. He didn't want to be so famous, even though he was already famous.

Since that dream appeared, Hector's figure is rarely seen in the Gryffindor common room. He now pesters Professor Flitwick almost every day, constantly absorbing knowledge from the old man to strengthen himself.

Of course, Hector would accompany Hermione to practice spells, because he believed that a reliable teammate was more trustworthy than two reckless men who used their hands more than their brains. Harry and Ron's performance in the face of the troll really did not satisfy him. They were lucky to be able to deal with the troll, or it was because Hector did not bring his wand that Harry and the others had the opportunity to deal with the troll.

Hermione learned very quickly. The strength of the famous genius in the magic world was still strong. Her progress surprised Hector. Hector was going to find an opportunity to introduce Hermione to Professor Flitwick's tutorial class. He thought he would like this super smart little witch very much.

Of course, Hector did not completely give up his two good brothers who were not doing well. He also tried to let Harry and Ron learn a little more, but found that the two of them were all focused on the upcoming Quidditch. Although the two kept saying that they wanted to learn some spells, they were reluctant to take action.

Every time when Harry and Ron had just sat down for less than two minutes, Hector, as a teacher, could clearly see that Ron was distracted first, and then it was Harry's turn to be absent-minded. When it came to putting the theory into practice, the two who hardly listened seriously naturally had little effect. This greatly hit their self-confidence, and before long, the two of them gave up the idea of asking Hector to give them special treatment.

Hector had no way to deal with their lazy personalities.

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that there was a great possibility that Dumbledore would die heroically for the great dream of destroying Voldemort in the near future, he would not want to get involved in Harry's iron triangle from the bottom of his heart.

Compared to Gryffindor, Hector wanted to be selected to Ravenclaw more.

It was much safer to stay with a group of nerds than to be with a group of idiots whose minds were full of"fuck him".

But there was no way. As long as Voldemort was dead and his mind to destroy the wizarding world was not dead, Dumbledore would not have peace for a day.

For Hector, Dumbledore's surname is not only a gift from God, it is more like a bondage. Dumbledores will eventually make sacrifices for the magic world, which seems to be Dumbledore's destiny. Albus Dumbledore did this, and Aberforth Dumbledore would be the same as his brother. They would stand up in times of crisis, just because they are Dumbledore.

Hector doesn't have so many burdens in his heart. He never put the burden of protecting the magic world on himself. In his eyes, that is Harry Potter's mission. For him, protecting his only relatives left in this world is his biggest task.

Therefore, Hector has no choice but to continue along this familiar road to protect the people he wants to protect.

But Hector still intends to let Dumbledore pay attention to and make arrangements for teaching Harry. For these two little wizards lying flat, Hector said that he was really powerless.

Harry and Ron now had nothing else on their minds except Quidditch and Wizard Chess.

Even for their daily studies, Harry and Ron frequently turned to Hector and Hermione for help.

They almost never finished a homework independently.

Harry was of course because of the heavy Quidditch training.

He heard that Gryffindor Quidditch Captain Wood regarded him as Gryffindor's secret weapon.

But it was obvious that the word secret was quite unreliable in Gryffindor.

Almost everyone didn't know that Harry was Gryffindor's new seeker.

As for Ron, he was simply lazy.

Ron often used watching Harry's training as an excuse to borrow homework from Hermione.

The smart little witch naturally didn't believe Ron's poor excuse, but lending it to Harry was almost the same as lending it to Ron, so in the end Hermione compromised and no longer pursued Ron's behavior of not even telling a lie properly.

Hermione can really be regarded as a particularly good friend.

She carefully prepared a book"Magical Quidditch" for Harry, which was the only book Harry could read in so many days.

He learned a lot of rules that Wood hadn't taught him yet, and according to him, there were as many as seven hundred fouls.

Of course, Harry was also quite familiar with the most unreliable rumors and legends in the whole book.

Hector had heard him talk about the great achievements of the Seeker in the book more than once, with an expression on his face that a man should accept it.

Harry treasured this book far more than any other book. This book could even be compared with Harry's Nimbus 2000. Hector had seen him fall asleep with this book in his arms or as a pillow more than once. At least Harry never slept with his precious broom in his arms.

Harry felt that his life couldn't be better now. He now had the best friends, his favorite sports, and even his homework could be improved with the help of Hermione and Hector. At least he wouldn't be criticized by the professor, like Neville, who could hear the professor scolding him in almost every class, and Snape's was the most frequent and loud.

But Snape still made things difficult for him. When Hector returned to the Gryffindor common room from Professor Flitwick's office, he was surprised to find the three little wizards sitting around the fireplace. Harry's face was almost filled with resentment.

Hector came over, and Hermione explained to him that it was Snape who took away Harry's favorite book"Quidditch Through the Ages", using a very reluctant excuse - library books were not allowed to be taken out of the school. They happened to be resting in the yard at the time, discussing Quidditch tactics.

Snape even deducted five points from Gryffindor for this.

"He definitely made up an excuse." Harry was very angry, he didn't buy Snape's story at all,"I went to him to ask for it this afternoon, and he kicked me out! But I found one thing"

"Snape must have gone to the restricted area on Halloween when we were dealing with the troll. I heard him say that he couldn't deal with three heads at the same time, so it must be the three-headed dog. Snape must have wanted to find what the big dog was guarding! So, maybe he put the troll in there to divert everyone's attention!"

Harry talked a lot, and his logic was perfectly self-consistent. He told Hector excitedly as if he had discovered something, and suggested,

"You should tell your grandfather, Hector, that it was definitely Snape who did it, and you must let Dumbledore pay attention to this matter!"

Hector shrugged his shoulders, and the dirty water was still poured on Snape without any explanation. He tried to defend Snape's innocence, even though he knew Harry would never listen.

"Snape is not that kind of person." Hector felt that this sentence was too familiar, but he continued.

"Besides, Snape is a professor at the school. Although it is undeniable that he seems unreasonable in many aspects, I believe that he has no reason to steal the things hidden by Dumbledore. He is my grandfather. Even if you don’t believe Snape, you have to believe Dumbledore."

"I'm telling you, Harry." Ron thought Hector's reaction was entirely predictable.

"Hermione and you are talking exactly the same. But I think Snape is capable of anything. Maybe he deceived Dumbledore? But what is he looking for? What is that monster watching over?"

Harry fell into deep thought as Ron spoke. During this period of time, because of Quidditch, he did not continue to pay attention to the greasy little���What was in the bag? However, Snape's action drew his attention back.

"Now is not the time to think about this matter. My grandfather will solve this problem."Hector did not dwell on this matter too much. He wanted to turn the page on it as soon as possible.

""It's getting late, Harry. Tomorrow is your first Quidditch match. I think you definitely need to get some rest."

Harry nodded, and they said good night to each other and walked back to their dormitories.

The next day came quickly. Harry obviously didn't get enough rest last night. He arrived at the auditorium exhausted. The auditorium was bustling with activity. Almost everyone was talking about Quidditch. They were all looking forward to a wonderful Quidditch match. Hector also participated in the discussion, which was very rare. He listened with great interest until he saw Harry, who looked extremely tired.

"Are you okay, Harry?" Hector asked with concern, and he took the initiative to hand Harry a glass of juice.

"You look terrible."

"Thank you, Hector, I just didn't get enough rest." Harry took the juice, sat down at the long table, and then kept in a daze.

"You have to eat some breakfast," Ron came over with concern and handed Harry a sausage covered with ketchup.

"The seeker needs to maintain strong physical strength. You will be closely watched, so you can't not eat at all."

Harry took the sausage and stuffed it into his mouth mechanically. He had no appetite at all, but in another hour, he would go to the stadium, and Harry had to be ready.

The noise around him had nothing to do with Harry now. He was cherishing every minute to adjust his state.

Eleven o'clock soon arrived, as if all the teachers and students in the school had walked out of Hogwarts Castle, and the crowd quickly gathered in the stands around the Quidditch stadium.

The stadium suddenly became very lively, banners were put up, cheers, and screams were heard.

Harry solemnly said goodbye to Hector and the others.

He walked stiffly towards Wood who was waiting for the seeker.

Before leaving, Hector stuffed Harry with a piece of chocolate, which he got from Professor Flitwick, with The one with the ecstasy potion.

Harry took a bite and felt much better all of a sudden. He waved to Hector gratefully. Harry looked much more confident now.

As for Hector, he was pulled to the highest row of the stands by Ron and Hermione, joining Neville, Seamus, and football fan Dean. They had prepared a dirty bed sheet in advance and used it to draw a huge banner. Dean drew a big lion on the bed sheet, and Hermione's little magic made the banner sparkle.

Hector didn't know that Ron and the others had made so many preparations, and he seldom cared about these things, but he took out his wand and cast a spell on the lion, and the lion suddenly moved. It ran back and forth on the bed, and from time to time it let out a roar that resounded through the stadium, attracting the attention of many people.

"Too powerful!" Dean shouted, and the remaining wizards thought the same. They all looked at Hector, making Hector feel a little embarrassed.

""Look, Harry is out!

" It was Hermione who diverted everyone's attention.

They all looked inside the field.

Harry, wearing a bright red Quidditch robe, was escorted by Fred and George to the crowded field.

Madam Hooch was already standing in the center of the field, holding her broom, waiting for the players from both teams.

Slytherin versus Gryffindor, this match could be considered a real grudge game.

The two sides had been at odds with each other for a long time, and the field was undoubtedly a great place to settle grudges.

Madam Hooch was in the center of the field, giving a lot of instructions to the players on both sides, then she got on her broom and picked up her silver whistle.

Harry took a deep breath, and he saw the silver whistle at the highest point of the audience. The banner that read"Harry will win" and the vivid, majestic lion. His heart beat faster with joy, and the previous nervousness disappeared. Instead, courage filled his body. Harry now began to look forward to the whistle for the start of the game.

Madam Hooch blew her silver whistle, and fifteen flying brooms took off into the air and rose high into the sky.

The Quidditch game officially began.

The commentator of the game was Fred and George's good friend, Jordan Lee, and his commentary has always been famous for being extremely biased. Jordan naturally favored Gryffindor and naturally sneered at Slytherin, his mortal enemy. But Jordan also treated everyone equally, and his fairness could only be shown in the duel between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw.

"The Quaffle was immediately snatched up by Angelina Johnson of Gryffindor—what a great Chaser that girl is, and—very attractive."

Jordan Lee almost did not hesitate to include personal comments in her commentary. Professor McGonagall, who was sitting nearby, was obviously unhappy. She shouted at Jordan,


""I'm sorry, Professor!" Jordan Lee shrank his neck, causing the little wizards watching the game to laugh.

However, Professor McGonagall's reprimand obviously had no effect.

As the commentary went on, Jordan always began to unconsciously favor Gryffindor.

His commentary was very passionate, which made Hector blend into the atmosphere of the game very well.

He shouted like everyone else and waved his arms excitedly at the players on the field - although he didn't know much about the rules of Quidditch.

The gunpowder smell on the field soon became heavy, especially after Gryffindor's continuous steals and scores, the Slytherin players, led by their captain Marcus Flint, increased physical confrontations and bad fouls.

The Slytherin beater's big stick began to run towards not only the Quaffle, but Hector saw a big fool waving a bat and hitting Katie Bell who was holding the ball.

Then it was really a fight with a ball. After seeing this despicable behavior, Fregg and George decisively gave up chasing the Quaffle. The two of them took one side and directly used their shoulders to take the ball. Adrian Puse, who caught the ball, was knocked off his broom.

Soon the situation developed into elbows and fists. The bats were not used to find the Quaffle, but the people riding brooms. The scene was very chaotic, and the fight between the two fans below began to become obvious. Slytherin and Gryffindor opened their positions and cursed at each other. If the two houses were not far apart, Hector was sure that the young wizards of the two houses would be happy to fight.

Madam Hooch's whistle was almost broken, and her voice echoed on the court. However, after her penalty, the two teams did not even restrain for a minute, but became more intense and almost wrestled together.

Wood directed Harry to fly high in the sky. He did not want Harry to be involved too early. Only by finding the Golden Snitch could he win the game. If the seeker was injured, everything would be over.

This lasted for a long time, and no one saw a golden light. Everyone's attention was still more attracted by the fights on the field.

After a while, Hector heard a familiar voice coming from not far away

"Excuse me, excuse me, please make way!"


There was a commotion on the highest stand, and finally room was made for the big guy.

"Oh, good morning, Ron, Hermione and Hector, I have just been watching in the cabin." Hagrid had a pair of large binoculars hanging on his chest, and he was staring at the small black dot in the sky.

"The main reason is that the cabin doesn't have the atmosphere of a competition field, and the Golden Snitch is still missing, right?"

No one had time to answer him, because they all saw Harry on the broom suddenly shaking violently, as if he was about to fall from a high altitude.

Hector knew that it was Professor Quirrell's doing, and he looked around, looking for the figure with a purple scarf wrapped around his head.

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