Dumbledore and Hector did not stay any longer. Although Hector showed great interest in traveling around France, Dumbledore rejected his suggestion on the grounds that he was busy with work.

Dumbledore took Hector to the French Ministry of Magic to apply for the key to return. It was not regular when he came, so he had to go through legal channels when he returned, otherwise it would be more or less a contempt of the law. I am Albus Dumbledore, so I would not leave such a handle for others.

Therefore, Dumbledore and Hector rushed to the French Ministry of Magic as soon as they returned to France.

The entrance to the French Ministry of Magic is located in the Place Furstenberg, in the 6th arrondissement of Paris.

Not far away is the famous Père Lachaise Cemetery.

Under the cemetery is the underground amphitheater - this is where Grindelwald held the grand wizard gathering.

The Place Furstenberg is not very large.

In the center of the square stands four tall and verdant trees.

These four carefully trimmed trees form a standard square, and in the center of the square is a small fountain decoration.

Furstenberg Square seemed particularly deserted, with few pedestrians passing by, most of whom were wizards wearing tall wizard hats and robes that were inappropriate for the season.

Hector expressed his high respect for the Ministry of Magic staff who insisted on wearing robes all year round. The summer in Paris was particularly hot, and now it was noon on a sunny day. Not only were they wearing robes, but they also had to wear a proper thick wizard hat to walk under the scorching sun. That's why wizards are in good health. If a Muggle wore this, not only would he get prickly heat, but dehydration and heatstroke would be a foregone conclusion.

"Come here, Hector."

Dumbledore waved to Hector, and he and the wizards in robes and hats stood beside the fountain, holding the edge of the fountain platform with their hands. The wizards kept a certain distance from Dumbledore and deliberately avoided Hector when he looked over.

Hector nodded, walked out from under the shade of the tree, and put his hand on the edge of the fountain pool like Dumbledore.

Suddenly, the roots around the fountain rose from the ground, and those twisted, vigorous and powerful roots climbed on each other, stacked, and then formed an independent circle around the visitors around the fountain.

Something like a birdcage - these tree roots quickly transformed into an elevator.

This birdcage-like elevator made of tree roots took them underground.

Hector's eyes were dark at first, and the elevator descended very slowly at first. During this time, Hector felt something passing over the surface of his body. After the slight feeling disappeared, the elevator descended faster.

The darkness did not last long, and soon a wall with lights appeared in front of Hector's eyes. On the wall hung a conspicuous badge. The badge was composed of the French tricolor flag and a The emblem was composed of a wizard wearing a French Phrygian hat, and at the bottom of the emblem was written 'French Ministry of Magic, the government of the French magical world'.

Next was another wall with three French words written side by side, like mottos or something, they were 'casting, spells, summons'.

Then, a huge place appeared in front of Hector, and the French Ministry of Magic appeared in front of him.

The Ministry of Magic as a whole showed a silver glow, and the first thing that caught the eye was the magnificent dome. The dome was naturally silver-white, and it depicted various magical objects found in France in a sketch-like style. The walls around the dome were painted with a series of religious stories and great figures in the history of the French wizarding world, including Nicolas Flamel.

The paintings on the walls and dome were not static. The magical creatures and simple portraits were brought to life by magic, jumping, running, flying, or talking. In the center of the dome was a huge sphere, like a clock. A clear but heavy sound came from the shining sphere. The elevator gradually slowed down, and finally stopped steadily on a huge platform.

"We are here, Hector."

Dumbledore walked down from the elevator and said to Hector who was shocked by the view. Hector nodded. He didn't know when, all the people who were in the same elevator with him had left. Their figures disappeared in the bright hall of the Ministry of Magic, leaving only Hector and Dumbledore standing outside the elevator. Hector walked down from the elevator. He was now on a platform with six huge fan-shaped vaults. In front of the wall on both sides of each vault stood a huge bronze statue.

Hector wanted to take a few more steps forward, but was blocked by three cat-like creatures with black bodies but strange dark blue eyes. These big cats all roared from the depths of their throats and slowly approached him step by step.

Hector naturally recognized that they were from the French Ministry of Magic. The traditional guardians, civet cats. These black guys have average individual combat power, but are extremely difficult to deal with, as long as you don't attack them actively. Civet cats usually don't hurt people, but for the sake of caution, he still took out his wand.

From the civet cats' roars, it can be heard that they are very resistant to Hector's unfriendly action. They approached step by step, with their bodies arched and pressed against the ground - until Dumbledore stood next to Hector, those big guys stopped moving forward.

Hector saw the nervous look on the civet cats' monotonous faces. They seemed to be very afraid of the old man in front of them, but the task of protecting the Ministry of Magic made them dare not let down their guard. They stared at Dumbledore, who only glanced at them lightly, then pulled Hector to introduce him to these magical animals who were facing a formidable enemy.

"Hector, this is a civet cat, a magical animal unique to France. They are domesticated to guard the Ministry of Magic. They are very interesting creatures, but they are a little simple-minded and their attack power is also average.

Then Hector and Dumbledore heard shouts from a distance.

Hector even wanted to describe the movement as screaming.

One of the three civet cats in front of him poked its head in the direction of the sound.

Hector also looked over.

A young man wearing a formal combat robe and an Auror badge on his chest ran from a distance.

His gloved hand was holding an iron bucket that was very inconsistent with his image.

The Ministry of Magic staff who looked like an Auror ran very fast.

His free hand waved in the direction of Hector and shouted something.

If Hector heard it correctly, it should be to stop.

The young Auror finally came over. He panted and dispersed the civet cats who were staring at him, and then he politely bowed to Dumbledore and Hector one after another.

"This is the door key that has been approved for application," the young man in front of him said breathlessly, while handing the iron bucket to Hector, and then he said,

"Our team leader said that he was very sorry for the inconvenience caused to you yesterday. He hoped that you would understand for the work. In order to facilitate your return, the team leader also asked me to prepare the door key to return to England in advance. If you need anything else, you can ask me.

Dumbledore smiled and shook his head. He patted the young man, Theseus, on the shoulder.

"This is mainly our problem. We have caused inconvenience to your law enforcement. You did not blame us and saved me from so much trouble. I really want to thank you."

"This is what we should do."

Then there was a series of skilled official courtesies. Dumbledore's level of rhetoric in this regard was far beyond the reach of this rookie. When Dumbledore ended the conversation with"I have high hopes for you", Theseus' face was already flushed with excitement.

This Theseus very respectfully escorted Dumbledore and his companions all the way to the English Channel, and then reluctantly said goodbye to Dumbledore and Hector.

Looking at his high-spirited back as he left and the gentle but complacent smile on Dumbledore's face, Hector even felt that if Dumbledore wanted, Theseus could directly give up his job as an Auror in the French Ministry of Magic and go to Britain with Dumbledore to carry out the revolution - this might be the most concrete manifestation of Dumbledore's personal charm.

"Very good boy,"

Dumbledore talked to Theseus all the way.

���Several times, he asked Hector to go to the front and not to listen to their conversation.

However, this also completely dispelled Hector's previous doubts about Theseus following them all the time - Hector thought Theseus was sent by the French Auror Office to monitor Dumbledore's every move in France.

It must be said that the arrangement of the Auror Office was indeed effective.

Theseus carried out the tasks assigned by his superiors solidly, but it was not only them who were effective, but also Dumbledore.

He should have obtained a lot of useful secrets during his conversation with Theseus.

Theseus was not the only one who smiled brightly throughout the conversation.

When Hector slowly walked back from the front position to the two of them, he saw that Dumbledore also had a smile on his face.

It was the first time that Hector used the word cunning to describe Dumbledore's smile.

"Some very useful and interesting stories. I need to change my thinking - not only are there reliable young men and women in the UK, there are also many people in the outside world who are trustworthy and reliable. Dealing with Voldemort is not just Britain's business, other countries should also contribute - these little guys in the Auror's office are very good. This young man named Theseus is very similar to the old friend I know, but this young man is much simpler."

Dumbledore looked at Theseus' figure disappearing into the air, he was thinking about something and talking to himself. But Dumbledore quickly came to his senses, he took the iron bucket from Hector, and said to Hector with a smile,

"How was it? You had a fulfilling two days, right? I'll take you to France next time I have the chance. You've heard of Buddabotton College, it's a very charming place, you'll definitely like it - but that'll have to wait until next time, we're going back to Hogwarts now."

Dumbledore motioned for Hector to grab the bucket,

"Aberforth has only given us two days' leave, so we'd better not break it - get ready and go!"

The first trip to France and Austria came to an end.

Dumbledore, who returned to England, became hurried all of a sudden.

As if he was in a hurry, he took Hector and used Apparition as soon as he landed - he didn't even have time to summon Aurora.

Hector, who had endured the feeling of being rolled into a ball and pressed into a pipe twice in a row, felt the damn nausea again.

However, Dumbledore did not take him to the hidden place for lunch again and hurried back to England, even though he had returned to Paris from Nurmengard at noon.

Now Hector really wanted to vomit, but he had no material to vomit - except for a large glass of pumpkin juice he drank when he met Grindelwald, there was no trace of even a chocolate frog in Hector's stomach, and even that glass of pumpkin juice was not much left at this time.

Dumbledore sent Hector to Hogsmeade and said goodbye to Hector.

Hector didn't even have time to say goodbye.

Dumbledore also detailed Hector's empty stomach.

Landing at Hogsmeade, not at the entrance of the Hog's Head Inn - Dumbledore even left Hector some distance to recover from his dizziness (he really did, I cried to death), he calculated very accurately, when Hector saw the conspicuous sign of the Hog's Head Inn, the discomfort in his stomach disappeared very promptly, replaced by the feeling of hunger.

Hector didn't know whether to praise Dumbledore or curse him with the most polite words - but this was not important, Hector was now eager to fill his empty stomach, he quickened his pace as much as possible, the distance between him and the pig head with a funny hat was getting closer and closer.

Hector almost kicked open the familiar door, the noise was so loud that Aberforth in the kitchen rolled up his sleeves and rushed out. After seeing that it was Hector, Aberforth silently pulled down his sleeves, restrained the ferocious expression on his face, and replaced it with a smile that made those diners who were ready to watch the fun feel unfamiliar

"It's you, Hector, you're back? Where's Albus? My God, you look starved."

The smile on Aberforth's face gradually faded, and he stared at Hector. Hector saw the closed circle of expression on Aberforth's face, and he calmed his breathing and explained to Aberforth,

"Grandpa Albus is busy with something, and the Ministry of Magic has something urgent to ask him."

Hector walked into the bar, picked up the transparent kettle of cold water that Aberforth had prepared for him on the counter, and poured himself a full glass of cold boiled water.

After gulping down the drink, Hector felt that his stomach felt better, but the hunger was still obvious.

"Is there anything to eat?"

Aberforth turned around and went back to the kitchen. He quickly brought out the food prepared for other guests and handed it to Hector. The wizard whose meal was taken away wanted to say something, but before he could open his mouth, Aberforth glared at him fiercely. The customer could only shut his mouth in dismay.

Hector didn't care about that. He ate heartily without caring about his image, and didn't notice that Aberforth's eyes were getting colder and colder.

Poor Albus, he probably will get a Howler Letter.

"Hector, here is your letter."

When Hector was finishing up, Aberforth brought a large glass of cold water and a pile of letters.

"The owl couldn't get into your room, so it gave the letter to me - take a look, there are so many letters, maybe there is something urgent."

Hector groaned and took the stack of letters from Aberforth, who placed the cup of cold water within his reach.

While sweeping the last few pieces of bread-like food on the plate, Hector casually flipped through the extremely thick letters - most of them were from Fred and George.

From the exaggerated envelopes and the letters with separate signatures, it can be seen that they reacted strongly to the Howlers.

Then there were Hermione's daily greetings, but they were a little more frequent.

It was no wonder that Hector had not mentioned his schedule in the past few days to the little witch, and he did not reply as usual.

It was normal for him to care more about her.

There was only one letter from Ron, and it was written with"ultimatum" and similar words.

Hector obviously missed the reply deadline because he saw Harry Potter's name written in a flamboyant style on the last letter.

On the back of the envelope was a line of bold words, and there were several conspicuous circles around the words.

See you next Wednesday, it was written on it.

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