Hector received the first letter from Harry Potter this summer, and he was not very surprised. It seems that the Weasleys have driven their father's flying car across half of London and successfully completed the rescue of the savior imprisoned in the small room. This was soon confirmed in Harry's letter. He vividly described the thrilling escape process on the thin piece of letter paper. The Weasley brothers who drove the flying car were like angels. They were righteous and brave, and the Dursley family who obstructed their departure were described by Harry as ugly, especially Uncle Vernon. Harry described him as"an angry bull."’,‘"The clown who lost his mind", his words reveal his full resentment.

But now, the Weasley family is the most interesting and warmest family he has ever seen in his life. Here are Ron, one of Harry's best friends, Fred and George, two guys who like to play pranks but are very reliable, Percy, who is a little rigid but very quiet, Mrs. Weasley's strictness is kind and gentle, and Mr. Weasley left the most profound impression on Harry.


Weasley works in the Ministry of Magic, but he is not the rigid government officials that Harry has seen on TV.


Weasley is just the opposite of them.

He is kind, humorous, and has a jumping mind - Frege and George have perfectly inherited this.


Weasley always has a happy smile on his face, and he plays with all the children.

One thing Harry likes about Mr.

Weasley is that Mr.

Weasley has no prejudice against Muggles, which is very different from other wizards Harry has seen.


Weasley is keen to learn about everything related to Muggles, and he often gives very high praise to the wonderful ideas of Muggles.

Oh, and Ginny. Harry naturally mentioned the youngest member of the Weasley family at the end of the letter, using only a few words - perhaps because the length of the letter paper was not enough. Ginny in Harry's writing is a shy and lovely girl, at least that's what Harry thinks. Both Ron and the brothers Frog and George described a completely different image of Ginny.

The Weasley family has their own characteristics, but everyone is very good and lovely - in Harry's eyes, that's it.

Obviously, there was not enough paper.

It could be seen from the increasingly small font that he hurriedly finished his letter.

He first apologized for not replying to Hector's letter for a long time (he thought that as a good friend, Hector must have written many letters like Ron).

Then he talked about going to Diagon Alley next Wednesday.

Although there was still some time before school started, whether it was him, Ron, or Hermione and Neville, they were all eager to see each other during the long summer vacation - Harry thought Hector thought so too.

Then Hector hastily read the letters from Ron, the Weasley twins and Neville.

Everyone had similar words, and even the method of introducing the purpose was similar - a series of trivial daily trivia took up most of the space, and finally mentioned at the end"see you next Wednesday, Diagon Alley".

Such a consistent sentence.

It seems that they should have discussed it in advance, and just informed Hector at the end - although the end of their letters either sloppily or secretly wrote words such as"the specific time can be discussed".


Apart from Hermione's letters, her letters did not contain so many trivial and useless daily life. At the beginning of the letter, Hermione explained the meeting next Wednesday and asked for Hector's opinion. The little witch had a plan to take a trip before school started, so next Wednesday was mostly her idea.

Hector patiently replied to all the little wizards' letters one by one. The excuse for not replying in time was naturally that Professor Dumbledore had something to do with him. Hector had no objection to the meeting on Wednesday. He had a lot of free time recently, so it was no problem for him to meet those friends. Aberforth had no objection either, and he took on the responsibility of picking up Hector.

"No problem, I can just go to the Leaky Cauldron and have a drink with Old Tom,"

Aberforth had been thinking about this matter, and he responded to Hector's concerns about delaying work.

"You still have to do what you promised to others, don't you? Besides, you have to take adequate rest while working. Don't worry, Hector, I won't interfere with you and your friends."

Hector could say that he had never thought about it in this direction, and he simply had a very serious PTSD about the Knights Bus - that's right, it was as if there was a thief in the house, the speed at which the Floo Powder was consumed was completely disproportionate to the frequency of Hector's use. As far as he could remember, Hector had never used it, but a large can of Floo Powder just disappeared out of thin air.

Aberforth's excuse was normal loss, but Hector said he didn't believe it at all.

Wednesday of the second week arrived quickly, and at Hector's strong request, Aberforth very reluctantly went to Diagon Alley early on Tuesday, even though he used the borrowed money he had used to deal with Hector last time. It was useless even if the shops were closed.

Hector walked Aberforth out of the Hog's Head and to the nearby road, then looked at him in surprise as he pointed his wand to the sky.

After a while, a large double-decker bus rushed over from the distant horizon at lightning speed, and then, with Hector's expression of"I see" and"I didn't expect it", Aberforth boarded the Knights Bus that made Hector feel nauseous just by looking at it - yes, it was the Knights Bus that had Newton's ashes scattered on it, and Aberforth didn't even use Apparition!

If I'm not mistaken, Aberforth seemed to have taken out a silver coin from his pocket.

He handed the red card to the conductor, who took a look at it and gave up his seat without charging any fees!

Just let Aberforth get on!

Hector was very confused watching Aberforth's series of operations. He even saw through the window that Aberforth was chatting with other wizards on the bus with a smile on his face. He looked very familiar with them - yes, with a smile on his face. Even the customers in the restaurant had never had the pleasure to see a smile on Aberforth's face. Then the Knight Bus disappeared at the end of the horizon on the other side with an unreasonable momentum and acceleration just as it came.

Could it be that Dumbledore... Do people in many families have some strange little habits? Albus Dumbledore is like this, and so is Aberforth Dumbledore. Could it be that there is really some unknown secret in the surname Dumbledore? Hector is very skeptical about this.

However, Hector now understands why Dumbledore's bloodline, although it looks so brilliant on the surface, is only a purple talent. Maybe this is the reason? Although he didn't find anything wrong with his psychology at the moment, Hector still had a slight worry inadvertently.

It can't be true, right? Hector had to be cautious.

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