Aberforth and his brother Albus Dumbledore have very similar waking up times, and they basically leave their warm and comfortable beds at daybreak. Aberforth may be a little earlier than Albus, after all, he still has the family business to take care of.

But for Hector, waking up at six o'clock is not on the same level as waking up at five-thirty. Five-thirty can be used as a time to get up at night, as the time to wake up for the first time, or even as a time to go to bed, but it must not be a time to get up. When Aberforth called Hector to get up, Hector even felt like he was back in his senior year of high school.

Aberforth seldom called him to get up, and Hector basically slept until he woke up naturally. Today was an exception. Looking at the slightly smug expression on Aberforth's face, Hector could almost guess why he called him to get up so early.

These two are really brothers. It must be said that their ways of playing pranks on people are so exactly the same.

"Remember to take the Hogwarts letter. It seems that there are a few new required books this year.���If I'm wrong, it should be Defense Against the Dark Arts - you seem to have a new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, I hope the one Albus chooses is more reliable——-It seems to be an important person, named Gilderoy Lockhart, a very familiar name - Hector, Hector?"

Hector's delaying tactics against Albus Dumbledore did not work on Aberforth. Aberforth showed that he would not buy it, which forced Hector to change his tactics. He chose to play tricks and stayed in bed. Unfortunately, Aberforth obviously had a countermeasure for this. He took off his dirty coat, took away the wand that was irritating him, and then sat down on the bed - he took a tickling offensive, and Hector could not resist, so he could only climb out of the bed reluctantly.

Under Aberforth's supervision, Hector washed up, went downstairs, and then sat obediently at his table to eat the prepared, steaming breakfast. Aberforth returned to the bar and came out with two cups. As soon as he came back, he saw Hector's funny look with his eyes closed and nodding his head, and he really couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Have some tea, it will wake you up."

Aberforth handed the brewed strong tea to Hector, who forced himself to open his eyes and picked up the cup in a daze. After picking up the cup, Hector closed his eyes again - until his teeth hit the edge of the cup.

Hector gradually woke up under the double effect of strong tea and pain.

The awakening effect of the two was surprisingly good, and the remaining sleepiness quickly disappeared.

Hector also accepted the reality of getting up early, and he began to enjoy milk with children's cereal - Aberforth specially bought it from a Muggle store, and it was said that it was suggested by Albus Dumbledore - this could be clearly felt from the sweetness of the cereal.

As for Aberforth, he drank the brewed strong tea while flipping through past newspapers as if looking for something.

"I said I remembered this name, and it seemed like he was a big shot."

After searching for a while, Aberforth found the newspaper he wanted. He first glanced at the description of Lockhart in the newspaper, and then handed the newspaper to Hector.

"《There was a whole page about him in the Daily Prophet, with a bunch of fancy titles, Order of Merlin, Honorary Member of the Dark Arts Defense League, five-time winner of the Most Charming Smile Award from Wizard Weekly, famous writer - he was a big name, but he looked like a mere show-off."

Hector took the newspaper from Aberforth, and what came into his eyes was a handsome wizard in flashy clothes, with golden wavy hair and shiny teeth, and his robe was made of colorful fabrics cleverly stitched together, which looked very expensive.

"Look at the column of birthday presents he expects - the harmony between the wizarding world and the non-magical world.

I have to put it another way.

This Lockhart is not only superficial, but also a hypocritical person.

Now, a rising star, a rare young expert in the wizarding world, one of the best successors of Albus Dumbledore - how many gold Galleons did Lockhart give to this reporter? But he certainly doesn't care - several new books added this semester are all Lockhart's.

At this price, he can make a profit by selling a few skill books.


Hector agreed with this very much. He felt a little nauseous about the exaggerated descriptions and gorgeous words in the Daily Prophet. After a quick glance, Hector quickly put the newspaper as far away as possible.

"Albus is really old and confused to choose such a person."Aberforth took Hector back to his room. He went to get the gold galleons. Aberforth did not believe in Gringotts. He thought those goblins were not as reliable as advertised, and the expensive storage fees and strange regulations were really hard for Aberforth to accept.

Therefore, Aberforth built a cellar under his bedroom. The size of the cellar was just enough for Hector and Aberforth to stand side by side. The surrounding walls and the flat ground were all cast with powerful protective spells, which should be the work of Albus. There were several alchemical boxes with good security in the cellar. According to Aberforth, these boxes stored part of the Dumbledore family's property.

Then, after a series of complicated operations, Aberforth opened one of the boxes. He took out a bulging purse from the box and poured some into his palm. In Hector's stunned eyes, Aberforth counted carefully while complaining about his brother.

"Well, that should be enough.

Aberforth stuffed the ordered Galleons into Hector's hand, hesitated for a moment, and took out three more Galleons from the bag and stuffed them into Hector's other hand.

"Buy something you like, or something fun, it’s okay, just be careful not to drop it."

Hector looked at the heavy purse in Aberforth's hand, and then at the similar purses in the box, at least ten of them, and several other purses lying quietly beside him. He had a deeper understanding of the family's wealth.

Hector also roughly understood why the Weasley brothers' research speed had improved so significantly after receiving financial support from Aberforth, and he rarely heard them complain about the damn poverty.

He suddenly felt that what was the point of continuing to struggle? Could he earn the gold Galleons that he saw in the cellar today, which was only a small part of the family's savings? Hector now had a direct feeling that his goal of making money was stopped by the current situation of being too rich at the first moment.

He even had the idea of lying down - as long as he didn't start a business blindly, according to the current economic level and the purchasing power of gold Galleons, not to mention this life, the next life, and the next life are all ready.

Aberforth put the purse back into the box, and the gorgeous alchemy box closed automatically with a bang.

""Okay, let's go."

Aberforth looked around carefully, and after making sure that no gold galleons had fallen to the ground when he was not paying attention, he clapped his hands and said to Hector who was still in a daze.

"Oh, oh."

Hector's legs felt weak, and he was glad that he didn't fall to the ground. Hector followed Aberforth out of the cellar in a daze, used Floo powder in a daze, and arrived at the Leaky Cauldron in a daze.

"Well, that's all. Go find your friend, Hector."

Aberforth said with a smile as he looked at Hector who was slowly recovering from the shock. Hector nodded, and Aberforth walked directly to the bar. Hector saw that the old Tom who was in a daze behind the bar, his lifeless eyes suddenly lit up when he saw Aberforth, and his face suddenly showed an attentive smile.

"Would you like something to drink? My dear Aberforth, we have a new product that I think you will like."

Old Tom's voice was so loud that Hector could still vaguely hear it even though he had already stepped into Diagon Alley.

Diagon Alley was very busy today. Not only were there young wizards who were still learning to walk around, but there were also many adult wizards who looked very mature, mostly gorgeously dressed female wizards. However, Hector soon spotted the Weasley family from the noisy crowd - those conspicuous, simply dressed tall wizards who looked around were very conspicuous.


The sharp-eyed Fred was the first to spot Hector in the crowd. He and George immediately ran in that direction.

"Long time no see, guys, why are you here so early?"

"Oh, this is all thanks to our beautiful and charming mother, who woke us up at 5:30. Merlin's big pants, we studied the product until the early morning yesterday, and I only slept for half an hour!"

It was Fred who complained, and George took over his words tacitly.

"I'm different, silly Fred, I didn't sleep at all - it's better than sleeping for only half an hour."

The two brothers soon stopped talking because Mrs. Weasley came over with a large family.

"Oh, it's nice to see you, Hector. Waking up early is a very good habit. You two should learn from him. Hector has excellent grades, just like Percy."

""Please, Mom!" the two brothers shouted in unison, and Mrs. Weasley stopped teaching with a lingering feeling. However, she still glared at the two brothers fiercely, then looked at Hector with a smile on her face.

"Have you had your breakfast, Hector? If not, I have some bread here - if you don't mind. Come here, Arthur, give me your bag."

"What's wrong, Molly, have you found Harry?"

A bald, thin, tall, red-haired man with glasses came over. If I guessed correctly, this should be Mr. Weasley. Mr. Weasley first asked about the most important thing at the moment, and then naturally noticed Hector in front of him.

"Who is this?"

"The one you've always wanted to meet, Hector Dumbledore. Hector, this is Arthur, my husband."

"Hello, Mr. Weasley.

Hector greeted Mr. Weasley respectfully. Mr. Weasley held Hector's hand, his eyes full of excitement.

"Oh my god, you are Hector Dumbledore, it is such an honor to meet you"

Mr. Weasley was about to say something else, but was interrupted by Ron's scream.

""Hey, we found Harry!"

Everyone's eyes turned to the direction of the voice. The first person they noticed was the huge half-blood giant Hagrid. Next to him stood a sloppy little wizard covered in dust and with broken glasses.

That was the Harry they had been looking for, waving his arms towards them.

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