Mr. Weasley suddenly rushed towards Mr. Malfoy.

Mr. Malfoy was caught off guard and was slammed into a bookshelf by Mr. Weasley's shoulder. Dozens of heavy spell books on the bookshelf fell and hit them on the head. The fight between the two caused a commotion in the crowd. People retreated in panic. The originally orderly team suddenly became chaotic. In the process of retreating, bookshelves were constantly knocked down, and the fallen bookshelves caused even greater commotion.

"Oh, gentlemen, please be careful, everyone, spread out, watch your step, don't step on the books, those books still need to be sold!"

The clerk of Flourish and Blotts was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and his voice became hoarse from the loud shouting to maintain order.

However, his shouting did not have a soothing effect, but instead was like a fire, quickly igniting and spreading the panic.

Those people who didn't know what was going on were pushed by the crowd, like a small boat hit by huge waves, and kept retreating.

Screams and curses came one after another, like a terrifying symphony, and the heavy sounds of bookshelves falling and books falling were like bombs, exploding in people's ears, making their nerves more tense.

Mrs. Weasley wanted to do something, she shouted loudly, trying to awaken Mr. Weasley's reason, but soon she had new things to do - - Fred and George were not satisfied with just watching and cheering from the sidelines, but they could not intervene in the fight between adults, so Malfoy, who was standing nearby, was their best choice.

The scene became even more chaotic.

On the contrary, the situations of the two fights were very clear - the Malfoys won the verbal fight, while the Weasleys actually got the upper hand in the fight.

Needless to say, Draco Malfoy, Fred and George's big batsmen's bodies could beat him up, and he couldn't even fight back, not to mention that the two of them were attacking together, and Harry and Ron were beside them, one fanning the flames and the other roaming around to finish off the opponent.

As for Lucius Malfoy, the long-term erosion of a wealthy life had his body, and Arthur Weasley are both well-known doers, so the result is self-evident.

The scene in Flourish and Blotts Bookshop can really be said to be in full swing. Mrs. Weasley rescued Draco Malfoy, who was rubbed on the ground, by the traditional method of pulling his ears, but she was really helpless in the fight between the two adults. She could only hope that her shouting could wake Mr. Weasley up - but the effect was poor. The two gentlemen who were beaten glared at each other and had no intention of stopping.

Someone has to stand up and stop them.

That person must be me!

Hector had such a thought in his mind without any warning. He could feel that there was a force silently pushing his inner desire.. Hector, who always kept a low profile, suddenly had the idea of doing something at this moment. His wand suddenly appeared in his hand at some unknown time and by some unknown method.

At the same time, the noisy environment in the bookstore suddenly became quiet, and the sound of conversation disappeared. Except for the few people standing next to Hector, almost everyone else's eyes were all on Hector, including the short man and the camera in his hand, and even Mrs. Weasley who had been shouting at Mr. Weasley. For some reason, they had similar ideas at almost the same time - this child must be doing something.

(I'm not kidding, this is a key plot, please don't spray it)

""What happened?"

This was Neville's voice. Harry, Ron, and Hermione who were standing next to Hector also thought the same thing. They followed the gazes of those people and it seemed that everyone's gazes were focused on one point, and that point was exactly where Hector was.

Then something strange happened. The puzzled expressions on Neville's faces disappeared the moment they looked at Hector, and expectant looks appeared on their faces. Now they were very similar to the spectators around them, even the expressions on their faces were similar.

Hector tried to move his body and change his position, but everyone's gazes followed him strangely. They moved together, but he was still keenly aware of the different emotional changes on Neville's faces at that moment, especially Neville, who seemed to want to frown, but soon returned to his expectant expression.

Another strange thing was that Mr. Weasley and Mr. Malfoy were still fighting passionately.

These two gentlemen seemed to be immersed in the fight and did not notice the strange environment of Flourish and Blotts at all.

Moreover, whether it was Mr.

Weasley, who had a strong physique, or Mr.

Malfoy, who was slightly inferior, they did not seem to feel the loss of physical strength.

After fighting for quite a while, they could still This passion was full of greetings in the other's face.

It was understandable that Mr.

Weasley behaved like this, but now Mr.

Malfoy, who was being beaten under him, also showed the vitality of the beginning of the fight.

Wasn't something wrong?

However, they still fought like that, as if they would never stop.

Hector first felt a strong sense of uneasiness, and when he was sure that the people around him had no intention of doing anything except looking at Hector with expectant eyes, the uneasiness in Hector's heart turned into enough rebellion.

Hey, that's it, you want to force me to take action? I won't do it. If you have the ability, don't control others here. The person is directly controlled by me. Hector sat down on the ground while thinking so. He forced himself to restrain the desire in his heart and put the wand back into his arms. Now Hector looked like a rogue.

The air was strangely quiet for a while. After the vague desire in Hector's mind gradually became stronger to an extreme, it quickly left Hector's mind like a tide. At the moment when the desire faded, Flourish and Blotts Bookstore returned to its usual state. Everyone naturally withdrew their gazes. They continued to talk in a low voice, and even screams and curses began to sound from time to time.

""What are you doing sitting on the ground, Hector?"

Harry suddenly asked curiously. Ron and Hermione also cast questioning eyes at Hector who was sitting on the ground. As for Neville, he kept rubbing his temples.

Mr. Longbottom felt that he had forgotten something, and it seemed very important. Forgetting this matter was originally a trivial matter for him, but this time Neville had a different feeling, a feeling he had never had before. In the end, he also cast a questioning look at Hector like Harry and the others. Hector hurriedly stood up from the ground. When he was about to explain, a loud voice drowned out all the sounds in Flourish and Blotts.

""Get out of the way, gentlemen, get out of the way."

Hagrid's huge figure appeared behind the crowd. He quickly passed through the crowd, stepped on the books on the ground and pulled Mr. Weasley and Mr. Malfoy, who were still entangled, apart. Both of them were injured, but not seriously. Mr. Malfoy's eye socket was black and blue, and Mr. Weasley only had a broken lip.

"This matter is not over, Weasley, I said."

Mr. Malfoy straightened his clothes. He no longer had the idea of continuing to talk to Hector. Now Mr. Malfoy just wanted to leave this place quickly, the faster the better. He waved at Draco, and the father and son limped but quickly left Flourish and Blotts.

"You shouldn't pay attention to them, Arthur, this guy is bad, his whole family is bad, everyone knows it."

Hagrid patted the dust off Mr. Weasley, he looked at the Granger couple standing trembling beside him, and continued patiently,

"Nothing the Malfoys said was correct. Even the blood rolling on their bodies was bad. That's it. Let's go out."

Mr. Weasley nodded and wiped the corner of his mouth. After Hector and the others helped Ginny pick up the books that had fallen out of the cauldron, Mr. Weasley led them out of Flourish and Blotts. As for the clerks who wanted to stop them, they decisively chose to give up after seeing Hagrid's huge body.

Everyone walked quickly toward the street. Hector still walked behind the team, and Neville still followed him silently. When they were completely out of Flourish and Blotts, Neville, who was full of doubts, spoke to Hector who was walking in front of him.

""Hector, I feel like I forgot something. I know my memory has always been bad, but this time is different - I can't explain it, but it feels weird."

Hector stopped and looked at Neville. The black diary that he was playing with just now was put into the bag he was carrying.

"You asked me what happened in Flourish and Blotts just now. Not long ago, you asked me why I was sitting on the ground. Do you remember these things?"

Hector stared at Neville, who showed a thoughtful look.

"I still have some impression of the latter, but I really have no impression of the former - did I really ask you this? What happened at that time?"

Hector did not answer, and Neville soon stopped asking. The question stopped here without any follow-up. They stood behind Harry and Ron, while Hermione and Ginny tried their best to calm the Grangers - as for Mrs. Weasley, she was yelling at Mr. Weasley for fighting in public. At the corner of the street in the distance, three short figures appeared out of thin air, all of them were about the age of the first grade.

"Hey, Al, we gotta go, time waits for no one!"

"Got it."

The little boy named Al glanced at Hector's back, his eyes revealing reluctance.

"I will figure it out, I will."

The three figures disappeared into thin air at the same time, as if nothing had happened.

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