The Diagon Alley tour ended like this. After enjoying the butterbeer offered by Aberforth by the fireplace in the Leaky Cauldron, everyone said goodbye to each other.

"Well, see you at school."

Hector said goodbye to Harry and the others one by one. Mrs. Weasley had already bought the Floo powder they needed to go home. Hermione and the Grangers took the car back to the Muggle street on the other side, while Neville and his grandmother were going to take the Knights Bus.

When Aberforth saw Neville and Mrs. Longbottom getting on the Knights Bus, there was a light of desire in his eyes, which was soon projected onto Hector, but Hector still firmly expressed his refusal.

When Percy was the last one to step into the fireplace, the Weasleys politely said goodbye to Aberforth, and then the couple disappeared in the Leaky Cauldron.

Then it was Hector and Aberforth, and they soon returned to the Hog's Head.

"Dinner will have to wait a while, you can go back and read the books you bought today."

At this point, Aberfosse frowned again, he looked at Hector and asked,

"I heard that there was something going on at Flourish and Blotts today, something like a fan signing event, so you should have seen that guy - tell me, what does that guy named Lockhart look like?"

Hector took out eight beautifully packaged tomes from his bag and placed them on a table not far away. He sat in a chair and carefully considered his words.

"I think your evaluation of Lockhart this morning is correct, Grandpa. He is a guy who values headlines more than anything else. When Mr. Weasley and Mr. Malfoy were fighting, he had no intention of dissuading them. He was even happy because it could cause a sensation."

Hector stood up and poured himself a glass of boiled water. He took a sip and continued,

"Moreover, Lockhart doesn't look like someone who has experienced many ups and downs - but his books are well written, most of them are very true, it would be better if there were less self-boasting."

Hector paused, he looked at Aberforth, and concluded seriously,

"All in all, Lockhart is an excellent speculator and an outstanding novelist, but to say that he is a great explorer, a future star in the wizarding world, or even Dumbledore's successor is a far cry from the truth."

"You sound like you've seen so many storms,"

Aberforth said with a smile after hearing Hector's well-reasoned analysis, but he quickly put away his smile and turned it into a serious expression.

"But maybe you're right, Lockhart looks like a scumbag, if he was really that good, I should have heard of his name a long time ago - just like Minerva and Filius."

Aberforth said as he walked over from the counter and casually weighed the books that Hector had placed on the table.

"The book looks quite exquisite, but five Galleons is still a bit too expensive."

"Even so, there are still many people who want to buy it."

Hector quickly finished the water in the glass, he stood up from the chair and said to Aberforth,

"I'll go back upstairs first"

"What about these books?"

"I'll leave it here for now. If you're interested, you can take a look at it in your spare time."

Hector's figure had disappeared around the corner of the stairs, but his voice still came from far away at the entrance of the stairs.

"I don't think I'll learn anything useful from these books, but maybe Gilderoy Lockhart's Guide to Household Pest Control will come in handy."

"It would be best if I could,"

Aberforth looked at the fancy book at the bottom line. The large gold-plated characters on the surface and the large portrait of Lockhart himself made him frown. He turned to the back of the book, looked at the price, and said to himself,

"It sold for five galleons."

Hector returned to his room. There was a red bird in the room - it was Aurora. It looked like she had been waiting here for some time.

"Hello, Aurora."

Hero sat down at his desk and pulled out a brand new piece of letter paper and a chocolate frog from the drawer. Hector first unwrapped the chocolate frog and handed it to Aurora, then returned to the table to write a letter.

Hector's first letter was to his grandfather Albus.

The second school year was coming soon, and Hector always had to make some preparations in advance.

The troll in the first year had made him clearly realize a serious problem - although Hector knew the original plot of Harry Potter, some details and the time of occurrence of specific events had been obviously forgotten under the erosion of time.

Let's put it this way, Hector can remember what happened roughly, but it is difficult for Hector to recall the details and the time of occurrence.

Life time is a bit too difficult for him.

For example, Hector can remember that the final boss of this school year is Slytherin's basilisk.

Voldemort himself did not participate in this year's actions, but his Horcruxes controlled everything that happened - but Hector did not remember the identities of all the victims in the process, nor did he remember the location of each attack.

So Hector must integrate the points he knows to make advance preparations - it is inevitable to deal with the basilisk wandering in the sewer first. As for the diary in his hand, Hector did not plan to hand it over directly to Dumbledore. Hector wanted to learn something from the senior Tom Riddle in the diary, some things that both Albus and Albus had learned.���Forth was not convenient to teach him.

When Tom Riddle's surplus value was almost fully utilized, Dumbledore knew about this diary. Hector quickly finished writing the first letter. His letter was very brief. He only said in the letter that he had recently had a brand new prophetic dream. Dumbledore always attached great importance to Hector's prophetic dreams, and Hector was relieved about this.

Hector put the first letter into the prepared envelope, took out another envelope from the drawer, and a piece of paper with the Hogwarts seal printed on it from Albus's grandfather's office.

To Mr. Lucius Malfoy.

Hector wrote on the envelope. This was an abrupt letter, and the content of the letter was only a few lines.

Borgin and Burke, Tom Riddle's diary, Flourish and Blotts, Ginny Weasley.


Hector was a little hesitant, but he still signed his name.

Hector Dumbledore.

Hector put the letter into the prepared envelope, took out his magic wand, and tapped the letter lightly. After all this was done, Hector waved to Aurora who had been waiting for a long time, and Aurora, who was combing her feathers, immediately jumped onto his shoulder.

"This one is for Grandpa Albus, and this one is to be delivered to Malfoy Manor. Deliver the one to Malfoy Manor first, and then go find Fawkes, understand?"

Aurora nodded and made a crisp cry. Hector tied the letter to Dumbledore to Aurora's leg, and as for the letter to Lucius Malfoy, Aurora chose to hold it in her mouth.

"Don't send them to the wrong place, pay attention to the order. Go!"

Aurora flapped her wings and quickly disappeared into the room.

It is better to make more preparations than to do nothing.

I hope Lucius is a smart man, at least smarter than his son.

————————Dividing Line—————————

Dumbledore's reaction speed was indeed very fast. When Hector was enjoying dinner, there was a knock on the door of the Hog's Head Inn.

"I clearly remembered that I put up a sign saying"Closed for Business"?"

Aberforth muttered, he cleared his throat and shouted loudly towards the door,

"Isn't there a sign on the door? Temporarily closed. Please come back at another time!"

The knocking stopped for a moment, and Dumbledore's voice came.

"Aberforth, open the door, it's me, Albus."

Aberforth showed a disgusted expression the moment he heard Dumbledore's voice. He looked at Hector and asked,

"Did you come to ask him to come?"

Hector nodded, and Aberforth could only stand up reluctantly. His footsteps were particularly heavy, and it could be seen that Aberforth was not in such a good mood. The wooden door of the Hog's Head was opened roughly, making a harsh sound.

"Are you coming here too often, Albus?"

Aberforth was standing in front of the door, and he stated his attitude directly. This froze Dumbledore's smile on his face. He wanted to say something, but Aberforth spoke before him as if he had expected it.

"I know, it's very, very important, the kind that will cause the wizarding world to collapse if it's delayed for a second. But what does this have to do with Hector? Albus, I hope you still remember your promise to me"

"Of course I remember"

"That's great, so that very, very important thing should have nothing to do with my Hector, right? If not, I think it's time to say goodbye."

Albus Dumbledore, who was always eloquent, was completely defeated in front of his brother. Aberforth, who was not good at speaking, took the lead in launching a series of offensives and completely dominated the whole process of the conversation, while the eloquent Albus was in a daze and could not say a word. It was the bystander Hector who solved the situation.

""Okay, Grandpa, I'm the one who's looking for him."

Aberforth then retracted his sharp eyes, nodded, and made way, but Hector stopped Aberforth's action.

"Some things cannot be explained here. I need the help of the Pensieve."

Hector looked at Aberforth who was a little surprised, and he explained patiently.

"This matter is indeed very, very important - it is related to the safety of Hogwarts Castle in the next school year. And, Grandpa, there are some things that I'd better tell you."

Hector looked into Aberforth's eyes and said this as seriously as possible.

"I seem to have mastered the power of prophecy."

There was a strange silence, and then Aberforth's inappropriate laughter.

"You must be kidding me."

Aberforth looked at Hector's serious face and found it very interesting. Then he saw Dumbledore's equally serious face. Aberforth's smile gradually faded, and he asked tentatively,

"Isn't it?"

Hector and Dumbledore shook their heads, and now even Aberforth's face turned serious.

"How did you find out?"

————————————Dividing Line————————————

Hogwarts Castle, Headmaster Dumbledore's office,

Professor Dumbledore's head was in the Pensieve, he was watching the forged memory extracted by Hector. Aberforth sat face to face with Hector, quietly listening to Hector's narration about the prophetic power.

"So, your ability to predict is not to see brief, discontinuous pictures of the future, but to capture what happens in a certain fragment of the future?"

"Almost, that's it."

"And it appeared in the form of a dream?"

"You are right, Grandpa."

The air between the two fell into silence for a while. Aberforth seemed to be thinking about something, so he didn't speak. As for Hector, he didn't need to think about anything. Just looking at Aberforth's frowning face, Hector really didn't dare to say anything more.

"It's really unbelievable."

Aberforth took a deep breath, stretched out his hand, rubbed his temple, and then waved his wand, and a thick book on the bookshelf flew over.

"Prophecy requires talent, which is why true prophets are so rare. Hector, not everyone has the ability to predict the future."

Aberforth carefully patted the dust off the heavy book, as if he was stroking a precious treasure.

The book looked like it had not been read for a long time, and the traces of time left mottled marks on its pages.

Hector came over curiously, he had seen this book when he first arrived.

This is the family tree of the Dumbledore family, or the genealogy.

This ancient genealogy records the history and heritage of the Dumbledore family.

The importance of this book is self-evident.

It is one of the most precious things for every family, and the protective magic cast on it is so powerful that it is unimaginable.

""Looks familiar, right, Hector?"

Aberforth's face was full of solemnity, and he gently tapped the cover of the book with the wand in his hand.

A crisp sound came from the family tree, and the book automatically opened its arms.

A green tree slowly rose from the book, and the tree stretched its branches around.

At the end of each branch, a portrait of a wizard appeared, and their names were written under the portrait.

The tree branch became more and more monotonous as it went up, and the branches extending around became sparse, and finally only a bare trunk was left.

It stretched upwards with great effort and stubbornness, but its speed of extension was getting slower and slower.

At the place called Percival Dumbledore, the lonely trunk finally split into two branches.

Albus, Aberforth, and Ariana.

The branch belonging to Ariana was particularly thin, and the portrait of Ariana at the end was dim. Just like the ancestors on the Dumbledore family tree, the branch belonging to Aberforth was almost the same thickness as Albus's, and the branch with Aberforth's name was even thinner. To make it thicker, two branches spread out from under Aberforth, namely Credence and Chris, and their portraits have also gone out.

Further back, it is Hector.

On the entire family tree, only three people's portraits are still bright, and the others have dimmed, making the entire family tree look particularly desolate.

Aberforth first looked at the top of the branch with emotion, and soon began to search again. There are many famous people in Dumbledore's family tree. Wulfric Dumbledore has participated in the battle between wizards and elves, and Brian Dumbledore is one of the signatories of a famous treaty.

In addition to these great wizards, Hector also found some interesting things. Around the main branch of the Dumbledore family, there are several side branches. Those side branches only have names but no portraits. Moreover, there is a small bracket at the end of the name, with a cross in the bracket. Branches like this often do not last long and stop spreading completely.

"Oh, those are the Squibs of Dumbledore's family, and it is very difficult for the descendants of those Squibs to produce someone with magical talent. If there is no wizard in two or three generations of the Squibs, this branch will be assigned to the Muggle family tree - if it is like your case, although your father is a Squib, he will also remain in the Dumbledore family tree."

This is how Aberforth explained Hector's doubts. After so much time, he really couldn't find which of Dumbledore's ancestors possessed such a rare talent as prophecy. Perhaps it can only be attributed to Hector's talent mutation? After all, for a Squib, it is really rare for his descendants to have such an outstanding wizard.

"Maybe your mother is also a Squib? That might make sense."

Aberforth thought of other possibilities, and Hector nodded. He knew that his father was made up by the system, so what about his mother? The system seemed to have never mentioned her, just saying a French Muggle. So where did Hector's talent for prophecy come from? Anyway, he didn't believe that the stingy system would be kind enough to give him such a rare talent. At least it has to be an orange card, Hector thought.

At this time, Dumbledore, who was immersed in the Pensieve, finally came back to his senses. He looked solemn and very nervous.

"Thank you, Hector, I think I know something."

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