Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter 102 An appointment with Ren Zhengfei

Lin Chen became more excited as he thought about it. When he traveled to this world, Huawei had already faintly surpassed other mobile phone brands and became the world's number one mobile phone brand.

Although many people disagree with this, more people still think they are extremely proud.

In this life, it would be a great blessing if I can also participate in the rise of this brand.

However, Lin Chen was also a little strange.

It is obvious that Huawei in another world has risen so powerfully, why is Huawei in this world now in a situation where it is almost sold?

Is there a big difference between the two worlds?

This possibility does not exist, just like the current Ari. After losing his father Ma, the Ari in this world has just become a very ordinary online e-commerce company, not at all like the e-commerce giant of the previous life.

Is such a Huawei worth his investment?

If I invest in Huawei, the probability that I can make 20 times the profit in the future is...


This result increased Lin Chen's confidence.

He tried to continue the calculation, fifty times the profit?


A hundred times?



Lin Chen recovered and said to Xu Jun, "Xu Jun, if I want to buy a Huawei mobile phone, do you know who I should go to?"

Xu Jun heard Lin Chen's question and almost squirted the coffee out of his mouth.

"Buy Huawei mobile phone? Lin Chen,"

Xu Jun wanted to say he was joking, right?But after thinking about it, Lin Chen wanted to avenge himself, and even the Thousand Marriott car could be used as a trap without hesitation. He was definitely not joking when he said he wanted to buy a Huawei mobile phone.

Xu Jun wiped his mouth and thought for a while and said: "Lin Chen, Huawei Mobile is a subsidiary of Huawei, and all the shares are in the hands of our big boss Ren Zhengfei. If you really intend to buy it, of course you should go to him. ."

Ren Zhengfei?

Lin Chen's mouth turned up.

This is a legendary businessman who started from scratch and founded Huawei with a cost of 20,000 yuan, and brought it to where it is today step by step.

My meeting with him may be very interesting.

After making up his mind, Lin Chen asked Xu Jun for the address and contact information of their head office. After he was ready to return to the company, he asked someone to arrange this meeting as soon as possible.

In addition, for Xu Jun, Lin Chen also made him not rush to leave.

Xu Jun is an individual talent. Lin Chen knew this very early. If he could really stay in Huawei's mobile phone in the future, Xu Jun would also be his great help. Lin Chen would not want his friends to miss out on Huawei. An opportunity for Wei mobile phone to take off.

Xu Jun believed Lin Chen's words a hundred now. Hearing Lin Chen asked him to stay in the company, he immediately nodded and agreed without hesitation.

After a good breakfast, Lin Chen asked Catherine to arrange two cars, one to take Xu Jun and Zhang Yifei home, and the other to be temporarily used as his special car.

Lin Chen’s Pagani’s handling of the situation came out last night, and Pagani did offer 12 million repair fees, not including the air freight cost of returning the car to Italy.

Naturally, Sun Hongyi is responsible for all the money.

Lin Chen has authorized the insurance company to follow up on specific matters, so he doesn't need to worry about it.

But before the car is repaired, he can only use the special car in the hotel for the time being.

When he arrived at the company, Tang Xin walked in shortly after sitting down.

"Why didn't you come yesterday?" Lin Chen asked.

Tang Xin shook his head: "I'm about to tell you about this, Lin Chen, Wu Hui and they finally found us. We were attacked by several of our futures investments last night. Although there was no loss, our gains were made yesterday. Only less than five million, cut in half than usual."

"Five million?"

Lin Chen was not disappointed by Tang Xin. This result actually exceeded his expectations.

After all, under Wu Hui's attack last time, Lin Chen and the others didn't make a profit at first, but they also lost a lot of money.

Now these men can still make a lot of money even when they are sniped, which is already a surprise.

"It's okay, we knew that this day would come sooner or later. As long as you don't lose money, you can earn a little bit less. Tang Xin, I will leave the futures to you. In the next few days, I may leave the East China Sea."

"Where are you going?" Tang Xin said strangely.

"I plan to go to the southern capital once, and Huawei plans to sell their mobile phone business. I want to talk to Ren Zhengfei about any opportunities for cooperation."

"Ren Zhengfei? Hua Wei?"

Tang Xin naturally knows this big brother in the domestic telecommunications field. She quickly asked: "Lin Chen, do you want to invest in Huawei mobile phones? If so, then we probably don’t have enough funds. Although compared to the head office, Huawei Wei Mobile’s performance has been poor in recent years, but after all, it is also a company that has been in business for several years! Without billions or even tens of billions, you can't win it!"

"I know, but this time I mainly met with Ren Zhengfei to let him know my intentions. As for the future funding problem, I will find a way to solve it, you don't have to worry about it."

When Tang Xin left, Lin Chen also fell into contemplation.

Tang Xin's words are very reasonable. Let's not talk about whether Stardust Investment can acquire Huawei mobile phone, just with Huawei's current size, he went to the door like this. Whether he can see Ren Zhengfei is a question.

Stardust Investment now has total assets of only about one billion yuan, while Huawei's revenue last year exceeded 180 billion.

One billion and 180 billion, the two companies are not in the same order of magnitude. He just went to the door to talk about investment, afraid that he would be regarded as a lunatic, right?

Thinking of this, Lin Chen made a call.

After a while, a voice like a silver bell rang from the phone.


"Ningyu, it's me."

"Lin Chen? It's amazing, why did you think of calling me today?" Su Ningyu asked curiously.

Lin Chen said, "I want to ask you to help me with one thing. Can you make an appointment with Huawei's boss Ren Zhengfei for me in the name of the Su family?"

Su Ningyu was stunned: "Ren Zhengfei? What do you want to do with him?"

"Naturally it's a business matter. Didn't the old man owe me a favor last time? Tell him a little bit, even if you repay my favor."

The Su family is the top giant in the East China Sea. If they come forward, Ren Zhengfei will naturally sell some face.

No way, in order to seize the opportunity, Lin Chen must borrow the tiger skin of the Su family this time.

Su Ningyu listened and said with a smile: "It's just a phone call. I don't need Grandpa to come out. I'll help you. Just owe this love to me."

"Well, thank you so much."

I have to say that Su Ningyu's efficiency is very high. In the afternoon, he called as soon as he called and told Lin Chen that she had made an appointment with Ren Zhengfei and could meet tomorrow.

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