Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter 103 Lin Chen's Strategy

Early the next morning, Lin Chen arrived at the airport early in the morning.

With the help of Su Ningyu, he has made an appointment with Ren Zhengfei to meet this afternoon.

He is coming now, just to take the morning flight to the southern capital.

From the East China Sea to the southern capital, it is only an hour's voyage, so he should have plenty of time.

However, when Lin Chen was about to check in, a man in a black suit stopped Lin Chen from the side.

"Excuse me, is it Mr. Lin?"

"I'm just..." Lin Chen looked at the opponent with some caution, not knowing the origin of the opponent.

But shortly after, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Lin, I was sent by Miss Su. She is waiting for you inside. Please come with me."

"Miss Su? Su Ningyu?" Lin Chen was stunned, not understanding why Su Ningyu was here.

But he still kept up with each other.

After walking in the airport for a long time and boarding an electric car, Lin Chen was finally sent to a familiar place. The small terminal where he took the Su family's private jet last time, Su Ningyu was on board. The entrance of the station building waited for Lin Chen.

"Miss Su, what is going on?"

Su Ningyu smiled and said, "Lin Chen, I will go to see Ren Zhengfei with you."

"You want to go too?" Lin Chen asked in surprise.

"Yeah, otherwise, why do you think a big boss wants to see you in such a small role? Don't forget that Mr. Ren is the boss of the country's largest communications technology company. Let's go, my plane is already waiting for us."

Lin Chen didn't know what horrible idea Su Ningyu had hit, so he had to take one step at a time.

I returned the ticket, passed the security check, and got on the plane. It didn't take long for the plane of Su family to rise into the sky.

Lin Chen sat on the seat, facing Su Ningyu.

His position was facing away from the nose and the rear of the aircraft, so that Lin Chen could just see the toilet at the rear of the aircraft.

Subconsciously, Lin Chen saw what happened to Su Ningyu in the toilet that day.

"Hey! What are you thinking?!"

At this moment, Su Ningyu hummed Lin Chen back to reality.

After he recovered, he saw Su Ningyu staring at him with blushing cheeks.

Obviously, Su Ningyu had guessed what Lin Chen had just thought.

Lin Chen coughed and explained: "It's nothing, I'm just thinking, why are you going with me?"

"Didn't I tell you? Without my personal recommendation, you would not see Mr. Ren."

"Really?" Lin Chen asked suspiciously.

"Of course!" Su Ningyu nodded, but her eyes were a little erratic.

In fact, she went to see Ren Zhengfei with Lin Chen this time because of her temporary intention.

She was very curious about Lin Chen's visit to Ren Zhengfei this time. She really wanted to know why this magical man suddenly wanted to meet a giant in the communications industry.

She once told Su Wuyi about this matter, but the old man analyzed that Lin Chen might have gone because of the recent rumour that Huawei might sell the mobile phone business.

The father's analysis made Su Ningyu even more confused.

Although Lin Chen has the ability of magic calculation, how can his ability of magic calculation be related to Huawei's mobile phone business?Does he want to find Ren Zhengfei to promote his ability, so as to help Ren Zhengfei sell his mobile phone business for a good price?

Suspicious and curious, Su Ningyu finally decided to go to Southern Capital with Lin Chen to see.

Seeing Su Ningyu’s expression, Lin Chen knew that she must be lying without the ability, but he didn’t care what Su Ningyu wanted to do. As long as he didn’t interfere with his meeting with Ren Zhengfei, Lin Chen decided to let her go. Up.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, at the entrance of Huawei's headquarter, a Laosras slowly stopped, and then Lin Chen and Su Ningyu got out of the car.

Seeing Lin Chen empty-handed, Su Ningyu couldn't help saying: "Lin Chen, you should be thankful that I came with you today, otherwise you are alone, I am afraid that even the front desk will not pass."

Lin Chen nodded while looking at Su Ningyu, who was holding an Hermes small bag and two bodyguards standing behind him.

Su Ningyu is right. Compared with her, although Lin Chen is wearing expensive suits and leather shoes, he has nothing on his hands. In the eyes of outsiders who don’t know high-end brand clothing, I’m afraid he would be a door-to-door salesman. The salesman of the product is similar.

Had it not been for Su Ningyu, he would really have been turned away by someone directly at the front desk.

You should pay attention to these things next time.

Lin Chen told himself in his heart.

Soon after, under a group of bodyguards, Su Ningyu and Lin Chen quickly met Hua Wei's master, Ren Zhengfei.

Ren Zhengfei is already in his sixties this year, but he still seems to be in good spirits. When he saw the two of them, he immediately greeted Su Ningyu: "Hello Miss Su, Donghai Su, I’ve been admired for a long time, Su I often hear the name of Su Ningyu, the eldest of the family, at receptions. I never thought I could finally meet a real person today."

"Mr. Ren is polite." Su Ningyu shook his hand, and then introduced Lin Chen: "Mr. Ren, in fact, I'm just here today as a company. The one who really wants to see you is this Mr. Lin. He is here today. , Said he came to send money to Huawei."

"Oh?" Ren Zhengfei didn't notice Lin Chen beside Su Ningyu until then.

He was only Lin Chen as Su Ningyu's assistant before, and he didn't think he was the master.

"Hello Mr. Ren, my surname is Lin, my name is Chen, this time I am indeed looking for you."

Lin Chen?Ren Zhengfei searched in his mind. Among the many wealthy families in the mainland and the young elites in the business field, he seemed to have never heard of someone named Lin Chen.

However, Ren Zhengfei still kept smiling and shook hands with Lin Chen: "Good meeting, happy meeting. Two people, sit down and talk about something."

The three sat down on the sofa in Ren Zhengfei's office.

Lin Chen adjusted his emotions.

If it had been in the past, he would have been very nervous when he saw a big man of Ren Zhengfei's level.

But fortunately, first met Boss Bao and others, met Su Wuyi, and then visited Hong Kong Island. Lin Chen's vision was already much broader, and he calmed down after only a few breaths.

At this time, Ren Zhengfei had already spoken: "Mr. Lin, should we meet for the first time? I don't know what Ms. Su said just now, "give me money", what does it mean?"

"Mr. Ren, I just said it straightforwardly. I heard that Huawei recently plans to sell the mobile phone business, so I want to ask Mr. Ren, do we have room for cooperation on this matter?"

"Do you want to buy our mobile phone business?" Ren Zhengfei asked in surprise.

Su Ningyu at the side was also stunned. Buying a Huawei mobile phone?How much does Lin Chen have in total?Want to buy a subsidiary of Huawei?

"It's not a purchase, it's a shareholding. I want to invest in Huawei Mobile and become a controlling shareholder!"

This idea is the optimal strategy that Lin Chen has repeatedly calculated since he decided to invest in Huawei mobile phones, and at the same time used his own ability to calculate.

He does not intend to wholly acquire Huawei Mobile, because in this way, Huawei Mobile will no longer be related to Huawei.

But in fact, the future rise of Huawei mobile phone is inseparable from the relationship with Huawei's parent company.

Without the huge technical reserves of Huawei's parent company, Huawei mobile phones will not be able to catch up with Samsung and Apple in technology in the future.

Only the Huawei mobile phone backed by Huawei is the real Huawei mobile phone. Without Huawei, the Huawei mobile phone is nothing.

Lin Chen also used his own ability to confirm this.

In his calculations, if the Huawei mobile phone is separated from the development of Huawei, the probability of success in the end is less than 15%.

Therefore, Lin Chen needs to obtain the Huawei mobile phone, but he will not let the new company throw away the Huawei brand. In this way, Huawei must also maintain a share in the mobile phone company.

Only in this way will Huawei agree to let the mobile phone company continue to use Huawei's name and share its technology with the mobile phone company.

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