Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter 159 The Birth of a Billionaire

Seeing the loss that Tang Xin had calculated for Lin Chen, Lin Chen couldn't help but jump in his heart.

Speaking of it, in fact, he has always been wondering why the yen would appreciate when the earthquake happened?

Had he not counted repeatedly, the yen would have appreciated, and he would have run away early now.

After all, this is 200 million U.S. dollars, not 200 million Chinese Yuan!

Even Lin Chen would feel the pain.

What is going on with Nima?Why is it still not promoted?

Lin Chen couldn't help cursing in his heart.

However, just when the voice in his heart fell, the yen's falling exchange rate suddenly stopped!

"what happened?!"

Lin Chen stood up and asked.

But no one answered him, and everyone's attention was focused on the big screen.

Suddenly, the yen's exchange rate changed suddenly, from 83.29 yen to 1 U.S. dollar to 83.27 yen to 1 U.S. dollar!


Immediately someone yelled, but someone next to him slapped him severely: "Don't scream, be careful to scare people back."

But then, I saw the exchange rate of Japanese Yen to U.S. dollar, as if a rocket lifted into the sky, it began to rise sharply, soaring wildly.

From 1 U.S. dollar to 83.27 yen, it soon returned to 1 U.S. dollar to 82.95 yen!

Not only have they made up for Lin Chen's previous losses, they have even begun to make profits!


Everyone at the scene broke out in exclamation.

You know, this is foreign exchange, not securities and futures. The fluctuation of foreign exchange has always been very small. It is very good to have a few points in a day. Where can there be such a powerful one before and after it has a total of more than A margin of 60 points!

Moreover, looking at this posture, the yen cannot stop at all, and will continue to skyrocket!


"Go up! Go up!"

When seeing this trend and the yen couldn't go back in a short time, Lin Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that the yen had already been on the path of appreciation he had predicted before, and the next step was their harvest time.

Lin Chen picked up the phone and shouted to Tang Xin and the others: "Everyone, I want to order sushi takeaway! Who of you wants to eat? I'll treat you!"


Everyone shouted.

Then everyone suddenly laughed.

Although this transaction has not yet ended, they have already seen that the yen has formed a trend of skyrocketing, and it is impossible for the yen to fall again in a short period of time.

At this time, Donghai did not have a special takeaway business. If you want to order takeaway, you can only call the store directly and ask the other party to deliver it. Sometimes the store may not be willing to deliver.

Seeing how troublesome it is to order a takeaway, Lin Chen couldn't help but think of a very popular industry in the future, the takeaway industry...

No one has entered this line yet. It is the blue ocean of unlimited business opportunities. Maybe you can consider it after Alipay is born.

As for now... it doesn't matter, whether the takeout is delivered or not is just a matter of money.

Lin Chen smashed one hundred thousand, and directly asked the shop to send the best chef in the shop, and prepare a sushi for Lin Chen and the others for 20 people, and let the trader's room. Everyone here feasted.

At the same time, the reason for this sudden surge in the yen has also been clarified.

It turned out that the appreciation of the yen this time was because the local investors in the island countries wanted to avoid risks, so they bought the yen on a large scale for emergencies.

At the same time, the huge earthquake caused tragic economic losses. In order to pay domestic insurance money, insurers in island countries began to sell overseas assets and transfer funds back to China.

The return of local capital from these island countries led to the subsequent surge in the yen.

However, for the yen, this surge is only the beginning, because Lin Chen got news from the equally excited Kokrian that the hot money on Wall Street has begun to gather and prepare to speculate on the yen, and the vanguard has already set off.

The entry of these hot money will make the yen continue to rise, and it is not impossible to even break 80 yen to 1 US dollar.

In fact, the trend in the next few days was as expected by these people.

During this period, follow-up news about the earthquake continued to be released, and the inability of the island government to open everyone's eyes.

The yen's exchange rate, accompanied by this news, continued to skyrocket, first easily breaking through 80 yen to 1 US dollar, and then breaking through 79 yen, 78 yen, and 77 yen.

On the third night after the island nation’s earthquake, Xiao Kekelian called Lin Chen: "Dear Lin, how much do you think the yen will rise this time?"

This time, relying on Lin Chen's unexplored prophet, little Kekelian once again made a lot of money.

The investment of 500 million U.S. dollars has now been exchanged for nearly 2.5 billion U.S. dollars in return, which made Little Kirklian crazy with excitement.

If Lin Chen wasn't by his side, he would even kneel down and kiss Lin Chen's toes.

Lin Chen is not just a gambler!He is simply the god of investment!Turn the stone into gold!Omnipotence!

On the other side of the phone, while drinking tea, Lin Chen looked up at the current trend of the yen. Now the yen has risen to 76.79 yen per dollar.

But Lin Chen knew that this wave of trends was almost at an end.

Following his calculations, soon after the yen broke through 76.5 yen, the yen's market was about to face a reversal.

He does not know the specific reason, but in short, the yen will continue to fall from its high level and begin to depreciate for a long time.

So he said, "Kokrian, I think it's time for us to harvest. Next, I plan to sell Japanese yen and buy US dollars."

"Buy dollars?" Little Kirklian was nervous: "Lin, do you think the yen will start to depreciate?"


"The reason? The overseas hot money has just begun to act. If the islanders are not allowed to shed some blood, they will not leave."

"I don't know the reason. Intuition, Cokerian, if you don't want to believe it, just throw the yen first and place it alone."

"No! Dear Lin, I now regard your words as an oracle. Since you think the yen will depreciate, then it will definitely depreciate!"

As expected, Lin Chen's prediction came true again.

Not long after the call between the two was over, the Group of Seven nations issued an announcement to jointly stabilize the exchange rate of the island countries.

The appreciation of the yen was thus curbed, and quickly began to reverse.

At this time, Lin Chen had already made a profit and began to reverse the operation, shorting the yen.

After half a month.

Crackling, there was no other sound in the trader's room except for the constant beating of keyboards.

As everyone's fingers danced, everyone held their breath.

Finally, someone shouted: "I've cleared the stock!"

Immediately afterwards, another person shouted: "I have also cleared my stock!"

Then the third, fourth... people kept raising their hands to signal that they had completed the clearance. When the last person raised their hands, everyone turned their eyes to Tang Xin who was aside.

She stood up and said, "We... Lin Chen, we made a total of 8 billion this time! We made 8 billion US dollars! More than 50 billion Chinese yuan!"

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