Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Donate Money? I am not a Virgin

After hearing Tang Xin's words, the trader's room fell silent.

Everyone opened their mouths wide, their eyes widened, and their faces looked incredulous.

Finally, a female trader opened her mouth first: "Ms. Tang, did you make a mistake? One more zero?"

"No, it is eight billion U.S. dollars. Of course, after deducting taxes and exchange rates, we should actually not be able to get that much. It may only be seven billion, less than 50 billion Chinese currency."

"There should be a lot of money, right?!"

In the next second, everyone in the investment department shouted and shouted: "50 billion! 50 billion! We made 50 billion!"



Even Tang Xin hugged Lin Chen excitedly, and jumped in place: "Lin Chen! We made 50 billion! 50 billion! We actually made so much!"

Tang Xin yelled excitedly, completely forgetting that she and Lin Chen were hugged, until she noticed that the people around them stopped cheering, staring at herself with strange eyes, and realized that she and Lin Chen were actually hugging each other. A piece.


Tang Xin exclaimed, and immediately wanted to get away from Lin Chen's arms, but suddenly felt Lin Chen's arm hook her tightly, not letting her go.

Just when Tang Xin couldn't help but want to break free, Lin Chen suddenly said, "Everyone! Thank you for your dedication for half a month! I will reward you 10 million for everyone here today! There is another half a month left. Paid vacation!"


Everyone cheered like thunder in an instant, not knowing who it was, the first to take the lead and shouted: "Long live the boss!"

"Long live the boss!"

"Long live the boss!"

Even Tang Xin was stunned, she never expected that Lin Chen would give them such a heavy award.

And at this time, Lin Chen lowered his head, smiled and said in Tang Xin's ear: "Tang Xin, if you are, you will be rewarded with 100 million, right?"

"No, no Lin Chen, we simply..."

Tang Xin wanted to say that they just finished Lin Chen's arrangement, and had no contribution at all.

But before Tang Xin finished speaking, Lin Chen yelled at the others: "Everyone, I will reward Mr. Tang with 100 million. Do you have any comments?"


Immediately afterwards, a group of people from the investment department rushed up, lifted Lin Chen up together, and threw them into the air: "Long live the boss!"

"Long live the boss!"

"Long live the boss!"

Seeing the appearance of Lin Chen being embraced by everyone, Tang Xin had to swallow what he wanted to say just now.

At this time, Tang Xin only felt that everything in front of him was dreamy and illusory. It was clear that the days when he was stunned in a securities company not long ago, but in the blink of an eye, he became the general manager of an investment company with tens of billions of assets. , His personal worth even exceeded 100 million!

Lin Chen, thank you...

Tang Xin said silently in his heart.

After that, the popularity of Stardust suddenly dropped a lot, because more than half of the employees went on paid vacation, and at a time, there were only a few employees in charge of daily administration in the company.

Tang Xin also took a vacation. After earning 100 million, she planned to go back and improve her family's life.

However, as the biggest hero in the company this time, Lin Chen could not rest yet.

Finally, the company had sufficient funds, and many of his previously envisaged plans were implemented. Lin Chen could not neglect one day.

Tang Xin and the others are gone, but the people in the venture capital department are still at work.

Lin Chen first made a personnel appointment, letting Liu Xing, who discovered Ma Xiaoyun, become the manager of the venture capital department.

At the moment, everyone in the investment department has no actual results. Liu Xing was originally the oldest person among them, so this appointment was enough to convince everyone.

As for the future, I believe that as long as Ma Xiaoyun's Tmall company succeeds, there will naturally be no objections to Liu Xing's appointment.

"Liu Xing, contact Ma Xiaoyun and ask him how the company's preparations are? If it's almost done, ask him to come over and sign the contract formally. This guy, why is it so hard to set up a company? It's not the first time to start a business. "

"Good boss, I will contact him now."

Since Ma Xiaoyun initially signed the contract with herself, she took Lin Chen's 500 million yuan as the company's preparation fund, and she disappeared without a trace and no news.

If it weren't for Lin Chen to count Ma Xiaoyun's work with gold fingers, he would have to think that he had escaped with the money.

After telling Ma Xiaoyun, Lin Chen thought of two things related to Tmall. He told Liu Xing:

"Also, please investigate two patents for me. One is called QR code and the other is called Scan to see who their patent holders are now? I want to buy these two patents. Someone will ask about the price."

In the first life of Lin Chen, "QR code" and "scanning" were all people knew what was going on, but in this world, these two things have just been born, and these two things are essential to the future of mobile payments. , Lin Chen was planning ahead and wanted to take them down first.


When Liu Xing took the lead and left, Lin Chen picked up the phone, and called Kekelian in Las Vegas.

Although it was late at night there, Lin Chen couldn't manage that much.

This time, when he speculated on the yen, little Kekelian made more than 10 billion U.S. dollars following Lin Chen, more than Lin Chen earned.

But Lin Chen didn't make this money for nothing for Little Kekelian. Since little Kekelian made a fortune with Lin Chen, he naturally had to pay the corresponding price.

Lin Chen's call was to remind Little Kekelian to start buying Qualcomm's shares and at least get the right to participate in the board of directors.

Xiao Kekelian's participation is the first step for Lin Chen to penetrate Qualcomm. He is a local on the other side of the ocean and will not cause the other side to be vigilant.

Next, if conditions permit, Lin Chen will also find ways to participate in Qualcomm.

After telling little Kekelian, Lin Chen just hung up the phone and found that someone had sent himself a message.

"Lin Chen, see Xulai Foundation. There is something to discuss."

It was a text message from Zhou Ruoyun.

Upon seeing this, Lin Chen asked Lei Long to prepare his car and went to the Chenyun Charity Foundation.

When he got there, Lin Chen knew what Zhou Ruoyun was looking for.

"Donation? To the island country?"

"Yeah." Zhou Ruoyun nodded, and nodded to Zheng Yuezhi who was also sitting aside.

Zheng Yuezhi said: "Lin Sheng, the Red Cross in the city sent us an invitation card, saying that it wanted to invite us to the charity party. The purpose of the party was to donate money to the earthquake-stricken area of ​​the island country."

Lin Chen said strangely: "Why would they find us?"

“The charitable organizations registered in Donghai City have received invitation letters, so it’s not just our family.” Zheng Yuezhi explained: “However, I don’t agree with Ms. Zhou about this party, so we want to ask Lin Sheng, this time Should we go to the party?"

"Go donate money to the people of the island country?" Lin Chen sneered, and said, "I am not a Virgin, why should I donate money to them?"

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