Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter 161 The one who defends China will protect me even though he is far away

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Zheng Yuezhi looked embarrassed: "Lin Sheng, in this island country earthquake, I heard that many people have died. There has also been an accident at the nuclear power plant. Now tens of thousands of people have been forced to become homeless. We are doing charity. When we see this kind of thing, we should donate a little? And there is indeed some surplus on our account. Donating a little should not affect our work here."

Lin Chen did not respond to her, but turned to look at Zhou Ruoyun: "What do you think?"

Zhou Ruoyun shrugged: "Of course I didn't agree. We have a bit of money now, but it doesn't mean it's enough. Why should I give it to those islanders?"

"that's right!"

Lin Chen nodded.

Lin Chen is doing charity, but it does not mean that his mother's heart is overflowing, nor does it mean that he has too much money and nowhere to spend.

The Chenyun Charity Foundation does not publicly raise donations, it is purely a charitable fund injected by him personally, so every money must naturally be spent on the blade.

Lin Chen's plan is to make the Chenyun Charity Foundation backing those people whose families cannot be properly treated due to family reasons.There are many such people in the country, there are no tens of millions of them.

And the medical expenses that can make a family helpless are at least hundreds of thousands.Not to mention the follow-up treatment costs.

So don't look at the dust cloud fund that has some spare money at the moment, but in fact, its future funding gap is still quite huge, and it is not that there is some spare money as Zheng Yuezhi said.

not to mention……

Lin Chen felt it necessary to communicate his thoughts with Zheng Yuezhi.

He found that although the lady from Hong Kong Island was good, she had some Madonna's disease, so he still had to correct it.

"Ms. Zheng, I know you have a good idea. But there are some things I have to explain to you."

Zheng Yuezhi nodded and said, "Mr. Lin, you said."

"First of all, I don’t care about how others are doing, but all the money for Dust Cloud Charity is mine. I hope that my own money can be used for our own people. You said that tens of thousands of people on the island are homeless. It's homeless, but in China, we have become penniless because our family members are hospitalized, and the number of homeless people is more than tens of thousands?"

"We haven't even sent all those people to help now, so where do we come from to help others? Not to mention that these people are still island people!"

"You also know the long-cherished wish between the island country and our China. It is impossible for me to forget those things in the past and lick my face to help people in that country!"

Zheng Yuezhi looked embarrassed: "Lin Sheng, I understand what you mean, but after all this is an officially organized event. If we don't go, I'm afraid..."

"What are you afraid of? Is it possible that they will make things difficult for us? The Dust Cloud Fund does not raise donations from outside, and no one can care how I want to do charity with my money! I know that some people know that people in their own country still need help, but they do it a lot. Foreign countries are sprinkling money for charity. They go as they please. I can't control it, but no one wants to order me to do this kind of thing!"

"Haha! Good point! Lin Chen, I support you!" Zhou Ruoyun smiled and clapped his hands.

Zheng Yuezhi sighed helplessly: "Lin Sheng, I understand what you mean, then I will go back and say goodbye."

After that, Zheng Yuezhi went out.

As soon as she left, Lin Chen couldn't help asking: "Ruoyun, Ms. Zheng won't be angry with us for this, right?"

"Don't worry, Sister Zheng is very good, but she is a little too virgin, but she will never get angry with you for this kind of thing."

"That's good." Lin Chen nodded.

Compared with Zhou Ruoyun, Zheng Yuezhi is the core of their foundation right now. If Zheng Yuezhi leaves because of this, Lin Chen really doesn't know who to look for to succeed her.

"That's right..." Lin Chen turned to look at Zhou Ruoyun, "Speaking of the Virgin, I didn't expect you to be a Virgin. I always thought you were very caring."

"Then you are wrong. My love is only for Huaxia people. I don't bother to care about the people outside China."

"But you have to hurry up in your work. I think you only donated more than five million yuan this month, which is too little."

Lin Chen complained.

Zhou Ruoyun explained, “Isn’t this because the review is stricter? Many people actually have money at home, but they don’t want to use it for sick family members. We helped them with this kind of people. But don’t worry, I’m already Let Sister Zheng go to recruit people. I'm going to send our representatives to every hospital in the city to investigate. In addition, I will talk to each hospital and let them take the initiative to introduce our fund to patients who need funds. Things should be much better then."

"Well, that's good... Spend the money early, and some people are worried about it."

At this moment, Lei Long, who had been standing behind Lin Chen, suddenly said, "Boss, if you have more money and nowhere to spend, why don't you give you a suggestion?"

"Huh?" Lin Chen was a little surprised that Lei Long would even speak.

The same is true for Zhou Ruoyun.

Because good bodyguards generally do not see to the eye, Lei Long would actually interrupt their conversation now, which is somewhat dereliction of duty.

However, Lin Chen did not blame, but asked, "Captain Lei, what can you suggest?"

Lei Long hesitated and said, "Sorry boss, I know that as a bodyguard, I should not interrupt, but... boss, since you are doing charity, I want to ask for some people, I wonder if you are interested in doing those things. The charity of the war veterans?"

"Anti-Japanese war veteran?" Lin Chen immediately became interested when he heard it. "You tell me, what's the matter?"

Lei Long hesitated, and said, "In fact, when I was in the army, I used to participate in a caring for veterans organized by the army and a charity organization. You know that we still have a lot of participations. The veterans of the Anti-Japanese War are alive. Some of these people are 80 or 90 years old, and the youngest will be more than 70."

"They shed blood for the country before, but later because of the age, many veterans here did not get the respect they deserve, and many people have a difficult life. Some have never married for life, and some have bullets on them. I have stayed in my body and have not been removed. When I get old, I still suffer from illness and pain. Some people have not eaten meat for decades and can't even eat enough food...

Recalling the veterans he had seen before, Lei Long had a solemn tone.

"So I think... Boss, if you have money, donating to these veterans is better than donating to those islanders?"

After Lei Long finished speaking, he looked at Lin Chen with some anxiety.

From the moment he started to explain, he noticed that Lin Chen's face was solemn. He didn’t know Lin Chen for a long time, and he didn’t know what the boss’s character was. He just saw that the veteran refused to donate to the islanders. , I felt excited and excited.

Now that Lin Chen didn't say ha, he didn't know what would happen to the other party?Reject or accept?

But when Lei Long was uneasy, Lin Chen suddenly said in a low voice: "Decades ago, those who committed crimes against me would be punishable by the Chinese, but decades later, we who defended me in China would be protected from the distance."

Lin Chen raised his head and said to Lei Long, "Captain Lei, we will do this charity project!"

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