Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter 347 The Agreement with Tang Pu

"That's roughly it, and I have written all the more specific details and plans here."

While talking, Lin Chen took out a notepad from his pocket.

As soon as Tang Pu's eyes appeared from the notepad, he focused on it, until Lin Chen handed the notepad to Ivanka. He immediately couldn't help but said to his daughter: "Ivanka, give me Check it out!"

"Father, this is all Chinese!" Ivanka gave him a blank look.

When Tang Pu heard this, he sneered: "I almost forgot that Mr. Lin can't speak English."

After a cough, Tang Pu said to Lin Chen sternly: "Mr. Lin, I am very interested in your plan! I now understand why you say this program is tailor-made for me! That's right! I believe it. With this program, I will definitely become a national sensation! I dare say that there is no one on the other side of the ocean who is more suitable for this program than me!"

Although Tang Pu started to be unable to help his boasting problems, Lin Chen must also admit that the original space-time show did perfectly fit with Tang Pu's image and finally made this originally just a curious experience. The real estate developer who lived through bankruptcy and turbulent life suddenly became a national sensation.

"Mr. Tempo, in my plan, this program is a preheat for your future election. There are still four years to go before the next general election. The plan I give you is to use this program to You are packaged as a perfect leader, a leader capable of bringing about change."

"Besides, I hope you learn to use social software in these four years."

"Social software?" Don Pu was stunned. "You mean text messages?"

"No, Facebook, Twitter. Especially the latter!"

Lin Chen paused and said, "You should know that I used Facebook when I dealt with the Wynn family this time?"

Tang Pu nodded. Now that the matter is over, many details of Lin Chen's dealings with the Wynn family have been exposed, including the details of him using Facebook to gather and direct gamblers to conquer the casino.

"Since you know, then you should also be able to see how much Facebook has played in my plan this time? If it were in the past, it would not be so easy for me to find so many people to deal with the Wynn family. But with social media, direct communication between people has become much more direct."

"The variety show I plan for you is to allow the national audience to recognize you as a person, as well as your own talents and charms. Social media is to let them know your views on things. Although many people do not yet know At this point, they will understand one day."

Tang Pluo hesitated: "But Mr. Lin, I'm almost 70 years old."

"Will it be more difficult than your election?"


"Well, I will try to learn..."

Tang Pu sighed, then folded his hands together, and asked, "Mr. Lin, thank you for the plan you have provided. I am now more confident in my prospects than ever before."

"But next, I want to talk about our cooperation... I believe in one business principle, that is, equal exchange. If your plan can really help me enter the White Palace, then I owe you An adult please, this is very bad!"

"So, Mr. Lin, please state your terms. You have helped me so much, it is impossible to pay back without a penny. What do you want? Statement in advance, if you want to send me into the White Palace for you or It is absolutely impossible for China to do something!"

"You can rest assured." Lin Chen glanced at Ivanka on the side, then suddenly reached out and grabbed her hand, just in front of Tang Pu.

"Mr. Lin! You..."

As expected, Don Pu almost jumped up like burning eyebrows.

Ivanka was also taken aback.

Although she has often expressed her admiration for Lin Chen in front of Tang Pu these days, she has never really pointed out everything.

Lin Chen's behavior made her blush immediately.

"Lin Chen, you..."

Lin Chen patted the back of her hand lightly, and then looked at Tang Pu: "Mr. Tang Pu, you probably should have discovered that your daughter’s marriage is dead in name, but the pressure from you and the Tang Pu family makes her have to To maintain this marriage."

"So the return I hope to get is that when you are successful, and when the Temp family becomes a family that no one can underestimate, you can allow Ivanka to choose to pursue his own happiness."

When Tang Pu, who had planned to stand up, heard this, he couldn't help sighing.

What was wrong with Ivanka's marriage, he definitely knew better than Lin Chen.

After all, Ivanka's marriage was originally an act to wipe his ass.

At that time, many companies under the name of Tang Pu went bankrupt one after another. If Ivanka hadn't chosen to sacrifice himself, now that Tang Pu would have already been removed from the position of a real estate tycoon, where can there be today?

Outsiders are curious about why Tempo loves Ivanka so much, but they don't know that this is actually a manifestation of Tempo's guilt towards Ivanka.

"Mr. Lin Chen, thank you for your consideration for Ivanka. I understand that as long as the Tangpu family can get rid of the Kushner family, I will agree with Ivanka."


"Thank you Mr. Tempe."

Tang Pu continued: "Mr. Lin, Ivanka’s affairs should be regarded as my family affair. What about you? Except for Ivanka, you really don’t need anything in return? I don’t like owing money. It feels bad."

"In that case..." Lin Chen thought for a while and said, "Mr. Tang Pu, I hope that if I launch an acquisition of a company across the ocean in the future, if you have already entered the White Palace, please use your power to let me The acquisition will not be disturbed by outsiders..."

The conversation with Tang Pu went very smoothly after that. The two parties finally agreed on the terms of cooperation, and then decided that Tang Pu would come forward to discuss the production of variety shows with TV companies across the ocean.

There happened to be a production company under his group, and Lin Chen's plan would be handed over to this company, and they and the TV company would jointly produce variety shows.

As for Lin Chen, besides the initial plan, he will introduce a screenwriter to Tang Pu in the future.

"Flying Yellow Tengda" in Lin Chen's memory is after all a variety show filmed in 2005. Many details will change when filming now. Therefore, an excellent variety show screenwriter needs to re-plan the details according to the actual situation.

It just so happened that there was one on Lin Chen's side.

In addition, Tang Pu will also arrange for people from his production company to go to Donghai TV Station to visit the production process of their variety show and learn some new variety show production techniques, such as special effects subtitles.

Although the variety shows on the other side of the ocean are excellent in terms of scale and innovation, it must be admitted that in fact, in terms of program details, such as special effects subtitles, the variety shows on the other side are almost primitive.

Not long after meeting with Tang Pu, Lin Chen's trip to Las Vegas came to an end, and he began to prepare to return to the East China Sea.

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