Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter 348 Revenge may be late, but not absent

At this time, the Las Vegas exhibition has already ended, and everyone from Huawei Mobile has already returned to Huaxia, and is preparing for Huawei’s upcoming China Market conference in the East China Sea.

Lin Chen was going back to join them, and by the way, he brought Tyler, the global spokesperson, to them.

On the day he returned, many people came to see Lin Chen off.

In addition to Little Kirklian, the father and daughter of Tempo also came to the airport in person.

"Lin! I have negotiated with the boss of ABC TV yesterday, and they are also very interested in our plan. After you return to Donghai, please be sure to send the screenwriter you mentioned as soon as possible. I hope our show will be sooner The better the preparation."

"I will."

After shaking hands with Tang Pu, Lin Chen turned to look at Ivanka who was aside.

In front of so many people, Ivanka remained sensible, and just shook hands with Lin Chen calmly, but Lin Chen saw many other emotions in her eyes.

"Lin, it's nice to meet you, I will remember these few days." Ivanka said.

"I will too."

Then, Lin Chen walked to the little Kekelian's side.

As soon as he walked on his front foot, Taylor came to Ivanka with his back foot and hugged Ivanka.

"Ivanka, thank you for coming to see you off!"

"Taylor, Huaxia is a beautiful place, you can have fun going there."

"I will."

Speaking of this, Taylor suddenly glanced around his eyes, and then whispered in Ivanka's ear: "Ivanka, I will take care of Lin Chen for you."

Ivanka originally thought that Taylor was just saying hello, but she didn't expect that she would say such words suddenly, and she was stunned.

"Taylor, what are you talking about?"

Tyler blinked at her: "Don't worry, if it were you, I wouldn't mind, because without you, I might have lost Lin Chen."

Ivanka saw that Taylor had already seen through her relationship with Lin Chen, and was stunned for a while, not knowing what to say.

At the same time, on Lin Chen's side, little Kekelian smiled and said to Lin Chen: "Lin, you have to come to Las Vegas often in the future. I find that every time you come, I can make a lot of money. ."

"Of course I will."

At this moment, Little Koklian suddenly lowered his voice: "Lin, on the Hong Kong Island side, I have already done what you said. I think there will be news soon there."

Lin Chen heard this, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"is it?"

Lin Chen didn't know that at the same time the two were talking, what little Kekelian was referring to had already happened on Hong Kong Island.

At this time, it happened to be early in the morning on Hong Kong Island, in front of the half-mountain villa of the richest man on Hong Kong Island, the Li family.

Li Chengjia, the owner of the Li family, and his son Li Tiancheng got on a Rolls-Royce, ready to leave for the company.

Sitting in the car, Li Chengjia said solemnly to Li Tiancheng: "Tiancheng, you have to be careful when going out these days. Although Stephen is dead, it is impossible to guarantee that our affairs have been exposed."

"I know my father." Li Tiancheng nodded.

Seeing the steady face of his once rebellious son, Li Chengjia felt conflicted.

On the one hand, he is very grateful for his son to have such a change, on the other hand, he hates the reason behind his son's change.

When news of Li Tiancheng's attack in Las Vegas spread to Hong Kong Island, Li Chengjia's wife fainted directly, and he himself almost died of anger.

The son of the dignified Li family, the future heir of the Li family, has been so humiliated!

Li Tiancheng decided almost immediately that he must teach the culprit the most severe lesson so that everyone else knows that not everyone can bully the Li family on Hong Kong Island!

It's a pity that the culprit had been in the mainland before and seemed to be involved in the Su family of the East Sea, so the Li family didn't dare to act rashly. It was not until this time the target went to Las Vegas that he found a chance.

Originally, Li Chengjia thought that people offered a reward of 100 million U.S. dollars to buy black and white, which was enough to kill the man, but he didn't want that kid to be so magical that he would not be able to kill him!

On the contrary, the Wynn family that had worked with them at the time, under the counterattack of that person, fell apart in less than a week, and the billionaire with a wealth of billions of dollars would be ruined and committed suicide!

The end of the Wynn family made Li Chengjia shudder.

Although the strength of the Li family is much greater than that of the Wynn family, and they are even more worthy of the uncrowned king on Hong Kong Island, Li Chengjia still feels that he seems to have caused a big trouble.

Just as Li Chengjia was pondering, suddenly Rolls-Royce came to a sudden stop.

"A Le! What's the matter?" Li Chengjia quickly questioned his driver.

Next to him, Li Tiancheng held his father in horror: "Dad! Look over there!"

Under the horrified gazes of the father and son in the car, at least fifty people suddenly rushed over by the road on the left and right.

Although Li's bodyguard immediately rushed to intercept, a dozen people passed through the crowd and came to Rolls Royce.

Then, I saw these people suddenly raised what looked like buckets in their hands.

The next moment, I saw a group of brown objects flying in the air, and then falling on the car window.

Across the glass, Li Chengjia and his son just glanced at them, and then suddenly nauseated. Li Chengjia slapped the front driver's seat frantically, "A Le! Go back! Get the car back!"

It turned out that what those people threw out turned out to be a pile of shit and urine!

Although there was a foul smell through the window, he still got into the car through the gap in the window. Li Chengjia, who was already quite young, finally did not hold back and vomited directly, while Li Tiancheng was trembling with a chill. , Butt tight.

The grinning smiles on the faces of the lunatics outside the car window reminded him of that horrible night.

Just when the Li family's car fled, from outside the car, the screams of those lunatics floated in.

"Li Chengjia! Boss Lin invites you to eat shit!"

"Li Tiancheng! Boss Lin invites you to eat shit!"

Li Tiancheng hugged his father and shouted: "Dad! It's that guy! This must be the guy who did it!"

Afterwards, the Li family was attacked by feces bombs and caused a sensation across the island. According to the investigation by the Hong Kong Island police, the reason behind the attack was that someone spent 10 million and hired these people to attack the Li family.

In addition, the Hong Kong Island police accidentally discovered that in the underworld, someone else offered a reward of tens of millions. As long as someone could throw the shit bombs on the heads of the Li family and his son, he could receive tens of millions of rewards.

For this reason, the underworld on Hong Kong Island is boiling. Countless people lie in wait outside the Li family villa and company with buckets of excrement and urine, just to get rich.

Although the Li family forced the police to arrest people everywhere, they just threw shit, and it was a day or two of public security detention, so the underworld was completely unstoppable by the police, and they still looked at the Li family.

Tang Li's family on Hong Kong Island did not dare to go out.

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