Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter 355 One link and one link, business genius Lin Chen

At this time, in the meeting room of the rice company, the executives of the rice company who were watching the launch of the new Huawei mobile phone product through a live webcast, after seeing the price of the Huawei mobile phone, all looked like earth.

The scene was silent.

Price is the biggest magic weapon for rice phones, and it is also their biggest selling point today.

Originally, people at the rice company believed that they would be the king of cost-effectiveness at least in the first half of the year before they would be overtaken by latecomers, but they really didn't expect that Huawei mobile phones would be the same as them. .

In the dead silence, Wu Hui, who was also present, finally couldn't help but questioned: "Lu Weibing! Didn't you say that the Jazz's overseas starting price is US$499? Why is the price of their highest domestic configuration cheaper than the starting price abroad? "

"Wu Shao, I don't know. The price of domestic mobile phones is always higher than that of foreign ones. I don't know why this Huawei mobile phone is the other way around?" Lu Weibing was confused.

Indeed, before that, Hua.Xia phones are not even just phones, as long as they are Hua.Most of Xia’s products are expensive domestically, but they are very cheap abroad.

The same is true for products of overseas brands, such as Apple mobile phones, whose prices are far lower than those of domestic products.

It is precisely because of these phenomena that the special concept of parallel imports has emerged in China. For the price difference of several hundred yuan, countless people have sought people to bring goods back to China from overseas.

But now, Huawei mobile phones are doing the opposite. The domestic price is even cheaper than the foreign ones. This is completely beyond everyone's expectations.

What's incredible about Huawei mobile phones is not only the price difference between domestic and foreign, but also the extremely low price.

When Lu Weibing was at a loss, Lei Jun frowned, writing and drawing with a calculator in his hand.

Then, he suddenly threw the calculator away and said: "Everyone, I have calculated it. According to the configuration of the Huawei mobile phone, they may still make a little money for the Jazz series, but the Honor series does not make money at all. They are priced like this, every time If you sell a mobile phone, you will lose at least 100 yuan!"

"What? One hundred yuan? More than we lost?"

Wu Hui exclaimed.

In fact, the price of rice phones is already losing money. The final cost of each of their rice phones is nearly 2050 yuan, which is equivalent to 50 yuan for each step.

At the beginning, Wu Hui couldn't understand the price, but because of Lei Jun's insistence that he could rely on other channels to make money back, and it was also beneficial to the early promotion of rice phones, he gritted his teeth.

Unexpectedly, this Huawei mobile phone is even more ruthless than them. A mobile phone loses 100. Is this Lin Chen crazy?Does he have so much money to burn?

If Lin Chen heard Wu Hui at this time, he would definitely sneer.

Because Wu Hui and the others were completely wrong. Don't look at the cheap Huawei phones sold in China this time, but in fact, each of them earns money!

A Jazz can make at least a few hundred, and even though a glorious one doesn’t make much, it can make more than eighty.

As for the reason, this is due to three reasons.

The first reason is Lin Chen's strategy of subsidizing China from overseas, which was proposed at the Huawei mobile phone high-level meeting.

In overseas markets, because most of the mobile suppliers in the region have purchase subsidies, people there are actually not sensitive to the price of mobile phones, so Lin Chen decided to set a high price for Huawei mobile phones in the overseas market.

Then, the profits earned from high prices in overseas markets are used to subsidize the low-price pricing strategy in the domestic market.

Because Lin Chen used his own ability to calculate the success rate for the pricing of both markets, he can guarantee that it must be the optimal price that will allow both markets to reach the maximum sales volume.

The second reason is that there are quite a lot of fully autonomous parts and technologies in Huawei mobile phones. With Huawei behind it, Huawei mobile phones can be said to be the most autonomous mobile phone company in China.

The technology of the parts is our own, and the cost is naturally much lower than others. Like a rice company, everything is owned by others, so the price can't be lowered.

As for the last reason, it is naturally due to the online sales model that Honor Mobile will adopt.

At the end of this press conference, Yu Chendong introduced the online sales model of Honor mobile phones, because there is rice company Zhuyu in front, most people did not pay much attention, but sitting in the meeting room watching the live broadcast Lei Jun , But Mingrui's gap has reached the problem.

"Wu Shao, what do you say is the name of the behind-the-scenes boss of Huawei Mobile? Lin Chen? This young man's vision is really harsh!" Lei Jun said with emotion.

Regarding the online sales model to be adopted by Mi mobile phones, the outside discussion has not yet passed, and many people are not optimistic about this sales method of Mi mobile phones.

Those veteran mobile phone manufacturers even use the way rice is sold as a laughing stock.

But I didn't expect that after only two days, there would be followers?

That Lin Chen... is he just following the trend, or has he seen the advantages of the online sales model?

If it is the latter, then this person's vision is too vicious.

At the beginning, Lei Jun chose to sell rice phones on the Internet, because he came to a conclusion after investigating the mobile phone market for a long time, confirming that online sales will eventually become the mainstream of the mobile phone market in the near future.

And how long has Lin Chen been in contact with the mobile phone industry?Can actually make such a decision.

This person... must not be underestimated!

After the Huawei mobile phone conference, not only rice, but all domestic mobile phone manufacturers have felt tremendous pressure.

Who can imagine that Huawei mobile phones, which were not even in the third-rate domestic market not long ago, are suddenly aggressive, and their momentum is even more astonishing than those of established mobile phone manufacturers.

From the first product promotion to the core product quality, although Huawei mobile phone has just started, it seems to have shown the posture of the future mobile phone dominance, which puts a lot of pressure on many manufacturers.

But they still have no choice but to use the Huawei mobile phone.

Because of the various advantages of Huawei mobile phones, they cannot imitate them.

For example, for publicity, which mobile phone manufacturer dare to slap your chest and say that you can find a variety show like "Running Brothers" to promote?Moreover, the naming and ad placement were ordered before the show was broadcast?

Another example is technology. At present, when most domestic manufacturers just assemble mobile phones with other people’s technology, which manufacturer can rely on Huawei, a communications technology giant, to independently produce core components of mobile phones like Huawei mobile phones. And the ability of mobile phone chips?

No, nothing!

So in the end, these people can only sigh and sigh at the rise of Huawei mobile phones.

At the same time, the man behind Huawei mobile phone has finally entered the eyes of major mobile phone manufacturers.

This man is Lin Chen.

Looking back at the development of Huawei mobile phones, many people have discovered that all the changes occurred after Lin Chen entered the Huawei mobile phone.

Can make the Huawei mobile phone undergo such drastic changes overnight, and for the promotion of the Huawei mobile phone, has prepared so many commercial promotions one after another. Is this Lin Chen a business genius?

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