Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter 356 World premiere, sales exceeded one million!

Huawei mobile phone Hua.After the press conference in Xia area, countless people felt tremendous pressure.

Wu Hui, who originally wanted to have a showdown with Lin Chen on his mobile phone, had completely given up his mind at this time.

What is the winner?The rice company is already overwhelmed!

The press conference of Huawei mobile phone has just ended, and more than 10,000 orders for the rice 1 pre-sale order of the rice company have been cancelled!

This is only the first day!

In the following days, the pre-sale orders for rice 1 were cancelled almost every day at least several thousand orders.

As a result, the rice company had to decide to directly advance the originally planned listing date and start selling the Huawei mobile phone before the official launch.

No change, Huawei mobile phone is too fierce!

The difference between the Jazz series and the rice phone is only a few hundred dollars, but they look much better than rice. Apart from the senior rice fans, who would buy rice?

If you care about cost performance, then Honor is also a good choice. The best configuration is nearly 900 yuan cheaper than rice!

In the original plan of the rice company, there was a wave of hunger marketing, but now I dare not.

Because Huawei mobile phones have already been said, the first wave of Jazz in China has already stocked 1 million units, and the stock of Honor series has exceeded 5 million.

If rice is engaged in hunger marketing at this time, what is the difference between it and suicide?

Things are not as good as others, and the price is not as cheap as others. If you can't buy them anymore, who will consider you?

Just when rice, who didn't dare to play monkeys, sold mobile phones tremblingly for a few days, and finally sold half a million units, before it was their turn to celebrate, Huawei mobile phones finally arrived.

On this day, at 9:30 in the morning, the much-anticipated Huawei mobile phone was officially in China.It will be released in summer. This time it is also the world's first launch of Huawei mobile phones. Huawei mobile phones in other regions are all ranked in China.It will be listed after summer.

The time was pushed forward by two hours. As early as 8 o'clock in the morning, long queues appeared in front of electrical shopping malls across the country.

Many people don't know this, don't know what line these people line up in the Electric City early in the morning?

After inquiring about it, I realized that today is the day when the Huawei mobile phone was launched. These people came here deliberately because they were worried that the new mobile phone would not be available after the launch.

Although the Huawei mobile phone has officially announced the first batch of stocks before the sale, it still can't stop the enthusiasm of Huawei fans.

At 9:30 a.m., as soon as the doors of electrical appliances towns across the country opened, countless fans of Huawei mobile phones rushed in, waving banknotes in their hands, and shouting at the people at the Huawei mobile phone counter: "Give me five jazz!"

"I want one!"

"Iwanttenmate1! (I want ten jazz 1)"

Ok?How come there are foreigners?

In fact, among those who came to buy Huawei mobile phones early in the morning, foreign students are indeed part of the main force!

No way, who makes Huawei mobile phone Hua.The Xia area is actually cheaper than overseas. Many foreign students are entrusted by others to buy more Huawei mobile phones in China, and then bring them back to make a small profit when they return to China.

Foreigners come to China.It is the first time that many people have encountered such a novel thing as Xia as a purchasing agent.

No longer just berserk Apple, the magical Huawei mobile phone has now become a hot commodity in the eyes of foreigners!

Because of this news, many TV news on the same day reported the news that the Huawei mobile phone was on sale, taking the Huawei mobile phone as a benchmark for the rise of domestic products, and even carried out a free promotion for the Huawei mobile phone, which made many mobile phone companies envy. .

The enthusiasm of foreigners for Huawei mobile phones was only one aspect of the hot sales of Huawei mobile phones that day.

Because dealers everywhere have limited goods and too many people buy them, many people find that they cannot buy mobile phones in physical stores, so they have to go online instead.

You can also buy mobile phones in the official flagship store of Huawei Mobile on, and the high-quality and inexpensive Honor series phones can only be purchased online.

Although it takes several days to buy online, including the logistics time, it is finally available, right?

The popularity of Huawei mobile phone shocked Ma Xiaoyun of Tmall Mall.

Although Lin Chen had warned in advance, Ma Xiaoyun did not pay much attention to the sales of Huawei mobile phones at the beginning.

Isn't it just a mobile phone? Just open a store for Huawei mobile phone and put the product on it. What else do you need them to do?

Unexpectedly, just after the launch of the flagship store of Huawei mobile phone that day, the influx of buyers almost squeezed the server of Tmall Mall!

Nima, our server can withstand millions of visits at the same time?Almost squeezed?what's the situation?

Fortunately, Ma Xiaoyun's Tmall Mall has been preparing for the Spring Festival promotion. Seeing that the network has begun to fail, several sets of servers prepared for the Spring Festival are immediately activated, which solves the network problem.

Afterwards, Ma Xiaoyun was quite curious, how much did this Huawei mobile phone sell?Can they almost burst their network?

Through the background, Ma Xiaoyun asked people to check the sales figures of Huawei mobile phones so far, but she was shocked.

After finally getting back to her senses, Ma Xiaoyun decided that she should not just let herself be shocked, but also everyone should be shocked.

So not long after, Tmall Mall announced a set of figures on its official Weibo.

"Within three hours of launch, Huawei mobile phone sold 1.78 million mobile phones!"

When this news was known by various media and mobile phone industry people, everyone was shocked.

At first, they didn't believe this number.

But the sales figures of Tmall Mall can be seen by anyone on the page, so the news was quickly confirmed.

Afterwards, the Huawei mobile phone, which received the wind, also generously admitted on Weibo, and also disclosed another family of numbers.

"As of 12 noon, offline dealers of Huawei mobile phone reported that the sales volume has exceeded one million!"

With a total of one million offline and 1.78 million online, does Huawei have sold nearly 3 million mobile phones in less than a day?


Is there anything so crazy?

"With 3 million mobile phones in half a day, Huawei mobile phones have created Huawei mobile phones. The sales miracle of Xia mobile phones!"

"A mobile phone causes network congestion, and Huawei mobile phone fans are crazy!"

"Mobile phone sales are promising! Huawei Rice teamed up to create the era of mobile phone sales!"

After the sales of Huawei mobile phones were confirmed, these news were quickly written by various media and posted on the Internet, and began to spread overwhelmingly on the Internet.

While the media is talking about the sales miracle caused by Huawei mobile phones, the domestic mobile phone industry colleagues are also shocked by the sales results of Huawei mobile phones!

Some people question it, others are crazy, and even more fearful.

Who can think about it, people have never been optimistic in the past, even in China.The Huawei mobile phone, whose popularity can be counted down in the summer mobile phone market, is so aggressive?

Compared with the discussions from the outside world, on the Huawei mobile phone side, while extremely happy, a big rock in everyone's heart finally landed.

And Lin Chen, the only one who knows about the success of Huawei mobile phone, couldn't help but sigh at this time: "An empire is born."

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