The red cloth fell.

An exquisite wooden plate appeared in front of everyone, and the more eye-catching was the exquisite jade jewelry on the wooden plate.

These jade jewelry has pendants, earrings, and bracelets. Although the styles are different, the jade on each piece of jewelry emits a dazzling green light.


The employees underneath were dazzled by the green color, and the girls screamed and stamped their feet in excitement. Even the female artists of Chenling Entertainment couldn't hide their love in their eyes. They were eager to try and want to go up and get them. It looks like a try.

Lin Chen introduced: "Everyone, these are jade jewelry provided by Ms. Su Ningyu’s Mengyu Jewelry. Each piece of jewelry uses ice-type jadeite. The retail price is at least two million yuan, the most expensive one. There are even more than four million pieces."

"I go!"

"Oh my God!"

"I heard that right? At least two million? Doesn't this one hundred pieces of jewelry cost 200 million?"

"Dong Lin is pretending to be forced again!"

Hearing the price of these jewellery, many people suddenly feel a little weak. Who would have thought that the price of any piece of jewellery is equivalent to their annual income?

These things turned out to be rewards for second-class products?

The boss is awesome (broken sound)!

At this time, Lin Chen on the stage continued: "How about? Do you still like these jewelry?"

Lin Chen watched everyone's reaction on the stage and smiled, "But it's only the second prize. Next, I will introduce our first prize to you!"

In an instant, the scene fell silent.

A second prize is already worth several million. What will the first prize be?

Everyone couldn't help being curious, even if the second prize in front of them was enough to satisfy them, they couldn't help but want to see what the first prize was.

And Lin Chen didn't waste time by selling Guanzi on purpose.

On the big screen, a real estate introduction soon appeared.

"Yida Grand View?"

Someone glanced at Jie Xiaoxiao.

Isn't this Yida Grand View, a newly opened project in Donghai by the Yida Group of Jie Xiaoxiao?

Could it be that……

Many people began to open their mouths subconsciously, and the sighs in their mouths were ready to come out.

"First prize! Yida Group Yida Haoting residential down payment, 50 people!"

be quiet!

All the discussions on the scene suddenly disappeared, and all the employees shut their mouths at this moment.

Even the high-levels like Ma Xiaoyun are the same.

Immediately afterwards, as if everyone had agreed, a unified sound of cold air rang out at the scene.


The first prize, turned out to be a house gift?

Is there a mistake?

I am afraid that even if you look at the whole country, this prize is the only one, right?

Although it is only a down payment, what kind of community is Yida Haojing?

The top community developed by Yida Group!

The sales people that were originally intended to be targeted were those of company bosses, business executives, and entertainment stars!

Just check it online and you will know that the down payment for any type of house over there, if calculated at 50%, is at least 5 million!

Now it turned out to be a prize for the Stardust Investment Annual Conference!

Finally, a person stood up and shouted the voice of everyone: "Dong Lin, awesome (broken sound)!"

Chen Chichi yelled and burst into tears.

Lin Dong!You cheated me!

I knew that the company would give a house a year ago. What new house would I buy?

If I am dissatisfied with the new house, I can just donate a little more money, if I donate a little more money, I can get millions more, and if I get a few millions more, my down payment for the new house will fall!

In a word!Lin Dong, you cheated me!

Lin Chen smiled and said, "Well, everyone, this is our annual meeting prize this year. Although the number is limited, don't worry, everyone. Yida Haojing's house company has booked 100 sets! Only 50 sets will be released this year. The other fifty units will be used as the company’s daily rewards and will be rewarded to the outstanding employees of various branches throughout the year. If there are still people missing, don’t be discouraged. The future of our Stardust investment will be better every year. At next year’s annual meeting, you will also have the opportunity to win a new house!"

"And maybe, next time it won't be a mansion, but a villa!"

"Long live Lin Dong!"

"Long live Stardust Investment!"

The employees below are already red with excitement!

They shouted and clapped excitedly.


That's awesome!

Is there any company in the country with better employee benefits than Stardust Investment?Is there a boss who is more generous to employees than Lin Chen?

In just one annual meeting, hundreds of millions were used to reward employees. Such a boss, even if he works seven days a day, they are willing!

Seeing the red-faced excitement of the people below, Lin Chen only felt that if he could see the morale of the employees below, he believed that the morale of these people must be full now!

The waves of applause wave after wave, never stopping.

Seeing this continued, maybe they could clap until midnight, Lin Chen had to interrupt them and announced the start of the lottery.

The lottery is a lottery program produced by a program company that Lin Chen spent money to find outside. The company's general manager Tang Xin came to the stage to draw the lottery. The names of employees who meet the conditions of the lottery have been entered into the program, from the employees of Stardust Investment to the dust cloud charity fund. None of the staff at the meeting left.

Because of the large number of people, the lottery session lasted for more than an hour, and everyone continued to eat while watching the birth of the lucky ones.

Every lucky winner, no matter what the award, is ecstatic after going up.

The whole scene was filled with joy.

As for those executives, they took this opportunity to start toasting Lin Chen one by one. Although this draw did not have their share, at the end of the year, everyone received a generous bonus, so these executives None of us is jealous of others.

"Dong Lin, I respect you!"

"Dong Lin, I respect you too!"

When these executives were toasting, Lin Chen also regretted it. Why did he manage so many branches?A company has four or five executives, and four branches have at least a dozen or twenty people. These people take turns to toast Lin Chen, even if Lin Chen has a good amount of alcohol, they are somewhat overwhelmed.

"It won't work, it won't work!" Lin Chen waved his hand, wanting to refuse, but how could others be willing?

Fortunately, at this moment, Zhou Ruoyun, who had not spoken much before, blocked Lin Chen.

"Okay guys, borrow your Lin Dong for a use, I have something to tell him."

Zhou Ruoyun came over and pulled Lin Chen away and rescued him from the sea of ​​wine. The two walked all the way to the edge of the hall. There was a staircase leading to the second floor, and there was an open-air balcony with a beautiful view of the riverside beside the hotel. .

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