Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter 375 Are you in line?

When they came to the balcony, the two leaned on the railing.

Lin Chen asked: "What's wrong? What do you want to tell me?"

Zhou Ruoyun kept looking at Lin Chen without speaking.

Lin Chen smiled and said, "Why are you looking at me all the time? Are you stunned by my idea today?"

"Yes." Zhou Ruoyun nodded, and finally said, "Lin Chen, you really make me a little bit confused."

"How to say?"

Zhou Ruoyun finally looked away, facing the river, and said with emotion: "I have seen many young and promising people before, but none of them is like you, full of contradictions."

"Contradiction?" Lin Chen raised his eyebrows.

" can say that you are a person, you are obviously very ambitious about money, you also like to enjoy it, and there is no shortage of women around you, but you are not like those people who value money more than anything, no matter Whether it is for people around you or for charity, you are willing to spend money. It always feels like you don't treat money as money at all."

"I have actually seen people who treat money like this, but those people are really like saints. Not only are they not interested in money, but they also have the same attitude towards women and enjoyment."

"In other words, among the people I have met, those who are as kind and generous as you, do not like to enjoy as much as you, and they are not as kind and generous as you."

"You said you are contradictory or contradictory?"

After listening, Lin Chen couldn't help but waved his hand and smiled: "What's so strange about this... In fact, I am an ordinary person, greedy for money and lust, accidentally got money because of a little luck... Actually, if it wasn't for my past experience, I am afraid I will become the kind of person who is like a nouveau riche."

"Maybe, but no matter what, I really admire someone like you. Your performance today makes me very happy!" Zhou Ruoyun smiled.

Lin Chen laughed and said, "Then did you fall in love with me because of this?"

Zhou Ruoyun smiled like a flower on his face and patted his shoulder: "If you don't have relationships with so many women, maybe I will."

"Oh? Would you mind this? Isn't it normal for a man like me to be liked by many people?"

"Hahaha, Lin Chen, have you read any YY novels recently? I'm not interested in sharing a boyfriend with others, let's go! I'm hungry again, I haven't had enough just now."

As soon as they walked up the stairs, they saw Xie Xiaoxiao waiting there with two glasses of wine on the stairs.

Seeing the two coming over, he immediately greeted him, then frowned, his eyes fell on Zhou Ruoyun, as if thinking of something.

Zhou Ruoyun lowered his head and said, "If someone is looking for you, then I will go first."

After that, she walked down the stairs, Xie Xiaoxiao looked at Zhou Ruoyun's back in a trance, Lin Chen saw it, and said, "Mr. Xie, are you looking for me?"

"Ah...ah! Brother Lin, do you have time now? Go to the balcony for a chat?"


Lin Chen had no choice but to walk back to the balcony again.

Before the New Year, the breeze by the riverside at night was chilly, and the two of them had just walked back to the balcony and handed the wine glass to Lin Chen.

"Brother Lin, have a drink together."

"Okay." Lin Chen smiled and took the wine glass, and took a sip with Xie Xiaoxiao.

"What's the matter with Mr. Jie? We two big men are alone on the balcony for too long, but it is easy to misunderstand."

Xie Xiaoxiao's face became stiff, and she laughed twice: "Brother Lin, you always call me your husband. This is too deep. I hope you call me Xiaoxiao...My elders call me that way."

Lin Chen couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this. He reconciled Xiaoxiao but was of the same age. Why did he call him by his elder's name?

"Mr. Jie, you are too polite, it is inappropriate to call it that way."


Xie Xiaoxiao said: "Don’t hide from Brother Lin, I really want to get closer to you! Although our first meeting can only be general, the more I know about Brother Lin, the Brother, the more you admire!"

"I really didn't expect that, Brother Lin, you already have such an achievement. Among your peers, you are definitely the best person I have ever seen!"

Although people have already investigated Lin Chen, the intelligence that was investigated by his subordinates was not even more shocking than what Xie Xiaoxiao himself saw today.

Especially after learning that Lin Chen can have all this today, it only took less than a year, and Xie Xiaoxiao was shocked to Lin Chen.

"Brother Lin, I have said this to people in the past. I make friends regardless of whether he has money or not. They are not as rich as me anyway. But today's sentence is not suitable for you. If possible, I am very I hope we can be friends! I haven't convinced people in my life, you are the first to convince me!"

"Make friends? Of course I'm fine."

It turned out that Xiaoxiao was only for this purpose. Lin Chen happily shook hands with him. After all, it is a matter of face to make the son of the richest man take the initiative to show his favor, isn't it?

After the two had finished drinking, they were about to leave, but unexpectedly, Su Ningyu's head came out of the stairs.

Xie Xiaoxiao smiled: "It's Miss Su, Brother Lin, then I won't bother you, I'll go down and continue to drink some, you Chenling Entertainment artists are very interesting, we can talk very well."

"Yes, but remember not to hit our female artist's idea!" Lin Chen reminded.

"Don't worry, I understand!" Xie Xiaoxiao made an "I understand" expression at him, and left with a smirk.

As soon as he left, Su Ningyu also walked into the balcony.

She also had two glasses of wine in her hand.

Seeing this, Lin Chen couldn't help but wondered: What happened today?Could it be that these people lined up under the stairs waiting to see him?

First Zhou Ruoyun, then Xie Xiaoxiao, Su Ningyu is already the third?

Su Ningyu took the wine glass, walked to the balcony, and handed it to Lin Chen.

"drink wine?"


Lin Chen had been blowing a cold wind for at least ten minutes after the two people connected, and he couldn't hold it without a drink.

After bumping into a glass of wine with Lin Chen, Su Ningyu lay on the railing, looking into the distance, and muttered, "Today's night scene is really good."

"Yeah, yeah, Ningyu, do you have something to do?"

"Can't I find you if I'm fine?" Su Ningyu turned her head and stared at Lin Chen.

"No." Lin Chen shook his head: "Of course I can find me, and I can't be happy to be able to talk to beautiful women."

"You guy... did you pick up girls with this mouth?" Su Ningyu frowned.


"Lin Chen, let me ask you, Sister Zhiling and Ms. Zhou, aren't they all your girlfriends? You see Sister Zhiling's company is Chenling Entertainment, and Miss Zhou's charity foundation is Chenyun Charity ...Both of them used a word from you and their names, and it doesn't matter, who believes it?"

"I didn't expect that at first I thought I was such an honest person. Besides Miss Taylor, there are other girlfriends at the same time?"

"Lin Chen, you really opened my eyes!"

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