Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter 664: Lin Chen who wins glory for the country

Although it has reached the 21st century, many European countries still have royal families.

However, compared with those royal nobles who were masters in the past, the royal families of European countries now exist more as objects of people's gossip.

And among the royal family, what can attract people’s attention more easily than a young and beautiful princess?

Lin Chen didn't know that the Catherine next to him had the title of the most beautiful princess in Europe, and had always attracted attention.

This is also when Catherine chose to go to China.One of the most important reasons for summer internship.

In China.Xia, Catherine, who hides her identity, spent the most enjoyable period of time, but when she returned to China, she once again became the favorite target of European photojournalists.

This time, Catherine should have realized that she would be raped when she was with Lin Chen, but she had forgotten about it because of Lin Chen.

After all, I was in China.In Xia, Catherine was with Lin Chen every day. They were used to the days without paparazzi, but they had forgotten that they met in Europe, not China.

The scandal of the royal princess is definitely the most eye-catching topic in the media. Especially this time, Catherine, the princess known as the most beautiful princess in Europe, is still with a Hua.Xia Ren is together, it will attract more attention.

Especially after the first few photos were exposed, the media discovered this Hua in the photos.Xia Man's other identities made them even more excited.

Today, Lin Chen is in China.Xia, on the other side of the ocean, is already well-known, but in Europe, it is still not well-known.

But this time, Lin Chen can be regarded as completely ignited all over the world through the scandal with the princess.

At the beginning, European netizens, especially those in the Kingdom of Sweeten, saw that their princess was with a Hua.The Xia people hugged and had dinner together, all resisting.

But when Lin Chen's identity was unearthed by the media, their thinking immediately changed.

Self-made billionaire, listed on Forbes Asia, owner of the now-selling European Huawei mobile phone, and shareholder of the popular gaming company SUPERCELL.

Looking up one by one, many people agreed that this princess's rumored boyfriend was very awesome.

In addition to wealth, after Lin Chen's other rumors appeared, those people suddenly felt that he was even more powerful.

For example, car skills.

What happened on the Modena circuit was witnessed by many people.

Princess Catherine’s gossip boyfriend fought against the Duke of Eagle Country, and finally won beautifully, and the video that made the Duke of Eagle Country kneel and cry was put on the Internet, causing public opinion.

This kind of plot, which was originally thought to happen in the movie, actually happened in reality. What could be more interesting than this?

And when the news that Lin Chen was still the rumored boyfriend of the big star Taylor, spread from the other side of the ocean to Europe, public opinion on the European side was completely boiling.

On the Internet here, there was almost a storm of public opinion similar to a carnival, and the topics about Lin Chen and Catherine were tweeted frequently in various media.

Some media analyzed Lin Chen's property in detail, some analyzed Lin Chen's family history, and some media went to dig out old news about Lin Chen on the other side of the ocean.

In short, regarding Lin Chen, the European media kept changing the law to hype him.

The media in Europe are carnival, as the flower of Lin Chen's motherland.Xia, the media here did not miss this gluttonous feast in the gossip world.

In the eyes of many people in China, the ability to marry a foreign girl, even if it is just an ordinary person, is an awesome thing that can last a lifetime.

There was once a buddy who found a wife in Ukraine, and a few years later, he was often mentioned as an object of envy.

This time Lin Chen not only had a foreign girl, but he was also a princess. In the eyes of many people, this was not only envy, but also admiration.

In their eyes, Lin Chen had already turned into a national hero who raised the prestige of our country.

Even in some straight men's forums, the mysterious custom of worshiping Linchen has emerged.

Some people turned Lin Chen's photo P into the Buddha's appearance, and combined it with the graphic "Lin Chen's practice, I will give you a foreign girl", and it suddenly became an emoji package on the Internet.


Lin Chen hit the whole network again.

Not long after Lin Chen learned of the gossip on the Internet, his mobile phone became busy.

Friends in China called in turn, asking him and Sweeten’s princess what was the situation.

Zhao Wenxuan asked how long he and the princess had known each other?

Han Li and Wu Xiaowei asked grimly about where Lin Chen and the princess had progressed?

As for Xie Xiaoxiao, he asked with envy and jealousy: "Brother Lin, how did you hook up with the princess? Is there any secret to teach? I also want to be a princess."

"Unforgettable encounters!"

Lin Chen replied and hung up the phone.

At the side, Catherine just hung up.

Lin Chen was bombarded by friends on the phone, and Catherine was even more powerful. The Sweeten royal family called Catherine. From her brothers and sisters to the father and queen, they were all inquiring about her relationship with Lin Chen. Asked if the outsiders were pure scandals, or if they were true.

Catherine’s brothers and sisters are okay, everyone is young, they are just curious how Catherine hooked up with a rich Asian man.

But the old king and queen have more consideration.

Because if the scandal is true, they must face a serious pedigree problem.

That is, the European royal family has passed on for thousands of years, and has never married an Asian.

If their daughter really marries an Asian, what about the Sweeten family?

In the past, in order to maintain the noble lineage, European royal families would do everything possible to maintain the "purity" of their members. Even if they were intermarried with foreign countries, they were restricted to the royal houses of various countries.

Although the times have changed, the royal family no longer pays attention to blood lineage, and direct weddings with civilians occur from time to time, but there has never been a royal family in any country that has married Asians, especially yellow races.

So, if Catherine really married this Asian, wouldn't it be the laughing stock of the royal families?

Especially when I heard that this Asian person has also been rumored with a female star across the ocean...

The old king also knew that his daughter was stubborn and did not directly ask her to break up with Lin Chen on the phone. However, out of parental considerations, he hoped that his daughter could bring Lin Chen to Sweeten. He hoped to meet him in person once. .

"So... Lin Chen, would you like to go to Sweeten Kingdom with me?" Catherine asked.

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