The next day, Lin Chen and Catherine arrived in Rome together, preparing to take a flight to the Kingdom of Sweeten.

Lin Chen readily accepted the invitation of Catherine's parents.

After all, he had already discussed with Catherine, and planned to go to Sweeten to see the bankrupt car company Saab.

After communicating with the domestic side, Feng Chong'an, the current CEO of Stardust Motors, was amazed by Lin Chen's desire to investigate Saab.

He told Lin Chen that although Lin Chen intends to focus on researching new energy vehicles, the research and development of new energy vehicles will not happen overnight, and the influence of national policies and market acceptance must also be considered.

For the healthy development of the company, it is best not to put all the eggs on new energy vehicles.

But if the company can own Saab's technology, then whether it is to continue to develop new energy vehicles or to use traditional fuel vehicles, Stardust vehicles will be able to do so.

As a veteran automobile company, Saab has not only many automobile production patents, but also many top European and American production equipment.

These things alone are enough to have the value of buying them.

The technical R&D personnel over there are invaluable to Stardust Automobiles, which do not even have a technical R&D department.

Feng Chong'an's words strengthened Lin Chen's determination to acquire Saab.

Therefore, Lin Chen changed his itinerary, planning to go to Sweeten Kingdom with Catherine, to inspect Saab Company, and to see Catherine's parents by the way.

The group went to Rome first.

Because only here can there be direct flights to the capital of the Kingdom of Sweeten, the planes in other places have to transit, and it takes at least six or seven hours.

The flight from Rome to the capital of the Kingdom of Sweeten takes only three or four hours and will arrive soon.

However, there is a downside to flying in Rome. As the capital of Italy, there are many paparazzi reporters here.

When they entered the airport, Lin Chen and the others were entangled by the paparazzi, wasting a lot of time.

Seeing the reporter who was finally driven away, Lin Chen said helplessly to Catherine: "It seems that our whereabouts have been exposed. I don't know if we arrive in Sweeten, will we be watched?"

"Sorry Lin Chen." Catherine apologized.

"It's okay."

After getting on the plane and sitting in the first-class cabin, Lin Chen and Catherine were finally able to be quiet for a while.

But three or four hours, just a nap.

The two lay on the chairs, covered with blankets, and soon fell asleep.

However, in a daze, Lin Chen suddenly heard a quarrel.

"Sorry sir, the front is first class, you can't go there."

"I'll go to the toilet."

"Sir, there is...oh..."

"what are you doing!"


An exclamation that should have come from the stewardess completely awakened Lin Chen. He suddenly opened his eyes, turned his head to look, and saw a man with a Middle Eastern face, holding a dagger tightly while pushing it. The male flight attendant entered the first-class cabin, while desperately stabbing the male flight attendant's abdomen with a dagger in his hand.

The dagger in this Middle Eastern man's hand looks like it is specially made. There is no metal luster on it but it looks like a ceramic product, but every time the dagger is pulled out of the male flight attendant's abdomen, it will bring up a cloud of blood.

Obviously this dagger is not just a handicraft, but a real weapon that can kill people!

After pushing the flight attendant into the first class, the Middle Easterner immediately rushed towards the cockpit.

"not good!"

Several of Catherine's bodyguards sat in the last row of the first-class cabin. Seeing the Middle Easterner rushing to the cockpit, he immediately stood up in horror and wanted to go up and stop him.

But they didn't expect that the Middle Easterner would have a helper!

Almost at the same time, from the cabin behind, another group of men with Middle Eastern faces just like the man rushed into the first class cabin. They all held the same ceramic daggers in their hands as the man just now.

Several bodyguards who did not react were immediately stabbed by the daggers in their hands, and some were even stabbed in the back and fell to the ground.

After balancing the bodyguards, the Middle Easterners swept their gazes in the first-class cabin, and immediately locked their gazes to the seat where they were sitting, and turned to look at Lin Chen.

Someone pointed at Lin Chen Gao and shouted, "That's him! He is Lin Chen! Kill him!"

Then, this group of people rushed towards Lin Chen viciously, apparently at him.

"Protect the boss!"

"Stop them!"

Catherine's bodyguard was mostly injured in this group's raid, but fortunately, there was Lin Chen's bodyguard at the scene.

The Lei Long trio made a decisive decision, turned out from their seats, and went up to fight with the group with their bare hands.

But the opponent is crowded and powerful, with a knife in his hand, the situation is not good.

Lin Chen's eyes dazzled, and Catherine, who also woke up to the side who hadn't figured out what was going on, said: "Catherine, you are hiding here, don't come out!"

After that, Lin Chen grabbed the blanket, turned over and jumped onto the corridor, raised his hand, and threw the blanket at a Middle Eastern man who had passed Leilong and the others and leaped towards him.

The Middle Easterner was yelling at him with a knife, but suddenly his eyes went dark, his head was covered by a blanket, and he couldn't see anything.

Lin Chen took this opportunity to kick the dagger in the hands of the Middle Easterner with one kick, then grabbed the hands of the Middle Easterner, and squeezed his arms directly.

The feeling of intense pain caused the Middle Eastern man to scream immediately, but this scream stopped after Lin Chen punched him in his stomach again.

These Middle Easterners are obviously coming for themselves, but what is their purpose?Is it robbery?Is it a KB member?None of this is clear yet. Lin Chen must stay alive so that he can investigate clearly after the situation is over.


When the fierce battle broke out in the first-class cabin, the air in the economy cabin behind the A320 that Lin Chen and the others was flying was depressed.

The nervous heartbeats and even breathing of hundreds of people were extremely clear in the quiet and treacherous atmosphere.

In the aisles of these economy class, several people with the same Middle Eastern faces, holding a few devices like remote controls in their hands, looked at the passengers on the plane with a cold expression, guarding against any rash actions.

The passengers looked at the Middle Easterners with daggers in amazement, their eyes were full of trepidation. None of them expected that they would win the jackpot and encountered the legendary hijacking incident!

Although there is no explicit statement, almost everyone thinks that what those people are holding is a bomb remote control!

Above this 10,000-meter altitude, once these gangsters press these remote controls, everyone on the entire plane will end up dead!

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