At Jiang Cheng's strong request, Chen Ru still reluctantly changed the four-piece set for him, hiding the big red set and replacing it with a light cyan with flowers.

Although it is still a little rustic, but he has seen the big red, Jiang Cheng is slightly more acceptable.

"Housewarming days, I still think of the big red festivities."


Subsequently, Jiang Cheng took a few pictures of the scene seen by his eyes, and sent them to Yu Xinran in Wei's letter.

[Wei Xin

Jiangcheng: The new home of Jade Pavilion is well decorated.

Xinran: The decoration aesthetic is good, but there are fewer soft decorations such as flowers and plants.

Jiang Cheng: At home in the evening for the New Year, my father said to invite you to come together.

Xinran: ......

Xinran: Then you will come to my house at noon.

Jiang Cheng: What's the situation?

Xinran: My dad also said to ask you to come over for dinner....

Jiang Cheng: Why is our father so in step?

Xinran: ......


Jiang Cheng also felt a little speechless, or was it too big for the New Year, and suddenly went to the other party's house, with the meaning of being jointly judged by parents.

The relationship between the two now, seeing their parents is nothing, but slightly anxious.

However, what Jiang Cheng didn't know was that Yu Xuemin was not in a hurry.

Jiang Yi, as a mother, still often chats with Yu Xinran on the phone, and what she knows now is that Jiang Cheng has bought a house in Kyoto, and the two sometimes work late and rest there.

This lonely man and widow, dry firewood, feel a loss when I think about it.

It's like home-grown cabbage being arched by other pigs.



At ten o'clock in the morning, Jiang Cheng bought some fruits, brought two bottles of wine, and knocked on the door of Yu Xuemin's house.

This place Jiang Cheng is already familiar with, and he used to walk or run here for Yu Xinran.

"Knock knock".

Then the door opened.

Yu Xuemin opened the door, and after seeing Jiang Cheng, a smile appeared on his face, "Jiang Cheng, why did you still bring something?"

"Uncle Yu is good. For the first time, I don't know what you like, just some fruit. "

Put down your things and go through the door.

Jiang Cheng scanned the interior decoration, simple style, warm decoration.

Yu Xinran was wearing pink cotton pajamas and was helping to clean up the dishes and chopsticks, and when he saw Jiang Cheng coming, his eyes smiled

, "Jiang Cheng, you are here."

Jiang Cheng nodded and said to the old man on the side, "Grandma is good." Yu

Xinran's grandmother is in her sixties, not tall, her hair is much whiter, she is wearing reading glasses, and she is staring at Jiang Cheng at this time.

"Young man, come in and sit." Grandma smiled beneciously and nodded, and gestured to Yu Xinran, "Don't need you to be busy, take him to sit for a while."

Jiang Cheng then said hello to Jiang Yi in the kitchen, and then followed Yu Xinran to the sofa in the hall.

Yu Xuemin coughed lightly, "Xinran, you go to change your clothes, you should also pay attention at home, and you won't change your pajamas when you get up."

Yu Xinran pouted, "Then I'll replace it."

"Jiang Cheng, let's play chess." Yu Xuemin took out a set of chess from the cabinet and put it on the table.


Jiang Cheng's face became slightly strange, of course, and then he nodded and smiled, "Okay." After

a while, when Xinran came out wearing an off-white sweater, Yu Xuemin and Jiang Cheng had already gone down to the middle plate.

Jiang Cheng's thinking became long.

But it is definitely not thinking about how to win, but simulating various ways to lose chess in the body.

You have to lose a little levelly, you can't look fake!

However, after he made a bad move that felt level, Jiang Cheng looked confused again.

I've already made a stinky move.

Why, why don't you take it?

There was no way, Jiang Cheng could only continue to release water bitterly, and almost sent the chess pieces directly to eat.

"General." Yu Xuemin smiled and put the car forward.

In just one game of chess, Jiang Cheng's sweat came out, "Uncle Yu's hand is wonderful!" My level is too poor to get down, or not down.

Yu Xinran chuckled, knowing that Jiang Cheng put the water hard, pulled him over and left, "Don't get down, I'll take him to my room to take a look." "

No, how do you go to the room?

Is the girls' room so easy to enter?

Yu Xuemin rolled her eyes, looking at the girl outgoing, her arms were very out!

"Jiang Cheng, my dad is like that, his chess level is average, and he likes to find someone to play chess." Yu Xinran pursed his lips and smiled and led the person to the room.

Jiang Cheng then looked at her room.

The room was cosy and the desk was full of books.

There are also many literary books on the shelf, and Jiang Cheng said that he has not read much of them.

It was cleaned and tidy, and there was a big sleeping bear on the bed.

"So many books, well, Cambridge IELTS series, so serious?"

"Then you must be seriously prepared, otherwise you won't be able to register by then." Yu Xinran nodded, but his hand never let go.

Jiang Cheng stopped in front of his desk, feeling that the atmosphere had warmed up slightly.

Even CPU usage is starting to increase.

In addition to the off-white sweater, Yu Xinran picked up a plain tweed coat and draped it over.

"Do I look good in this?" Yu Xinran spun around and let him watch.

The tall figure makes the clothes elegant.

"Good-looking." Jiang Cheng stared and said subconsciously.

Yu Xinran smiled, "Look at you, you're dumbfounded again." "

The fragrance is fragrant, which increases Jiang Cheng's heartbeat by 50%, and the blood flow rate is faster.

As soon as the hand pulls, he holds the person in his arms.

"Don't, my parents are outside!" Yu Xinran was shocked, his heart jumped, and he said busily.

Jiang Cheng sniffed lightly, "Then you still tempt me?"

"Go, where! I just don't know what to wear, and when I go to your house for dinner at night, I'm going to die of nervousness. "

I don't know what to change into my clothes.

"It's okay, you look good in whatever you wear."

The person in his arms blushed at the roots of his ears, and his face became more and more hot. "You say, will uncles and aunts like me?"

"It will."

"What about you? Sometimes I feel like I can't keep up with you, I don't deserve you..."

In this life, only you understand me. "


CPU usage exceeds 80%.

Fortunately, it is a two-way twelve-core twenty-four threads, which is not full.

It seems that upgrading the hardware, Jiang Cheng still feels that it is beneficial.

Caressing her hair, the two hugged each other for a long time.


At lunch, grandma and Jiang Yi were very enthusiastic and kept holding the dishes, but Yu Xuemin looked embarrassed and drank to himself.

"Xiaojiang, you are also adults, you know what to do and what not to do, and my opinion is also very clear, if you treat her sincerely, then you can't fail her."

Yu Xuemin, who had drunk too much, held Jiang Cheng's arm and spoke, "I also heard Xinran say, you opened a company and made a lot of money, I don't care about this, I'm afraid that if you have money, you will change your heart, making my daughter sad..." Jiang

Cheng nodded, "Don't worry."

And Jiang Yi also pulled Yu Xinran and whispered.


Wait until the evening when you are at Jiang Cheng's house.

Yu Xinran became the protagonist again, and Jiang Cheng stepped aside.

Chen Ru wore the clothes Xinran bought this time, smiled so hard that she couldn't close her mouth, and served her all the delicious dumplings.

Jiang Cheng's bowl was empty.

Let Yu Xinran blush and snicker.

However, these two meals can be regarded as taking advantage of the opportunity for the two to come back during the New Year, and the parents of both sides accepted each other.

Otherwise, Yu Xuemin still feels that he can't get by on face.

Cohabitation before marriage, he definitely disapproves.

What about your own cabbage, can you make people arch casually?


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