Guanglin county, it is already the Lunar New Year.

Lights are everywhere, so it's not lively.

On the Internet, the discussion of the fast charging technology developed by Warwick and Maple has not stopped.

Many people used the newly released Mate1 and P1 mobile phones, which were very fragrant.

Fast charging and long battery life.

It's just that after a long time, it will heat up.

It's still winter, so you can't be a hand warmer!

But on the side of mobile phone companies, there is a huge disagreement.

Rebs, chairman of the rice company, is the first person to engage in online marketing of mobile phones, and has released rice 1 and rice 2 mobile phones, both of which have achieved very good results.

1999 yuan to make a friend, in this time period, is indeed very cost-effective.

The MIOS system is even more for feverish rice fans, and finds a chic feeling in the ugly and difficult to use Android system mobile phone.

On TV, the 2013 Spring Festival Gala was broadcast.

Still nothing particularly good.

He was on the phone with an old friend in tech.

“...... Warwick's fast charging technology, have you done any research?

"Mr. Lei, didn't you ask this in vain? Haven't you done the research? Presumably, I bought it into the lab on the first day of the conference, right?

Rebs smiled, "Mr. Liang said and smiled, I don't know what you guys plan?" "

The technology is really good, very groundbreaking, but we don't follow it." Liang Bowen on the other end of the phone, the person in charge of Lianxiang's mobile phone terminal, directly refused. "Is President Lei ready to follow up?"

Rebs laughed, "No, we're waiting for a fast charging agreement from Lambton. "

His chips are all taken from Lambcom, and a close cooperative relationship has been established, and it is impossible to offend him because of fast charging."

"That's it, our mobile phone shipments, ranked in the top five in China, we don't follow, just a company in Warwick, how long can it last?" Mau Bowen was very happy and exuded excitement.

If Warwick's mobile phone market share is eaten, then he may surpass Sanxing and become the first.

Rebs laughed and said nothing.

If Warwick falls, who can become the first, it is difficult to say.

"However, I heard from my side that Meizhu may have to follow up." Liang Bowen finally mentioned a word, and then hung up the phone.

Meizhu Huangyang?

It's just a jumping beam clown.

In recent years, there has been daily bombardment in the forum, but what is the use?

The decline in sales is a fact.


but in any case, 2012, full of controversy and discussion, has finally passed.

At the beginning of the Lunar New Year, Jiang Chengcheng had a hunch that this year would be another very busy year.

He has to prepare for the arrival of 4G.

It's a huge vent.

Rebs once said that standing on the vent, even pigs can fly.

Jiang Cheng has a more distant insight, he will not be this pig, but to build a spaceship that soars into the sky.

Jiang Cheng's plan is: strive to complete 1-2 projects academically and achieve the goal of direct Bo; On the commercial side, it is necessary to start the research and development and manufacturing of CPU chips, RF chips, baseband chips, and if possible, insert them into the mobile phone industry.

The realization of these plans is fraught with difficulties.

Of course, the hardest and hardest thing is money.

The source of the money, by the end of the year, by selling bitcoin can solve part of the funds, but it is absolutely impossible to settle it forever.

Secondly, there is the scientific research results and transformation.

Although Jiang Cheng knows the general direction of scientific and technological development, it does not mean that he knows the technology of every project, and can even be involved.

After all, his energy is limited, and he still needs more and more talent.

Some simple, such as the "Entertainment" game, only need Jiang Cheng's creativity and guidance direction, but some core technologies, Jiang Cheng must grasp in his hands.

After the initial plan, Jiang Cheng began the New Year's greeting operation.

It's just that this New Year's greeting also added Yu Xuemin's family.

I always want to return it every year.

Who let the arch people make cabbage?


During the New Year, milk tea shops became very popular.

Many people who have returned from college and returned from part-time work have sat down in milk tea shops, connected with feelings, played cards, and nagged.

Genki Little Monkey 2nd floor.

In the third year of junior high school, Jiang Cheng, Yu Xinran, and Qin Jin ran to the milk tea shop and sat down for a while.

Usually, Jiang Cheng is also very busy, and the two of them have a short time to return from winter and summer vacations, and they have rarely met Qin Jin.

"Orange, have you both seen your parents?" Qin Jin felt that the world had become a little fast, and he didn't keep up with his running.

Jiang Cheng raised his hand and handed the warm milk tea he sent to Yu Xinran.

"What are you talking about?" Jiang Cheng gave him a blank look, "Do you want to do 2 questions again?" "

Don't," Qin Jin hurriedly covered his mouth and said no more questions.

Yu Xinran said positively, "Qin Jin, what is the situation between yourself and Luo Chen?" I can tell you, if you don't plan to do that, don't get too close to her.

"I didn't have anything to do with her!" Qin Jin pouted, his eyes a little wandering.

"I also said no, she didn't come back all night for a few days on the weekend, and then asked to go to the Internet café with you." Yu Xinran took out the momentum of the squad leader at this time.

Qin Jin hooked his head and quipped, "We're just going to the Internet café to play games."

Jiang Cheng frowned, "Mirror, why did you start playing games again?"

"We're just playing League of Legends or something."

"Last time, it seemed that something was wrong between the two of you, what happened?" Jiang Cheng asked with a straight face.

The two had been at the same table for three years, and Qin Jin knew what novel he was reading, and Jiang Cheng was also a little angry at this time.

Zhang Luochen's character is obviously the character of the little witch, and you can know it by looking at the style of writing articles.

Wasn't Qin Jin eaten to death by her?

Qin Jin wiped his forehead with his hand, a little difficult to speak, held back for a long time, then said, "I, I just changed some of the psychological description of the action in the book for her..."

"Also, it's okay, it's not written explicitly."

Jiang Cheng snorted lightly, "I didn't expect you to have this ability."

"Oh, that's why she grabbed me and asked me to play games with her or something." Qin Jin swallowed, "I haven't written anymore, I promise to learn programming wholeheartedly next semester."

Yu Xinran was a little speechless, no wonder Zhang Luochen's book was a little embarrassed to read himself, but he really didn't expect these color sentence descriptions to come from Qin Jin.

What a genius.

"Luo Chen's heart is not bad, but he just feels that he has not grown up and his heart is undecided, why are you provoking her?" Yu Xinran shook his head.

Jiang Cheng was also ready to educate him a few words, but at this moment, Qin Jin's phone rang, so he closed his mouth and drank milk tea with Yu Xinran.

“...... Woo, Qin Jin, you big bastard..."

faintly heard Zhang Luochen's crying voice.

The next moment, Jiang Cheng saw that Qin Jin's face was full of shock and confusion.

Then, Qin Jin's mobile phone fell down and landed on the table.

"What's going on?!" Jiang Cheng saw that something was wrong and asked busily.

"She, she said, she's pregnant..."

Godless eyes, and the big already stupid face, were so frozen, they didn't know what to do.

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